Chapter 14

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I don't know why I was so worried about my mom seeing it. She would have gave me a slap on the wrist, but not Nico, he'll probably kill me or worse, ground me until the end of time.

"What's what?" I said, playing to act dumb, pulling my shirt down, covering my tattoo.

That was a bad move, because just then I seen that big vein in his forehead make an appearance. Okay, he is definitely going to end up murdering me and Dom in this room, right now.

Goodbye Nolan, its sad I only knew you for a short time.

Goodbye Ronnie, you'll always be my best friend.

Goodbye Mom, even though your son killed two people, it doesn't make you a bad mother.

Goodbye Nico, even though you killed me and the love of my life, I still love you.

Goodbye Dominic...oh wait, I'll see you in the afterlife.

"Kalahni Marie Taylor, do not play dumb with me, you know exactly what I'm talking about." He said walking over to me and lifting my shirt, examining it.

I closed my eyes, hoping that this was just a dream. "I-"

"En el nombre de Dios, estabas pensando, Kalahni?!" Another sure sign that he was really pissed, he started yelling in Spanish.

"What is all this yelling for?" Ma asked walking into my room with Ronnie trailing behind her.

"Esta, Ma!" He pointed to my tattoo.

She gasped, her hand flew to her mouth. "En el nombre de Dios, estabas pensando, Kalahni?" She repeating Nico.

I opened my eyes back up to her and Nico standing there waiting for my answer. I didn't want to do this but I had to, I have to tell them but I don't wanna sound like the victim. Then they're going to think I'm just trying to ease my punishment.

"I was thinking that, I love Dominic with all my heart." I said grabbing his hand and squeezing it. "And that there will be no one else for me, I will only want him for as long as I live."

I stole a gaze up at Dom and he knew what I was thinking, he silently gave me confirmation to continue speaking.

"I didn't tell you guys, but while we stopped at a gas station between Jacksonville and Nashville, um mm... I-I..." I swallowed hard, my heart beating loud in my chest. Closing my eyes, I tried to prepare my mouth for what's came out next. "I was attacked."

I heard a loud gasp, come from my mom. I opened my eyes to see silent tears falling down her cheeks.

Nico stood up caressing my face in hands, lifting my head, making me look him in the eyes.

"Tell me what happened." He asked desperately, tears brimming his eyes.

I nodded my head and proceeded to tell my mom and brother all that happened from the time I got out of the car to the time we drove out gas station parking lot. By the end of my story Nico's forehead vein tripled its size while Ma was almost in hysterics.

"I was so scared and ready to give up then I heard Dominic's voice," I said looking up at Dom, "it brought me back, awakened something me. His first thought was about me and whether I was okay, my attacker may have gotten away but I was the only one on his mind at the time. I wanna spend the rest of my life with this man, he's my other half, my best friend, my love, and my hero." I finished, peeling my eyes away from Dom's face to steal a glance at my Ma and Nico.

My mom still had tears in her eyes, I don't know if it was from my story or my speech, but then she smiled and I knew.

Nico looked at me with a small smile, "Well, Lahli Bear, when you put it like that, how can I be mad." He said kissing my forehead then looking at Dominic. "You saved my sister's life, you will forever be my family." He said opening his arms up to Dom for a real hug which Dom happily returned making me smile.

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