Chapter 31

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Once we got home, everyone went to the living room while I head up to my room. When I reached my room, I quickly locked the door and went to my closet to get the stuff I'll need, I changed out of my outfit and put on a black halter top with black comfortable ripped skinny jeans, black timberlands, black hoodie and bomber jacket

I grabbed my phone and saw a text message from Ava

Ava: where are you?

Nicole: I found an address in Isaacs wallet and I'm gonna go check it out

Ava: I'll come with you

Nicole: okay, go all black. When you're done meet me in my room

Ava: okay

I connect my phone to my charger and went to the bathroom, I put my hair in a half up half down bun. I quickly peed and washed my hands before leaving the bathroom to my room to pack what I need

I grabbed my black backpack and put in a taser, two guns, extra amo, pocket knife and gum, I sprayed some body spray and connected to the cameras inside the house on phone to check where everyone is

They were either in the kitchen or the living room. Once there was a knock on the door, I grabbed my backpack and turned off the lights, I opened the door to see Ava in all black

"Lets go" I said "so how are we gonna leave the house without getting caught?" She asked "We're going to jump out of the window on the 2nd floor" I opened the door to the stairs "How did you get his wallet if the cops have it?" Ava asked "I might've snook in the police station and grabbed the file of his investigation" I said "WHAT!?" Ava yelled, I quickly slapped my hand on her mouth "you're gonna get us caught" I snapped

I pulled my hand away and quickly opened the door to the second and ran down the hall where the window is, I quickly opened it "hurry" I told Ava

She quickly climbed down by holding the vines "who's up there?" I heard Scott yelled from the first floor "shit!" I quickly closed the window before climbing down the vines "run" I whispered yelled to Ava

We quickly ran towards my black matte range rover and got in, I looked outside the window and saw Scott opening the window, looking around. Once he didn't see anything, he closed it and left "that was close" Ava said

I gave her a glare before turning on the car, I put my backpack on the backseat and pressed the button for the gates to open, I quickly drove out of the driveway and down the street "Here put the address on the gps" I handed the paper with the address to Ava "You guys actually thought you'll get away without getting caught" Ava and I both jumped when we heard someone in the backseat making me swerve, Ava and I quickly stepped on the brake and looked back only to see Shane

I gave her a glare before turning on the car, I put my backpack on the backseat and pressed the button for the gates to open, I quickly drove out of the driveway and down the street "Here put the address on the gps" I handed the paper with the add...

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(Douglas Booth as Shane)

"How the fuck!?" I yelled "How did you know we were sneaking out?" I squinted my eyes at him "I was walking by Avas to go yours when I heard the conversation about you guys going out" I looked at Ava "I'm sorry" she said, I shook my head and grabbed my phone and called Jason

"Who you calling?" They asked, I put my phone to my lips telling them to be quiet

Jason: hello

Nicole: where are you?

Jason: in the living room, why?

Nicole: is everyone there?

Jason: yea, whats with all the questions?

I heard someone on the other side of the phone ask who it is

Nicole: okay I need you to leave them and say that you have to take care of business with me

'Where are you going?' I heard someone ask from the other side of the phone 'to take care of business with Nikki' Jason replied 'use protection' I heard someone yell

Jason: where are you?

Nicole: shut up they might hear you!

Jason: I'm in the elevator

Nicole: I got an address from Isaac wallet and I think its the gang that killed him

Jason: Are you crazy!? Why would you go alone!?

Nicole: I'm not, Ava and Shane are with me

Jason: why didn't you ask me!?

Nicole: I was planning on going alone but Ava caught me leaving and Shane was hiding in the backseat

Jason: (sighs) do you have everything you need?

Nicole: yea

Jason: be careful and you owe me big time

Nicole: always am. Just go up to my room and wait till I come back and pay you back

I smirked making Shane and Ava groan "can you guys not have phone sex?" Shane said with a disgusted look on his face making Jason and I laugh

Jason: don't keep me waiting to long

Nicole: oh I won't

I hanged up on the call and continued driving "you guys are disgusting" Shane said "shut up" I said and pressed on the gas pedal



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