Chapter 7

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Who in the hell is power drilling my skull in?

Oh, wait its just this fucking hangover I've been cursed with.


Mental note to self: NEVER agree with Ronnie ever again about going to a club.


All I want to do is lay in this bed all day long with my face buried in the pillow. Maybe I'll get lucky and suffocate, putting an end to all this suffering.

I need aspirin.

Maybe room service has some.

I lifted my head from underneath the pillow trying to sit up but I couldn't even move. I looked down at my body and it was covered with Dom's. He had his face directly in my boobs, one of his arms was wrapped around my waist holding me in place underneath him while his legs were tangled up with mine. I could only move my head, neck, and arms because those were the parts his wasn't on.

Gosh, this boy is really heavy.

I picked up the pillow that my head was just hiding under and swung it over slapping Dom in the face with it a few until I got a reaction from him. "Baaaaaabe, whhhhhhyyyyy? Why would you do that?" He groaned.

"Well, maybe if your weren't all over me to the point were I couldn't move, I wouldn't have done that." I yawned. "I need to get up."

"Nope, you'll take my girls with you." He groaned into my boobs.

"That's inevitable since they are attached to me." I rolled my eyes. "I'll give you more time with them later." I said, running my hand through his hair, massaging his scalp.

"Kay." He agreed, kissing them goodbye and rolling off of me to bury his face in the pillow next to him, instantly making me feel cold.

I grabbed his button up shirt off the floor and put it on, inhaling his manly, addicting scent.

I love they way he smells. A mix between his Axe cologne and chocolate.

I'm such a weirdo.

I went to the bathroom to use the toilet and brush my teeth, having to use the hotels since I through mine away.

After, I finished in the bathroom I sat down on the bed looking at the clock, it's almost noon. If we are going to the water park today they need to get up soon. I picked up the hotel phone and dialed room service asking them to bring up fruits, water, coffee, and aspirin for three. I didn't even think they would have the aspirin, but they did, lucky us because we don't have shit.

Room service showed up at the door ten minutes later, Ronnie nor Dom have woken up yet. I'm glad it was a lady that came to the door because I was only wearing a shirt. If Dom knew I answered the door wearing just a shirt, he would kill me.

The lady pushed the cart in the room before she left I handed her a $20 tip, thanking her.

The tray consisted of a big bowl of fruit salad, three waters, six aspirins, a four cup glass carafe filled with coffee and three mugs. I popped a couple pieces of fruit in my mouth then I took my aspirin downing it with my water, hopefully they start to kick in soon. I grabbed two aspirin and headed over to Ronnie's bed.

"Veronica, babe wake up. Here I have some aspirin for you." I whispered to her, not wanting to make her headache worse. I pulled the covers from over her head while she opened her eyes. She hungrily took the aspirin from me popping them in her mouth then swallowing them with her water I sat on her lap.

"Thanks, Lahni Baby." She said using the nickname she gave a little bit after I started dating Dom. She calls me baby because she said compared to her and Dom's size I'm only as small as a baby.

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