Chapter 32

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March 22, 2013

Dear Diary,

Today is the day I build enough courage to ask my crush out on a date. I've tried everything to get him to notice me but he never does.

It's like I don't exist.

But what would my parents think when I bring him home to meet them. It's not like their ever home any way, they don't care about me, they never loved me.

I turned to the next page...

March 24, 2013

Dear Diary,

Today, sixteen years ago I was born...

I swear if my parents didn't need to be at my birth, they probably wouldn't have showed up, just like now.

I'm all alone in the big house with NO ONE to celebrate with. I have no family, no real friends, they just want me for my popularity.

I am all ALONE.

July 23, 2013

Dear Diary,

Sorry, its been so long time since we've spoken. I just haven't been in the best moods. My parents are gone on a business trip again but when they are home they pay no attention to me. I could set myself on fire in front of them and they wouldn't notice.

Turning the page, I read on...

August 1, 2013

Dear Diary,

School starts soon, and I'm hoping for a better year then the previous ones. I want real friends not the ones I can't tell secrets to and who only use me for popularity.

September 4, 2013

Dear Diary,

School was terrible today.

My first day back and I still labelled as the good-two-shoes, popular golden girl. Everyone wants to be my friend, it's hard to know who's real.

My crush has gotten way cuter over the summer his midnight hair has grown since and his icy blue eyes have gotten bluer <3

But he still hasn't noticed me, everyone else in school knows who I am but him!

September 7, 2013

Dear Diary,

Today I met Heather Mathers, she seems nice...

But I can't help but think she has some ulterior motive. She says she wants to be friends but I not sure about her...

September 9, 2013

Dear Diary,

I just got flowers sent to my house! Maybe my crush finally noticed me!

September 11, 2013

Dear Diary,

I couldn't conjure up enough courage up to confront my crush about the flowers. :(

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