Chapter 64

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Me, the girls and the rest of the dancers were in the locker room getting ready for the prep rally. We already changed into our performance attire: Black and Blue jersey crop tops, black spandex booty shorts, long black socks with three white stripes and black and white converse.

I was curling pieces of my hair that have fallen, I have taken my hair out of the half ponytail and fixed my hair in a certain way. I sprayed hair spray and retouched my make up "Okay girls! They're ready for you guys!" Jojo said excitedly

The girls and I looked at each other with wide grins "This is our last homecoming together" Melissa said pouting "Bitch, don't start fucking crying! You're wearing 40 dollar mascara and eyeliner! We don't got time to fix it" Lauren said making us all laugh

"Okay! Okay! Let's go shake our asses" Val said twerking her way out of the locker room, we laughed and followed her

The main head of the committee was naming all of the football players by number order, Austin was number 74, he told me when he was little and joined the little league football that number always followed him and now he gets freaked out every time he sees the number

The main head of the committee was naming all of the football players by number order, Austin was number 74, he told me when he was little and joined the little league football that number always followed him and now he gets freaked out every time...

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"LAST BUT NOT LEAST SENIOR QUARTERBACK! NUMBER 74, AUSTIN MAHONE" All the girls in the gym cheered, I rolled my eyes before I yelled out really loud "THATS MY MAN!!!"

Austin and everyone turned their heads towards my direction "THERE GOES MY BABY!" I kept yelling causing everyone to laugh

Austin chuckled and lined up next to the football team "Give it up to our football team!!" They yelled, the football team huddled together and yelled "NOW! GIVE IT UP FOR OUR DANCE TEAM!" We all ran and got in position on the sides of the courts, half on one side the other on the opposite side, 8 girls in each side.

I was standing where the football team is, I looked at Austin and saw him looking at me from head to toe biting his lip, I smirked and looked ahead

They were announcing our names, I cheered on when the girls were called, we all have to step forward and raise our hand before stepping back when they announce our names "SHES CAPTAIN OF THE DANCE TEAM AND AUSTINS MAHONES GIRLFRIEND! NICOLE RAMIREZ!!" Mostly all the guys in the gym cheered and the girls, some girls rolled their eyes or glared at me, Jealous bitches!

"THATS MY BABY!!!" Austin yelled, I giggled and winked at him "GIVE IT UP FOR THE DANCE TEAM!!" They yelled, everyone cheered

As soon the beat to 'Talk Dirty' By Jason Derulo started the girls; Ava, Melissa, Val, Tiana, Lauren and I, cartwheeled twice to the center of the court, the rest danced their way in.

The routine was very sexual, it got everyone; mostly the guys, cheering and whistling.

Once we finished the routine we were all on the floor laying on top of each other in a shape of a triangle "GIVE IT UP FOR THE LOVELY LADIES" Jojo yelled through the microphine "WE'LL SEE YOU GUYS ON HALFTIME!" Jojo yelled everyone cheered

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