Chapter 27

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When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I walked to the living room where everyone was sitting down talking "now that the princess is here" Jake said glaring at me, I dramatically flipped my hair and sat next to Ava and Stiles "Can we start this meeting, I have things to do" I calmly said

I threw my legs on Stiles lap "Who are they?" I asked pointing at the two unfamiliar faces, I grabbed the BBQ chips from Stiles, who had it in his hands and started eating them "go get your own" He said about to snatch the chips back, I gave him a warning glare making him put his hands up in surrender "This is Josh and Taylor"

When I looked at this Taylor chick, I saw her looking at me from head to toe in disgust, I knew I won't like her at all. This is the start of a new friendship.

Josh was tall and muscular with brown hair, green eyes, tan skin and an amazing body and Taylor, she's your typical slut; blonde hair, clothes that can barely cover her un existed boobs or ass and her makeup look like a coloring book; that a 5 year old colored. Yea, it's that bad. Her face is more orange than a pumpkin, her eyeshadow is darker than the other eye, her eyeliner is either longer that the other or its crook it and really bright neon pink lipstick

If I were to choose between Maddie and Taylor, I would pick Maddie. Her makeup is at least decent looking.

I still can't stand that bitch though.

"Are you wearing foundation or are you really that orange?" I asked moving my head to the side to get a better look

Taylor looked at me with death glare "what?" I looked around the room and saw the guys and Ava trying to hold in their laughs "Are you really that blind or are you just stupid?" Taylor said

What a stupid comeback

"I'm probably am blind since your face is brighter than a pumpkin or maybe is your misplaced lipstick" I said sassily

By now she was fuming

"You sl-" she said but I cut her off "is there a mirror behind me?" I looked behind me only to see Austin "you gonna want to wipe your teeth, you got some lipstick on your fucked up teeth" I said making everyone burst out laughing

"You don't gotta be such a bitch" I heard someone behind me

Turning around, I looked at him "clearly she's your type; slutty, ugly, tits smaller than your dick"

I'm on fire tonight!

Glaring, I turned back around and continued with the meeting "why are they here?" I asked

"They found some information on Kyle and the Kings" Jake said

"How are you so sure we can trust them? They are probably working for Kyle" I crossed my arms

"Kyle killed someone very important to me" Josh said making me look at him and by the look in his eyes, I could tell he was telling the truth

"What about Orange? I don't trust her" I said looking at Taylor

"I don't have to tell you my reason" I rolled my eyes "stupid fucking troll" I mumbled

"Okay, what's up" I said

What a bad way to end a chapter!

Read my other book 'Neighbors' a Cameron Dallas fanfic

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