Chapter 10

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He is the first thing I think about when I wake up and last thing I think about before I go to sleep.

I open my eyes, only to find Dominic's face an inch away from mines, the sight of him always seems to take my breathe away.

I looked behind me over at Ronnie's bed to see if she is in it, she was.

Thank God.

We have to leave today, later on we will be in Minnesota my new hometown, in a new house, with new people.

Why me?

I looked at the clock and it was almost 8 , we are already behind time and I don't want to get there when its dark.

"Dominic." I shook him. "Wake up. We need to leave soon." He didn't even move, not one inch.

I tried to untangle my bare legs from his, it was like pulling a band aid off of your skin, the way we were stuck together. We were both still naked and was slick with sweat were our skin met. I tried pulling my leg out from under his when our lower intimate halves rubbed together. I moaned loudly, making him stir, causing him to do it again. "Dominic." I moaned again. "Wake up."

If he only knew what he is doing to me right now.

He finally opened his eyes, looking at me confused, making the most adorable face, he scrunched his eyes brows cocking he head to the side a little.

"Dominic, please move your leg." I begged trying to catch my breath. "I need to get away from you and your friend." I giggled, breathlessly.

He smirked, lifting his leg so I could move mines, but only to grab me around the waist and holding me to him, grinding against me.

"Dom, Ronnie is in her bed." I moaned. "And I can't be quiet."

"I know, I'm counting on it." He smiled, planting a softly kiss to my neck. "It would be a nice wake up call for her. Don't you think?" He smirked against my skin.

"Whatever." I said, smiling.

I got out of bed completely naked and grabbed my bag. I turned around to see a smirking Dom lying on his back, hands behind his head with the covers barely covering his junk. Smiling, I quickly snatched the covers off of him, "RONNIE, LOOK!" I screamed, running into the bathroom. Right before closing the door I seen Ronnie pop out of her bed looking disoriented and Dominic rolling out of bed onto the floor trying to hide from her.

I bust out laughing, I literally laughed so hard tears started to form in my eyes. "Your ass is so mine, Lahni!" I heard Dom yell through the door.

"I thought it already was, babe." I giggled, yelling back at him.

I hopped in the shower, feeling kinda sore down there, from last night but I didn't mind last night was one of the best nights ever. Keep in mind that I have a lot of them to choose from.

About a half an hour later we were all dressed and ready to go, after double checking the room we grabbed our stuff and headed down to the lobby.

Dominic checked us out while me and Ronnie went to the car. "Ronnie, you driving?"

"Sure, babe." She smiled getting into the driver's seat.

"So, how did it go with you and Brad last night? What did he say when you told him you wanted to try a long distance relationship?" I asked her hopping into the back seat, purposely sticking Ronnie and Dom up there together.

"He was really happy that I agreed to it. He told me that he has been wanting to come across a girl like me for a long time and now that he has found her he didn't want to let me go." She smiled, blushing looking down at her neck.

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