Chapter 48

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I stopped by the floral store and grabbed a bouquet of white roses before I drove to the cemetery "I'll wait here" Ava said with a small smile "thank you" I smiled getting the roses from her lap "I'll be quick, I promise" I said "we still have 30 minutes before school starts, take your time" she said

I nodded and left the car, I walked up the small hill and stopped in front of his headstone "Hi baby" I whispered getting on my knees, putting the rose in the hole and put water from the water bottle I brought with me

"I came back" I said, my voice cracking "I came back to get those fuckers who killed you" I said "If it weren't for them we'll be starting our senior year together like we planned, you'll be getting ready for football season, you'll be complaining about how Andrew is so annoying" I giggled at the memory of him getting mad at Andrew for being so annoying "you'll be getting your football scholarship from USC" I remembered him saying that he wanted us to move to California and start our lives there "we would've had our baby" I said tears rolling down my cheeks

"I was gonna tell you that night" I said "But before I knew it, you were in my arms, dead." I said sobbing a little "I promise I'll visit more often"

I wiped my tears and calm down "I love you and miss you" I said kissing his headstone "Take care of our baby" I said before leaving

I got in the car "you good?" Ava asked "yea" I smiled before putting eye drops for my red eyes and grabbed my purse, fixed my make up and covered my puffy eyes with concealer

"Okay, now I'm good" I said turning on the car and driving out the cemetery

Once we got to the school parking lot, everyone was staring at my car trying to figure out who was inside, I parked a couple cars away from Austin. Ava and I both took a deep breath "we can do this" I said before we opened the doors and stepped out "the guys are waiting inside" she said, I nodded

Some students looked at us in shock and some in confusion, I locked the car and we made our way to the building, one of the guys from the football team was staring us in shock, I gave him a small smile

We both entered the building and saw everyone greeting their friends or running to class. The door of the build closed loudly making all their heads turn our direction, some of them had shocked faces and some confused

I saw Austin and the guys standing outside of the office and down the hall from them was Andrew with the football team and our friends. They all looked at us in shock except Andrew who was smiling at us

"Nicole? Ava?" I heard Valerie and Lauren in shock

They walked up to us "Val" "Lauren" Ava and I said in the same time, we were just staring at each other before they brought us into a hug "we missed you guys" Val said hugging me "we missed you guys too" I said hugging her back, we pulled back and hugged Lauren "ooo girl, that booty Poppin" she said giving it a small smack, I laughed and pulled back and looked at the twins

"Are you just gonna stand there?" They said, I smiled and brought them into a hug "I missed you guys" I said smelling their cologne, What? They smell good.

I pulled back and looked at the football team "Meatheads" I smirked crossing my arms "Its good to have you back" Andrew laughed along with the rest bringing me into a hug "it's good to be back" I smiled and I hugged the rest of the team

"Ava?" Andrew said surprised looking at how Ava changed over the past year "Hi Andrew" she smiled giving him a friendly hug, they pulled back and smiled

"Nicole" I heard Austin say behind me. I totally forgot about him, my friends look at me with wide eyes, looking at me and Austin who is behind "I'll explain later" I told them quietly, they nodded and went to class

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