Chapter 59

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I stayed in my room last night to avoid everyone, Jason came to check up on me and brought me food.

I woke up and showered, did my makeup and curled my hair.

I put on a white crop Cami shirt and black ripped high waisted shorts, I put on my white vans. I sprayed body spray on myself and my jersey before going down stairs

Jeff called me last night that he was coming this morning to check on my arm, I took the elevator down to the basement but was stopped on the 4th floor; Austins floor.

I was silentlty praying to god that it wasn't him getting on the elevator but luck wasn't on my side when he stepped inside with his hoe

I silently sighed, Austin glared at me before looking at me from head to toe but stopped at my shoulders, I looked at my shoulders and quickly panicked, my bruises were visible to his eyes

I quickly covered my shoulders with my hair and cleared my throat "Who are you?" His hoe asked, I looked at her with a raised eyebrow "I'm not asking who you are, am I?" I asked calmly making Austin look at me with narrowed eyes

She shook her head no "okay, then don't ask who am I and worry about yourself" I said with a sarcastic smile "you don't have to be a bitch" I heard her mumble making me look at her dead in the eyes "what was that?" I asked harshly

Just in time the elevator doors opened "It was nice meeting you" I said sarcastically

They stepped out and the doors closed, I sighed and leaned against the wall

The doors opened again and I stepped out and walked towards the hospital room. I opened the door and saw Ava, Jake and Jason there with Jeff "Morning" I said closing and locking the door "Good morning" they all said

"Let's check on your arm and then you can go to school" Jeff said gesturing for me to sit on the bed and take off the arm sling

He started putting pressure between my collarbone and shoulder "does it hurt?" Jeff asked "No" I said "Move your arm around in a circle" He said, I did what he said "do you feel any pain?" He asked confused

I shook my head, he took out the things for an x ray and looked at the screen "looks like your good as new" he said surprised "What!?" Ava and I yelled in excitement "you're good to perform today" he said smiling

I smiled really big and attacked him in a hug "but you have to take it easy" he said chuckling "I promise" I said letting go

Before attacking Jason, Jake and Ava in a hug "I know you're excited but you have to go to school" Jake said laughing

I let go and grabbed Ava arm "Let's go" I said dragging her out the room "Thanks Jeff" I yelled


Once we got to school, I put my jersey on before getting out the car with Ava, we grabbed our bags and ran to the building

We went in and spotted the girls by our lockers talking "Dude!" Ava yelled causing the girls and everyone else to turn their heads our direction, we all ran down to Jojo's office

We saw Jojo talking with the football coach, coach Trevor "Jojo" we called, she looked at us and smiled excitedly "Are you able to perform!?" She asked looking at my left arm "Yes!" I squealed with the girls, she clapped "okay, meet in the gym for the prep rally" Jojo said

I nodded and turned around to leave but Coach Trevor stopped me "Nicole?" He called "yes coach" I responded "I know it's gonna be hard and a lot to ask but will you wear Isaacs Jersey on his honor?" Coach Trevor asked

I nodded "it would be an honor to wear it" I said with tears building up in my eyes

He gave me Isaacs jersey "You're strong, kid" he said making me smile

I nodded and thanked him before the girls and I left to the girls bathroom and changed my jersey to Isaacs

When we got to class everyone was staring at me "You're wearing his jersey" Andrew said smiling "Coach Trevor asked me to wear it on his honor" I smiled looking down at his jersey "it still smells like him" I said with tears in my eyes

He smiled and walked in class with me following, I looked to the back of the room and saw Austin with a new hoe, flirting.

He turned his head towards my direction and stared at me from head to toe but stopped to look at the jersey, he clenched his jaw.

I sat down and ignored his stare from the back of my head


Lunch came around, the girls and I changed into our performance attire, which is a royal blue crop top jersey, black spandex, black with three white strips socks that stop a little over my knee and black and white high top converse.

We were in the gym getting ready to perform, the whole school were sitting on the bleachers. The girls and I were stretching on the side of the court

Coach Trevor was naming all the football player "Ready?" Ava asked

I nodded and we made our way to the middle of the court and got in position "Please welcome back the Miami High dance team!!!!" Andrew yelled in the microphone, everyone cheered

Andrew quickly walked off the court and the music started, there's now 20 of us, half are in the front and half are in the back, in a line.

Tiana was in the middle of us and did a car wheel before we started the routine.

Ava, Lauren and I did car wheels and the rest danced before we joined them

Once we finished, we all bowed and ran off the court "I'm gonna go to the bathroom" I told Ava and the girls, they nodded and sat down on the bleachers next to the football players to watch the rest of the prep rally

I walked to the bathroom and quickly did my buisness. I washed my hands before I made my way out of the bathroom and towards the gym.

I walked passed a Janitor closet when I was suddenly grabbed by arm and pulled in the closet, I immediately grabbed the persons arm and twisted their wrist behind their back and I pushed them to the wall

I turned on the light and saw Austin, groaning "what's your problem?" I said letting go of his arm "Take off your shirt" he said sternly making me look at him in amusement "you lost that chance" I said turning around to leave

He grabbed my shoulder making me wince, I quickly slapped his hand off "don't touch me" I spat, galring at him "Take off your fucking shirt!" He said harshly "No!" I yelled

He grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it off "What's your fucking problem!?" I yelled pushing him away, he moved my hair off my shoulders and looked at them "who did this to you?" He asked softly "Don't worry about it!" I snapped and yanked my shirt out of his hands before putting it on "You're my girlfriend! Of course I would be worried!" He yelled

I looked at him and laughed "You broke up with me remember" I said laughing "I'm not your girlfriend" I opened the door to the closet "And I don't ever want to be" I said walking out "Baby please" he plead, I shook my head and slammed the door and made my way to the gym



Bad Girl And Her Bad Boy - Austin Mahone FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now