Chapter 29

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Its been two days since I have spoken to Slade since he yelled at me.

Following that event I had to come home and tell my mom and Nico that I have been suspended for the rest of the school week. To say they were angry would be an understatement but they sufficiently simmered when I told them how I didn't start the fight and even tried walking away.

That same evening I drove Dom home after we had our proper goodbye and doing that in the house with both Nico and my mom were in, awake was pretty risk.

Surprisingly, it was easier to say goodbye to him this time. Don't get me wrong it was still hard but less harder than the last. Most likely having the dry run on how it would be like being away from him helped me a lot so now I know its bearable. I still miss his touch and smell every now and then but I know in just fourteen days I will see him again, this time Ronnie too.

Everyday since I got suspended Kia has been stopping by to drop off my homework from that day, she should be here any minute.

Hopefully soon because I am getting pretty bored here lounging on the couch playing Wii Mario Kart, feeling extremely antisocial. Snuggled up next to was my beautiful puppy Nolan who has been making this imprisonment bearable.

Also being my safe harbor ever since my nightmares have been coming back the night Dom left for home. The same ones keep visiting my slumber every time, they never change. It's not helping the situation I still don't understand or why she keeps telling me 'he killed me' without actually giving me a name.

It's very frustrating.

On top of that I can't leave anywhere, mom and Nico took my keys, I'm being held captive. They leave every morning for work or school while I sit and rot in this creepy house.

Thankfully, Molly hasn't been trying to contact me while I'm here alone, its not like I can leave. Although, knowing she just wants help and not wanting to harm me it does make me feel safer.

Suddenly Nolan lifted his head quickly, perking his ear up listening hard before he began barking uncontrollable.

The doorbell.

Kia is here.

Popping up from the couch and running towards the front door with Nolan prancing after me. I have never been so fucking happy to here a door bell. Not having to check through the peek hole to see who it was I unlocked the door and snatched it opened letting in Kia and an ice cold breeze making me shiver.

After closing the door back and locking it I pounced on her. "I am so happy to see you!" I cheered, squeezing the life out of her.

"Lahni, I can't breathe." She wheezed.

Loosen up my hold on her with a 'sorry' I pulled her into the den where I previously lounged, followed by getty Nolan.

His tail is waging so hard he could barely walk straight. While we walked, she handed me my folder with all my assignment for today in it. Usually every class except for Gym and Art have homework everyday.

As Kia and I made it to the couch she turned around to pick up Nolan and plopped on the couch next to me placing Nolan on her lap. "So, tell me..." I trailed off, smiling. "How was school today?"

She busted out laughing at me. "It was fine." She smiled. Her face turning serious, suddenly. "Have you heard from Slade yet?" She whispered focusing all her attention on a section of Nolan fur.

"No, not yet. I just hope his okay. Those cuts and bruise didn't just look like a fall down the stairs they look like someone put them there."

"So you keep telling me." She snapped at me without looking up.

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