Chapter 34

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It was 7 in the morning when we finished six rounds. At 12 in the afternoon, I woke up to see Jason still sleeping, I got up and head towards the bathroom to brush my teeth and shower

While I washing my hair I felt cold hands wrap around my waist and felt light kisses being place on my neck and shoulder "are you asking for another round?" I asked him, I turned to look at him with a smirk on his face

He picked me up and slammed me against the cold wall before slamming is dick in me "Jason" I yelled

After that we decide to shower our selves before getting out and make our way towards my closet "Did you find anything last night?" Jason asked as he put on fresh boxers, I have a drawer of his clothes in my closet

"We found files and two pictures of the gang but the weird thing is that five of them had mask on and the rest have their name except those five" I said putting on a thong and matching bra, I grabbed a pair of high waisted shirts, white crop top a...

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"We found files and two pictures of the gang but the weird thing is that five of them had mask on and the rest have their name except those five" I said putting on a thong and matching bra, I grabbed a pair of high waisted shirts, white crop top and a plaid.

I put my favorite lotion from Victoria Secret and deodorant before putting on my clothes

"White Air Force or Air Max?" I asked  showing him the different pair of shoe "Air Max" he said, I put on white short cut socks before sitting on the chair I have in my closet, to put on my shoes "do you have the pictures?" I nodded and looked at ...

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"White Air Force or Air Max?" I asked showing him the different pair of shoe "Air Max" he said, I put on white short cut socks before sitting on the chair I have in my closet, to put on my shoes "do you have the pictures?" I nodded and looked at Jason who was fully dressed in typical all black

I moved all the clothes to the side and unlocked the safe before getting my bag that I took yesterday and took out the two pictures and gave it to him "that's weird" he said "I know, thats what we said when we found them" I said, he gave them back...

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I moved all the clothes to the side and unlocked the safe before getting my bag that I took yesterday and took out the two pictures and gave it to him "that's weird" he said "I know, thats what we said when we found them" I said, he gave them back and I put everything back inside the safe and locked it and put my clothes back

"Let's not mention it to anyone, okay? We; Ava, Shane, you and I are the only ones that know" I said walking back to the bathroom to do my make up and hair, I put on foundation, concealer, eyebrows, mascara, and eyeliner, I applied chapstick, before spraying setting spray, I combed my hair and left it to air dry, I sprayed body spray all over me before walking out the bathroom "Let's go, I'm hungry" I said

Jason finished replacing the dirty cover into clean fresh ones "thank you" I said giving him a kiss on the lips "no problem" he said opening the door to my room to exit out and turned off the lights "After we eat, we have to go to the mall and buy new clothes" I said making Jason scoff "you have plenty of clothes" "plenty is never enough" I said as we got on the elevator "and I need a pair of huaraches" I said

Jason looked at me and chuckled "I want a pair too" he said making me shake my head "but you have plenty of shoes" I said making him glare at me "plenty is never enough" he smirked "shut up" I said and got off the elevator once it stopped on the first floor

We made our way to the dining room where we heard multiple of voice "morning" I said as Jason and I entered the dining room, everybody was seated eating waffles, eggs, bacon, hash brown, fruit and sausage

There were two empty seats between Shane and Stiles "morning" I heard around the table "long night?" Jake asked making everyone around the table quiet down "it was a really long night" I said smirking along with Jason "you guys are disgusting" Ava said making me look at her from across the table with a straight face, everyone stayed quiet waiting for my response

It was quiet for a minute until Shane did an unattractive snort making me and burst laughing "fuck you guys" Ava said glaring at us "okay okay" I said trying to calm down "its not funny anymore Shane" I said trying to keep a serious face until I saw Austin and Taylor, I burst out laughing

I tapped Jason and Shane arms and nodded at Austin direction where he was sitting next to Taylor. Austin still has orange foundation on his face, they both burst out laughing along with everyone in the table "dude, why is your face orange?" Robert asked laughing, Austin only glared him and left the kitchen with Taylor behind him

"Okay, I'm really hungry" I said as I got two waffles, 4 pieces of bacon and scrabble eggs "what are you doing today?" Jake asked me "I'm going to the mall with Jase and Ava" I said taking a bite of a piece of bacon "I never agreed to going to the mall" Ava said sassily "okay then don't fucking complain next time I go without you" I said continue to eat, Jason served us both a glass of orange juice and gave me my pills from under the table "thanks" I said as I take a sip "I don't want to go anyways" she argued "fine" I said knowing she'll end up going

We all continue to eat in silence, after finishing I went in the kitchen and put my plate in the sink, I look around the kitchen to see if anyone was around before putting the pill in my mouth and washing it down with orange juice, I quickly went up the elevator and to my room to get my keys and my bag, I went into my bathroom and grabbed my ChapStick before leaving and locking my closet with the pad lock, I grabbed mine and Jason's phone and wallet before locking the door to my room and going back downstairs

"Ready?" I asked Jason, who was waiting in the foyer "yeah, let's go" he said

I gave him his phone and wallet "anyone wanna go?" I yelled "No" I heard all the guys "bye" I yelled out and walked out the door with Jason, standing by the car was Ava with her arm crossed and Shane who was trying so hard not to laugh, I shook my head and chuckled

I smirked at Ava who was glaring at me "fuck off" she said before she got in the backseat with Shane, I gave Jason the keys since he's driving, I got in the passenger seat, I connected my phone to the charger, Jason turned on the engine and drove out the gates


Boring chapter but its a chapter


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