Chapter 56

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The next morning I woke up before everyone. I had a major headache and got up to shower.

I changed into an all beige outfit, matching my yeezys

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I changed into an all beige outfit, matching my yeezys. I did my make up and my hair. I groaned, remembering that I have to stay after school for dance try outs. My school doesn't have a cheer squad, I don't know why but thank god we don't, I find them to preppy and annoying.

I grabbed my bag and left my room. I went to the kitchen and grabbed two cold water bottles. I left before anyone woke up. I send a quick text to Jacob that I left so he won't go crazy and think I didn't come home.

I drove out of the gate and went to McDonalds to get an bacon, egg and cheese biscuit, three hash brown and a large Orange juice.

I ate in the parking lot and throwed away the trash in the near by trash bag and waited until I had to leave for school.

I arrived at the school parking lot at 7:50, I parked and took out the Advil AM pills and drank two with water. I sprayed body spray and handitize my hands.

I got out and made my way towards my locker, I grabbed my English book. I closed my locker and saw Austin standing in his locker down the hall, glaring at me.

I gave him a nasty ass look before turning around, going to class

"How was last night?" Ava asked sitting next to Val and Lauren, I sat next to her, I smirked at her "I got dick, what do you think?" I said causing them to laugh

I looked ahead and saw Austin passing by, glaring at me. I rolled my eyes and paid attention to Mr. Wells


It was now after school, the girls and I were sitting behind the table with papers with the girls names who are trying out, there were about 20 girls but we are only getting 10 of them. Most of the girls that were in the dance team are trying out again. I had my ray bans on since the lights were to bright and it didn't help with my headache

Which caused the girls to talk shit.

The girls who are trying out are stretching.

I stood up from my chair "Okay, it's nice and simple" I said "Val, Lauren and I are gonna show you the routine and Melissa, Lauren, Tiana and Ava are gonna be doing it step by step" I said putting my jacket on the chair

All the girls sat down on the bleachers and watched us. The principal made sure to set up big mirrors on the gym walls for now since we can't use the dance room

Ava played 'All Hands On Deck' by Tinashe, we started doing the routine. My shoulders hurt every time I'll move my arms because they're still bruised.

Once we were done Val and I sat down "I still can't believe they had the nerve to try out" Val said angrily "they're probably not as good as they used to be" I said shrugging

"Can we watch?" Andrew said walking into the gym along with the guys, including Austin.

I rolled my eyes along with the girls "just sit down and don't distract them" I said

The girls were giggling and twirling their hair, staring at the guys "Pay attention!" I yelled causing them to stop

I rolled my eyes when Austin pulled up a chair behind me and sat down

"Where's Jeremiah?" I asked the girls, they all shrugged "Someone please call him" I said I was slightly still hungover and would much rather be home then to be here

"I'm here!" Jeremiah yelled making a big ass entrance, I rolled my eyes "Just get your gay ass on the chair" I said pointing to the seat next to me, Jeremiah just came to make sure we choose the right ones and to talk shit to all the girls who quit

"Hey babes" He said kissing my cheek and bringing me into a hug "Hi" I mumbled putting my head on his shoulder "What's wrong?" He asked "Don't go clubbing when you have school the next day" I said causing him to laugh "You went pretty hard" he said "Yea, thats what happens when you go clubbing with Diego" I groaned

The girls started to teach the routine "Fucking bitches have the nerve" Jeremiah said "I know" Val said agreeing

"I love your outfit" Jeremiah said eyeing my outfit "Thanks" I said smiling "your ass looks so good in leggings" Val said making me laugh "so does yours" I said pinching the outside of her butt making her jump

I laughed. I watched the girls teach them the routine. I felt a sharp pain on my shoulder making me gasp loudly and clutch it "What's wrong?" Val and Jeremiah asked worriedly, everyone stopped and looked at me "N-Nothing" I stuttered before getting up and running towards the locker room

I took off my shirt and looked in the mirror, I gasped. I looked at my now bruised swollen shoulders that got darker "oh my god!" I heard someone gasp behind me

I quickly threw my hands over my chest, even though I have a bra. I looked back and saw the girls with shocked and worry on their faces, I quickly put my shirt on "Nikki, what happened?" Melissa said walking towards me along with the girls "N-Nothing" I stuttered "You didn't see anything" I said "Let's go back and finish this so we can go home" I said rushing out the lockers and back to the gym

Everyone was practicing the routine "Are you okay?" Jeremiah and the guys asked except Austin, who just ignoring the situation and had his focus on the girls practicing

"Yea, I'm just gonna step out and make a call" I gave them a small smile before I stepped out of the hallway and called Jeff

Jeff: Hey Nicole, what's up?

Nicole: How long will it take you to get to the house?

Jeff: 30 minutes, why? Are one of you guys hurt!?

He panicked.

Nicole: Sorta, I just want you to check on something

Jeff: okay, I'll be there in 30

Nicole: okay

I hung up and made my way back inside the gym. The girls were now in the gym "Nicole" Val said worriedly "Please drop it" I said sighing "look I have to go" I said, she looked at me like I'm crazy "YOU CANT LEAVE!" She yelled

By now everybody was looking at us "I'm sorry! I really need to go" I said looking at my shoulder giving her a signal. Once she caught on, her face soften and nodded "I'll make it up to you guys" I said to the girls

I put my jacket on "Where are you going?" Andrew and Jeremiah asked "I have to meet with someone" I said, Austin scoffed and rolled his eyes "she's gonna meet with the guy she fucked last night" Austin said, I rolled my eyes

"Why do you care?" Jeremiah asked sassily "I don't care" Austin said glaring at me "Doesn't seem like it last night when you were waiting for me to get home" I said grabbing my bag and leaving without an other word



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