Chapter 27

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I always put myself in this predicament.

I blame Molly fucking Sanders.

She the cause of the deadly hangover.

An alcoholic miasma.

It's when you wake up in the morning and wish you hadn't.

Everything aches, especially my head. Someone must have taken a power drill to my skull and haven't turned it off yet. Like five giants wrestling in my head. Like a skinned Willy dipped into a jug of salty vinegar. Like someone scooped my brain out and shitted in my head.

As many times I've gotten drunk and have suffered such excruciating abuse from the aftermath of alcohol you'd think I'd stop by now, but no.

I still do it and every time I say 'I am never drinking again!', and that to me is as effective as Lindsay Logan in rehab, it never seems to work.

So, here I lay on my soft comfy bed, head hiding under a pillow from the sunlight beaming through my curtains. Stretched out next to my rest partner in alcoholic crime, Slade.

"Someone slipped a hangover in my drink last night." Slade groaned. "Because I feel like I've been brain fucked by a Rhino."

I would laugh but I don't want it to hurt. So I smiled in response even though he couldn't see it.

"Tell me about it." I moaned as I rubbed my hand over my forehead, hoping to rub away this pain I'm feeling from the inside of my skull. "I feel like I got run over by a Tequila truck. Twice."

Slade chuckled a bit before I felt him flinch slightly beside me, most likely from pain causing him to stop mid chuckle. "I am never drinking again." He cried.

With a roll of my eyes, I retorted. "Yeah, the fuck right." I snorted making him chuckle again.

"Stop making me laugh, it hurts." He whined. "Where are our other halves anyway, with our coffee and toast?"

They left the my room, downstairs to the kitchen almost a half an hour ago. I just think they want to torture us into not drink this heavily again. Not even wanting to think about food right now I know Dom will force me to ingest it regardless. All I really want is the coffee I believe is a minor cure for a hangover, or my minor cure.

"I can't believe we let them finned for us while we sit here feeling like boiled shit on a stick." I sighed.

Just then I heard footsteps coming down the hallway coming closer to my door. "We're back." Kia sang extra loud causing Slade and I to whimper in pain.

"Yep." Dominic piped in an equal tone with hers.

"Baby, please. If you don't stop with the loud talking I will rip your balls off." I sneered lowly.

I heard him chuckled lightly. "Somebody's at their violent stage in there incoherently unhappy place." He sang in a high pitch voice as Kia giggled, continuing. "We brought coffee."

Instantly throwing the pillow off of my head. "I take it all back." I smiled up at him sitting up against my head board, flinching from the head movement. I'm pretty sure my brain smacked the side of my skull a few times on the way up. I reached from my coffee as he made it to my side of the bed. "I love you." I cooed.

He rolled his eyes at me. "I love you, too." He smiled.

"No offense baby, but I was talking to my coffee." I smirked blowing at it before I took a small sip. Knowing I was just kidding, he chuckled at my remark handing me my warm toast.

For the next few hours we all just chilled in my bed watching what ever we found on TV. It was definitely one of the best days since I got there, except for that damn hangover. Of course it couldn't last forever especially since Kia got a call for her parents telling her she had to be home in the next hour. So, around five in the evening Dom drove both Kia and Slade home for the night.

Kia even invited us over to her house for a family BBQ before she left. Slade was a little apprehensive about meeting her parents since they just got together, if their even together.

Who knows what they are...


So it so short, Twisties !

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