Chapter 45

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The whole day at school was spent paranoid which in turn had me looking over my shoulder every minute. Having the feeling of someone watching me was overwhelming and distracting all day long and I couldn't shake it.

I just wanted Dominic to come to pick me up, take me home and snuggle up with me in my bed, in his arms where I felt safe and sound.

Following Monday, the next two days I got the same treatment, except Tuesday I got a romantic one with a white rose and then on Wednesday I got a death one with a black rose.

Trying to be clever by symbolizing death on Halloween.

Fucking sicko.

I couldn't help but be a little wry every second I'm at school. This person knows me, knows what I look like and knows how to get into my locker while leaving behind inappropriate material.

The worst part about this ballgame is that I haven't told Dominic about it, let alone any other soul which is just gonna come back to bite me in the ass.

Although, today is Halloween and Ian's party is tonight and I just want to forget about all of it and hope that tomorrow when I return to school it will have all blown over. They're probably just trying to freak me out in the spirit of Halloween which is excessively twisted.

Tonight is also the anniversary of Molly's death and the school has put together a Facebook page to honor her life. Many pictures were put on there but I hadn't seen it yet but I will as soon as I'm done getting ready for Ian's party.

I slipped on my black ripped net stockings before stepping in my black mid-thigh length tutu and pulling it up. Grabbing my black matching corset I placed it on just as Dominic entered my room calling my name. "Lahni?" He called again.

"Yeah?" I answered looking up as he came into sight, wearing his nerd costume that Ronnie and I had picked out for him.

"Damn!" He smirked checking me out.

I rolled my eyes at him, amused. "You came in here for a reason..." I trailed off, curiously.

Shaking away his inappropriate thoughts, he face palmed. "Nico's car quit on him and I have to go get him and since Ronnie is ready she's wants to come with."

"Yeah, okay." I nodded, as he turned to leave the room.

"Waaaaaiiiitttt..." I whined. "Kiss first?" I pouted.

He smiled. "Of course." Leaning down he captured my lips with his, waisting no time, I nipped at his bottom lip asking for entrance. He opened up immediately, wide enough for me to plunge my tongue past his full, moist lips, massaging his tongue with mine.

Pulling out of the kiss, he groaned as I giggled against his lips. "Damn you, Nico."

"Go." I smiled, giving him a push toward the door. "I'll be ready when you guys get back." I called as he walked out my room but not before throwing a sexy smirk over his shoulder.

Finishing my costume, I slipped on my black wings, so anxious for Ronnie to get back so I can see how our outfits look together.

We are both going as Goth fairies, me being the all black one and her being the red on. Her costume is identical to mine except she has a red tutu as are her corset strings and red lining in her wings.

Double checking my make up and hair I exited my bathroom and stuffed my cellphone in my bra on my way out of my room. Descending the stairs, my boots heels click-clacked against the hardwood floors in my path to the study.

To kill time I decided to check out Molly's Facebook dedication page until they get here from picking Nico up from his college's Halloween party. Just as the page loaded completely the doorbell rang, racing to the door I snatched the candy bowl as I fled, mostly likely it being trick-or-treaters.

Upon arrival I swung the front door open to find no one in sight. I even stepped out on the porch and looked around. No one.

Ding dong ditching, I see.

Peeved, I stepped back in my house, closed the door and locked.

"Can't believe people are still so immature." I mumbled to myself.

Sitting back down at the computer I began viewing the very popular Molly Sander's page.

Lots of pictures, lots of dedication and comments on how good of a person she was, some were good and some were bad, or inappropriate. People really need to learn to have respect for the dead before they fool around and get haunted by them.

As I was scrolling through the pictures I noticed a certain piece of jewelry around Molly's left wrist but my brain wouldn't let me compose this information. But I couldn't be sure it was the one considering the picture wasn't zoomed in close enough on the bracelet.

A vital piece of jewelry...

...a piece of jewelry that looked similar to my findings in Alex's room, in Alex's dresser drawer.

Having a closer look my brain literally went into overdrive while a part of it wouldn't let me process or accept what I just discovered but my brain wouldn't accept it as I kept scrolling.

As my suspicions were confirmed, it in fact was the charm bracelet, the one I found in Alex's possession with that cryptic note and that's when it all fell into place.

I gasped.

The signature...

"The A... is for Alex." I whispered to myself in horror. "There's no way..." I puttered in denial, shaking my head as to wake me from this nightmare.

Continuing to scroll, I came across the last police summary, uninterested in the rest I skimmed to the part about her bracelet.

As many people claimed she wore a charmed bracelet that she never took off. It was given to her as a gift by her Grandmother who passed away a year before she was killed.

It was never recovered.

Scrolling one last time but stopping abruptly, I couldn't believe what I was witnessing, my heartbeat quickened immensely as my breathing got faster, heavier.

"Oh my God." I whispered.

Standing from chair I couldn't release my gaze from the computer screen as I stood there staring at the bracelet that no one could find, not even the police, a piece of evidence.

Evidence that I found in Alex's possession, in his house, in his drawer.

A charm bracelet....

..Molly's charm bracelet.

I should have known the M was for Molly.

I was so stupid not to have seen it before.

"Alex killed Molly." I gasped.

All of a sudden a slow clap sprung from behind me. "Bravo." Flinching murderously, I turned around to discover malicious eyes glaring back at me with a hateful smile to go along with his baneful chuckle. "I'm impressed."

"Alex." I gasped, backing into the computer desk trying to get as far away from him as possible but all he did was come closer, trapping me.

Ending his standing ovation, he placed his hands securely behind his back as he stood in front of me.

Frozen in place, I couldn't move, I couldn't scream, I was too shocked and scared to perform a coherent thought let alone boil up a master plan on how to get out of this.

"Hello, Kalahni." He sneered as his baneful turned into an evil smirked and in one swift movement he brought forward what he was hiding behind his back, a foot long metal pole.

"No." I shook my head frantically, surrendering my hands to him. "Alex, please... don't."

"I have too." Deadpan, he swung hitting me directly in the head as I fell to the floor, my sight blurring, the scent of cooper engulfing my senses while blood trickled down my head. "Goodbye, Kalahni."

His voice was the last thing I heard before the darkness took over.

No, Kalahni!!!

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