Chapter 36

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Once we got home, we grabbed all our bags from the trunk and went inside the house to see all the guys except Austin, Alex and Josh "we're home" I said and we; Me Jason, Shane and Ava got in the elevator and went to our rooms to leave our bags, I decide to organize and put everything away except Jakes birthday presents, I put those in my underwear drawer, after everthing was put away, I put all the bags in the biggest and neatly put those there before throwing it away

I left my room at the same time Ava left hers "I'm hungry and tired" Ava said and I nodded as we got in the elevator and went down to the first floor, as soon as we stepped out Jake, Scott, Colton, Josh, Austin and Alex came in through the front door "that was quick" I said " well you left us the light work" Jake smiled "I got a headshot" I cheered excitedly making Jake, Scott and Colton laugh

"What did you do to them?" I asked him "Austin and Alex cleaned up the dead bodies and put them in body bags, they're in the back of the white truck, he's gonna go dumped them at the lake by Kyles house" Jake said

I nodded and made my way towards the kitchen to start dinner "what you get at the mall?" He asked following me to the kitchen "clothes, shoes, make up, lotions and perfumes" I said as I opened the refrigerator "what you get me?" He asked trying to get me to spill the beans "nothing" I lied

I'm planning to forget his birthday but really I'm gonna throw him a surprise birthday party when he goes out to the cemetery to visit my parents

"Do you know what's in four days?" He asked smirking "Friday" I said confused, by my answer I saw his smile drop "oh well, I'm gonna go to the living room" he said awkwardly before making his way out

"AVA!" I yelled out her name "WHAT!?" She yelled from the living room "PLEASE HELP ME!" I yelled starting to take out the stuff I'll need to make dinner

"What are you planning to make?" She asked when she entered the kitchen "Meatloaf with mash potatoes, white rice and asparagus" I said as she nodded "easy, I'll make the mash potatoes and white rice" she said said as I started taking out the pot to fill it up with water and put it on the stove "okay, I'll do the meatloaf and asparagus"

We started playing music while we made dinner

We started playing music while we made dinner

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(The kitchen)

After three hours, we were finally finished "DINNERS READY!" I yelled, I heard footsteps running towards the kitchen "SHE MADE MEATLOAF!!!" Stiles yelled excitedly making me jump "I love you" he said squeezing me into a hug "Stiles" I said "yeah" he said still hugging me "you have five seconds to let me go" I threatened making him let go of me instantly, everyone chuckled

I got my plate and sat down at table, along with Ava, then the guys came and sat down with their plate, we did a little prayer before eating "Thanks girls for dinner, its delicious" the guys said "no problem, just was the dishes" I smiled

After dinner, Ava and I went to the living room and started watching Teen Wolf. It is currently 10 pm and all the guys finished cleaning up and are now in the living room watching movies "I'll be back later" Austin said getting up from the couch "where you going?" Alex asked who was sitting next to Ava with his arm around her, What The Fuck!?

She turned my direction and blushed when she saw I was looking at Alex arm around her "To dump the bodies" Austin said catching my attention "alone?" I asked, he turned my direction and hesitate a nod "I'll go with you" I said standing up "okay, let's go" he said walking towards the front "be back later" I said

Jake grabbed my arm "be careful" he said and kissed my forehead, I looked at Jason and he was smirking at me "Have fun with your best friend" he said earning the finger. Like I said, even thought we have our fun with each other, he will always be best friends, no strings attached.

I walked out the house and to the white truck that Austin is patiently waiting, I got in the passenger seat and looked back "how many of them are there?" I asked Austin

"There's about 7 dead bodies" he said making me look at him "there was 10 of them, what happen to the other 3?" I asked making him roll his eyes "Can you shut up!? Just because you're helping me out doesn't mean were gonna be friends" He snapped making me look at him before turning to look out the window for the rest of the ride

You may be asking 'why haven't she gone crazy on him and killed him?', well I'm having a good day and I'm not gonna let him ruin it. I'm also tired of always arguing with him for no reason, I rather save my energy than argue with someone irrelevant

"Turn right" I told him making him glance at me "why? The lake is this way" he said pointing down the street we are going "yea, higher chance we might get caught and that side of the lake isn't even deep" I said

He sighed and turned right "and from here?" He asked "just keep going straight until you see gates" I said looking out the window "how do you know all this?" He asked making me chuckle "I dumped a body before" I said causing him to look at me in surprise "whats with the look?" I asked making him clear his throat "whose body?" He asked "Kyles girlfriend" I said it like its nothing

He pressed on the brakes "you killed Kyles girlfriend!?" He yelled making me look at him in surprise "I did, what's the problem?" I asked making him look at me "that's the reason why Kyle keeps coming at us with his shit" he snapped making me look at him and raised my eyebrows at him "that's not the only reason" I said looking away from him and put my focus on the trees that were swaying around by the fresh breeze "then what does he want?" Austin asked making me look at him

"Me" I said


"She's getting closer to finding out the truth and when she does she's gonna hate us forever" I told him

"What do you mean, she's getting closer to finding out the truth!? Did you tell her!?" He yelled "no" I said

"If she finds out, she gonna kill not only them but us two" he said pointing at the both of us "we have to get her distracted" he said "I got it all covered" I said before leaving his office without another word



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