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After spending another night in the dreadful hospital I got to go home. It wasn't too bad since Dom agreed to stay with me. Dr. Lacey prescribed me some prenatal vitamins I need to take everyday and also provided me with a list of Do's and Don't's while pregnant. She even offered to be our OB through my whole pregnancy, handing over a business card with her number and address. We also booked another appointment with her during my nine to ten week mark so we can hear the babies heartbeat.

We were still on our high every since we found out we were going to be parents. It was still kind of a foreign subject for me, even though I'm only 18 and still in school, I'm so excited to meet our baby. Although none of my pregnancy symptoms have let up yet, the tender breasts, the constant peeing, nor the morning sickness. I heard it starts getting better in the second trimester and I for one can't wait.

It has been a two weeks since I left other hospital and has been seeing a psychiatrist twice a week since, along side Dom. He has decided to move down here permanently, which is why he is already checked into school and has been going for a week now. He hasn't gone back to Miami to get his things but he is planning on it soon, him and Slade are going drive back with his car. I wanted to go but he wouldn't allow it, which pissed me off so bad I cried.

Pregnancy hormones are a bitch.

I was beyond hormonal after the whole Halloween semi massacre night with Alex trying to kill us, almost getting away scotch free.

Injuries included.

As for Alex, he goes on trial in a few months until then he's incarcerated in a local detention center. He has so many things stacked against him by the time his trial comes around he'll be put away for good. He killed someone and then attempted to kill two more people a couple years later, that fucker is going down. But this doesn't mean stress for me, I will not testify, they have enough evidence to put him away.

I must think of my unborn child first which is why I try not to stress because its extremely bad for the baby.

We've been doing pretty good considering, but this baby news is what's keeping us strong and together. We want to make sure we have our shit together by the time our baby is born. I wanna do everything I can to ensure he or she has the best life possible, like what my parents did for me.

Dominic has been trying to get in contact with his parents to tell them the great news but their not responding to his text or answering any of his phone call, let alone calling him back. He says it's no big deal but I say otherwise, he doesn't deserve this type of treatment from the two people who's love is suppose to be unconditional. Instead they treat him like a stranger, a nuisance and I can see it's really taking a toll on him, though he seems a lot better coming from his sessions.

So, maybe their helping both ways contrary to one.

He has been warming up pretty well to life in Rochester, I might even say better than me in the beginning. The only thing he seems to miss back in Miami is his teammates, which he talks to over Facebook, constantly.

When he finally heals up nice and tight he plans on trying out for our school team but that won't be for another month or so as basketball season has already took full swing. But he's hoping he can get his Miami coach to put in a good word for him to his new coach down here to get him a spot on the team.

Which he is more than satisfied with.

Life has been bearable these last couple of weeks and I pray it stays exactly that but I know with my luck that won't last very long.


Check out the sequel Complicated! It is complete!

Xoxo 😘

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