Chapter 4

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I know, it's extremely short. Longer one tomorrow :)


This wasn't happening, how did he get in here. It was the guy from last night, my attacker.

How did he get into our hotel room? He must have gotten in when we were sleeping.

Overwhelmed with wanting to get away, I realized that I couldn't. Just noticing that my hands and feet where chained to the bed.

Why am I tied up to the bed?

The tears began to pour now, I cried silently as I watched him began to walk towards me with his knife. And for some off reason my vocal cords wouldn't seem to work.

Where the hell is Dom and Ronnie, did they let him in here?

I looked over at Ronnie's bed, but it was empty. That's when I noticed on the bed beside me were streaks of blood on the sheets. Bloody hand prints.

Oh my God.

"Dominic?" I whimpered in fear of something happening to him. I turned back to him as he held a malicious expression. "Where's Dominic?" I cried. "What have you done with him?"

Now close enough to breath his disgustingly hot breath on my neck, he put his same knife up to my throat. The same one that he used to threaten me before. "You don't need him anymore, you have me." He whispered in my ear.

"No, no, no, this can't be happening." I cried as I closed my eyes hoping this wasn't true. "Dominic, help me!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, pulling against the chains. My wrists and ankles screamed in pain, but I didn't care.

All I cared about was escaping and finding Dom and Ronnie.

It was no use, I was trapped and about to be killed.







I popped up out of bed all covered in sweat, that was soo not the good night's sleep I was hoping for.

Thank God.

It was just a dream, so much for putting that shit all behind me

Maldito hijo de puto!

I reached over and turned off the alarm clock.

Why did he have to do that to me?

I'm scared, and even afraid to go to sleep now.


I better get this day going, we have to hit the road soon, I thought hopping out of bed and heading to the bathroom.

I opened the door and there he was waiting for me.

"Hello, Kalahni." He smiled statistically, chuckling darkly.

Backing away, I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"KALAHNI, BABY! WAKE UP, KALAHNI!" I heard Dom yell to me.

I woke up covered in sweat from head to toe. I looked and saw Dom's face just a breathe away, grabbing his face in between my hands just to see if he was real.

"Kalahni, mi amor, are okay, baby?" He asked me, his voice in a agonizing tone. As if he was suffering through this with me.

I started balling in his arms, telling Dom that his face is haunting me in my dreams.

I can't escape. "I saw him." I cried in hysterics. "Él estaba en mis sueños."

"Hijo de puto!" He cursed. "Está bien, mi amor. You're fine now, baby." Dominic sat up placing me on his lap, straddling him I wrapping my legs around his bare toned waist and threw my arms around him sobbing into his neck. He wrapped his arms around me, squeezing me tightly to him, protecting me.

But even he can't protect me from my dreams.

I felt a hand on my lower back and jumped whimpering, but I immediately calmed after I realized out who it was.

Ronnie sat down on the bed beside me and Dom, she continued to rub my back, trying to calm me down.

But I couldn't stop crying, crying because now matter where I went I couldn't escape him.

He had me.

And I hated him for it.

"Lahni Baby, its okay. One day he is gonna get what he deserves. Or maybe I should just figure out who he is and chop his balls off." Ronnie said seriously.

I couldn't help but crack a smile at my best friend, even when I was in hysterics.

After nearly 20 minutes of crying I finally calmed down. Its almost one in the morning, "We should go back to sleep, because we gotta get back on the road at six." Dom said.

Ronnie turned off the lights then got back in her bed, while I unwrapped my legs from around Dom's waist as he laid back. We fell asleep just like that, me laying on top of Dominic, hopefully to a peaceful sleep.

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