Chapter 53

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I sighed as soon as I saw all the lights on, since I took the long way home it took me an hour and a half to get home

I got out and grabbed my bag, I locked the car and made my way inside. I saw everybody along with the girls in the living room, talking with worried face, I saw Jake pacing around and Austin sitting down with his face in his hands.

I closed the door causing everybody to look at me with relieved faces, I remained with an emotionless expression.

Jake came up to me, pulling me into a hug "I was so worried about you" He said sighing in relief "I'm sorry, I wasn't feeling well" I lied causing him to pull back and grab my shoulders making me wince in pain, Aaron made sure to leave some bruises on my neck and shoulders.

"What's wrong?" He said worriedly once he saw me wince in pain trying to move my shirt a bit to check on my shoulders but I quickly moved his hands away "Nothing" I said "your neck" he said moving my neck to the side but I stepped back "it's nothing, please drop it" I sighed

I looked at Austin and saw the anger in his eyes when he saw my neck. Great, he's probably gonna think I cheated on him. I mentally rolled my eyes and looked back at Jake

"I'll explain later, I'm gonna go to bed" I said getting in the elevator and made my way up to my room


I closed the door to my room and made my way towards the closet, I took off my shirt and saw the bruises on my shoulders, I sat down on the ground and looked at myself in the mirrior.

I was scared and still am.

I was scared that he would've done something if I didn't react quickly, I was scared that he went to the school to take me to Kyle, I'm scared that I'll lose Jake if I don't go with Kyle, I'm scared of loosing everyone I love, I'm scared of being alone and I'm scared of falling in love all over again.

I can't stand a chance if I fall in love with Austin ending up getting hurt or killed. I don't want to relive that pain again. I won't.

I'm broken.

I don't want to be like this, I don't want to feel like this. But every time something good happens, there's always something bad. It's an never ending cycle. I'm tired of the same shit happening again and again.

I closed my eyes letting a tear slide down my cheek

I breathed in and opened my eyes, I looked at myself one last time before getting up and change in to an oversized sweater that stops mid thigh to cover my bruises and some spandex

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I breathed in and opened my eyes, I looked at myself one last time before getting up and change in to an oversized sweater that stops mid thigh to cover my bruises and some spandex

Bad Girl And Her Bad Boy - Austin Mahone FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now