Chapter 11

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Nicoles POV

After Jason left I changed the covers and threw the dirty covers to the washing machine I have in my room. Ava came minutes later with her make up kite in one hand and the other holding the clothes

"That bitch fucking deserved it" Ava said, laying her clothes on my bed "how dare she disrespect us like that" she said clearly still pissed, I looked at her "chill, after we're done getting ready we'll go down to the kitchen and take shots before we go" I said walking into the bathroom to take my medication

I have anger issues Jake, Ava and Jason are the only ones that know I take them. I have to take medication to keep me me calm and in control so I won't go off on people like I did to that Mandy girl whatever her name is

"What did they do to the trash?" I asked walking back to my room "they called Jeff to come check on her" Jeff is our gangs doctor "bitch deserved it tho, but that Austin kid is pissed" she said "is not my fault he didn't take the bitch out on time before I fucked her up" I said chuckling

"What are you going to wear?" She asked "is on the bed" I said pointing to my outfit on the bed "damn boo! This is hot!" She said looking at my lingering, "mines the same but in pink and black so basically we're gonna be twinzeezs" she squealed, I looked at her and laughed "hurry up and do your hair, we only have an hour to get ready" I said "shit! I still have to curl my hair and do my make up" she said as she ran to the bathroom to do her hair

I decided to straight my hair since is faster and I have more time on my make up, I walked in the bathroom and saw Ava half way done with her hair "Damn, that was quick" I said as I started flat iron my hair which takes 10 to 15 minutes "so do you think that Alex kid is cute?" I asked smirking knowing the answer looking at her through the mirror as she blushed "he so cute, he's actually sweet not like the other three" she said rolling her eyes "I got you" I said smirking at her as I thought of an idea to get them together "don't even dare" she glared at me "I'm not" I said continuing to straight my hair

40 minutes later

"Are you guys almost done!?" Jake knocked on my door "Give us 5 minutes and we'll be down" I said finishing touches on my make up

Ava came out of the bathroom only in her lingering "DAMN! Your boobs look amazing in that" I said as I checked her out in an non lesbian way "GOD DAMN! You look amazing" she compliment me, we're both comfortable walking around in only our bras and underwear that's how we are we don't care walking around in our undergarments or even nude when we are around each other, that's how comfortable we are "Damn, we're hot" she said, as I chucked "Ready?" I asked as I put on my black stilettos and a black robe "yea" she said putting a robe just like mine but in pink "okay, let's do this" I said as we grabbed our gym bags that has extra clothes to change after and contains our guns and knifes

We got in the elevator "Hurry up, you guys take forever to get ready" Jake said through the intercom that we have in the house, I pressed the button to speak "hold your horse, we're here" I said as the elevator dinged and the doors opened, we walked around the corner to meet them up in the living room they were all talking or loading up the guns "FINALLY!" Jake yelled throwing his hands in the air and making all the guys turn their attention to Ava and I with wide eyes "why are they looking at us like that we're both covered" Ava whispered, I looked back at her and smirked "let's play a game" I said as she smirked

"Nikki you have your robe 'inside out'" she said "shoot, help me" I said as I dropped my bag on the floor and untied my rope and took off the robe leaving me in only the lingering. While I 'fixed my robe' I heard a couple of "Damns or fucking shits" after 'fixing my robe', I grabbed my bag and looked at the guys staring at me with wide eyes and some covering their crouches, knowing I did that to them made me smirking Ava and I making sure to sway our hips in a very sexual way walked outside to the three range rovers that we'll be taking we got in the very back "omg, that was fucking hilarious" Ava burst out laughing "did you see their faces" I laughed trying to calm down as I saw them coming out of the house and started piling in the cars. Scott was driving and Shane in the passenger seat and Jason, Austin and Stiles sat in the backseat then there's Ava and I

It was completely quiet, I couldn't hold it in anymore so I burst out laughing making Ava burst out laughing, Jason and Austin turned their heads glaring at us "you're getting it later" Jason said smirking "oh really" I said getting closer to his face, tempting him "just watch" he turning his head to look out the window "oh and Austin next time if you bring that trash back to my house nobody will stop me from putting a bullet to her head" I whispered in his ear and bit his earlobe making him groan

After say those few words to Austin, Scott started driving following Jake who was in the first car with some of the guys and Colton in the one behind us. It got really quiet "Shane is to damn quiet turn the radio on" I said as I grabbed my bag "okay" he said turning the radio on as soon as he turned it on Love More by Chris Brown started playing on the radio, Ava and I started singing since this is our song, we started to load our guns and placed them in hidden place in our lingering where no one can see, I grabbed my bag looked for my pocket knife "Ava have you seen my pocket knife?" I asked looking at her "yea, I got it" she said handing me my knife "guys put your ear pieces on we're almost there" Jake said through the walkie talkie "roger that" Shane said as he opened the glove department on and got everybody's ear piece and started passing them out, I put the ear piece on my right ear "Okay guys were gonna park in the back, Nicole and Ava I want you girls to get ready and when we get off you guys are gonna go to the back door and knock three times, my friend is gonna open the door for you guys. Now Jason, Austin, Alex, Rob and Zach you guys are gonna enter through the front and I want Jason and Austin to sit at bar, Alex I want you to be on the other side of the room, Rob I want you by the back door ready just incase something happens so we can get out of there quick and Zach I want you to be a few tables away from Ricardo and I want you to see his every move keep an eye on the girls and if you see anything suspicious get the girls out of there" when he finished we made, to the strip club and we all got out "how does this guys look like?" I asked Jake as he took out his phone and showed Ava and I a picture of a sexy as guy with black hair and green eyes "fuck he's hot" I said out loud "Nikki" Jake said with a stern look "sorry" I said putting my hands up in defense

"Okay girls go" Jake said as we took of our robes "be careful" Jake said kissing my forehead "always" I said walking with Ava to the back door "let's do this" I said smirking at Ava as she smirked back, I knocked three times in the door


I finally updated! I've been super busy with school and my Spanish teacher been giving out a lot of homework lately so I've been stressing out and Tuesday and Wednesday I'll be taking an important test that I have to take to graduate high school and I want to pass this year so I don't have to take it on my senior year

Also, I won't be posting an update for two week because I'm going away for spring break for two weeks, I'll be going to Mexico for spring break and it takes two days to get where my parents are from but while I'm on the rode I'll be writing

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Till someday this week......

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