Chapter 80

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I woke up to someone shaking me, I quickly sat up "It's just me" Austin said sitting up as well, I laid back down "What time is it?" I asked him since he has my phone "3:30" He said hovering over me

"You took a long nap" he said getting up "Come on" he said

I looked at him confused "Where?" I asked getting up the bed and to the bathroom to put make up on "I wanna go somewhere" he said sitting on the covered toilet seat

I can tell he is still pissed about earlier but I just ignored it.

I took all my makeup out started to do my makeup "Why put makeup when its raining outside?" Austin asked confused "Why have sex when you have a hand?" I said blending in foundation and concealer before applying setting powder "Because I want to" he said looking at me stupidly "exact my point" I said doing my eyebrows, eyeliner, highlight and mascara.

I quickly straighten my hair having small conversations with Austin, I sprayed setting spray and put a rose nude matte liquid lipstick before walking out the bathroom and going to my the closet to change outfits.

I quickly straighten my hair having small conversations with Austin, I sprayed setting spray and put a rose nude matte liquid lipstick before walking out the bathroom and going to my the closet to change outfits

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"Let's go" I said walking out the closet and grabbing my purse "Did you feed Simba and Teddy? Did you take them out for a bit?" I asked him spraying perfume before walking out my room

"Yes and yes" he said making me smile at him

We went downstairs "We'll be back" Austin yelled

We walked to the garage not waiting for a response, we got in his charger before he drove out the garage and sped down the street

"Heres your phone" he said handing me my phone, I quickly snatched out of his hands and turned it on, only to find it dead

I groaned "Were you using my phone?" I asked, I don't have a problem with him going through my phone or using it and he knows that, just as long as he doesn't kill the battery "Sorry" he said with attitude, I rolled my eyes and connected my phone to my portable charger that I always have in my purse.

The whole ride was in complete awkward silence and I hate it.


Austin parked the car, I was not paying much attention on where we are because I was ranting to the girls on group chat "Let's go" Austin said getting out the car and coming over my side, opening the door.

I unbuckled the seatbelt and grabbed my stuff before getting out "Thanks" I mumbled

My phone was buzzing like crazy from the girls "Who you texting?" Austin asked walking next to me not grabbing my hand, his attitude needs to go before I pick one up real quick "The girls" I said opening the message to see Lauren had sent us nudes that guys send her and the girls were rating them.

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