Chapter 40

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"Diego" I squealed jumping out of seat and hugged him

"How have you been?" He asked when I pulled away from the hug "I've been good, how have you been? Novio?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows

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"How have you been?" He asked when I pulled away from the hug "I've been good, how have you been? Novio?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows

Diego is my gay best friend and hair dresser "I'm actually here with him and we were just leaving but I saw you and I had to come over and say hi to my mamacita" he said making me tear up "I missed you so so much boo" I said hugging him "I missed you too baby" he kissed my head and looked behind me

"Diego this is Austin, Austin this Diego my best friend" I said they both shook hands "Nice meeting you" they both said "well I have to go but you have to visit me at the Salon" he said "Oh my god, I am! I really want to change my hair" I said making him smile "same number?" He asked "yea" I said before we kissed each others cheek before he left

As soon as I sat down, the waiter came with our drinks and bread sticks "your food be ready in 15 minutes" the waiter said "thank you" I said taking a bite of a bread stick

"I hung out with the wrong crowd" Austin said making me look up at him with confusion "What?" I asked "why I joined this life style" he said I nodded for him to continue "I would always get in trouble in school for hanging out with the wrong crowd, I got expelled several times, I had to go to different schools to the point I had to been to every school in my hometown" he said making me look at him in confusion "I'm from Texas" he said when he noticed my confusion "Also is Alex, Zach and Robert" he said

"Wait, so all you guys came from Texas?" He nodded "we left Texas and came here because a friend wanted us to join his gang" he said making me nod "how long have you been in this life style?" I asked "three years" he said right as our food came, 'that was quick' I thought.

We ate while having small conversations "are you ready for school?" He asked making me look at him "not really" I said

The waiter came, walking by "Can we please get the check?" I asked the waiter "I'll be right back" he said going to get the check "Here you go" he said handing me the check

I grabbed it and took out my credit card but the check was ripped out my hands, making me look at Austin "here you go" he said giving the waiter the check "I'll be right back" he said going to swipe the card

"I was gonna pay" I said glaring at him "To bad, I'm paying" he said

The waiter came back and gave Austin his card, I left him a 5 dollar tip before getting up and leaving

"Fuck" I said holding my back, yep, my cramps are arriving "What?" He asked looking at me "we need to get home quick" I said getting in the car and driving home

Bad Girl And Her Bad Boy - Austin Mahone FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now