Chapter 15

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"KALAHNI, ARE YOU READY TO GO?" I heard Dom yell through my door, sounding irritated.

Gosh, this boy has no patience what so ever. I haven't even been in that long. He wants us to spend his and Ronnie last night, together. Yesterday Ronnie and I spent the whole day together, we went to the spa, got our nails and hair done, we couldn't shop anymore, Ma's orders.

What a buzz kill?

"I'M ALMOST DONE!" I yelled back, giggling at his irritated voice, checking my appearance once more in my full length mirror that hung on the inside of my closet door.

Nervously, I once more adjusted my short, strapless, navy, la femme style dress, pulling up the sweetheart shaped bust line higher on my chest. I believe that is my sixth time doing that in the last two minutes, I really need to get a grip.

I'm really not into this night, not ready to say goodbye to my boyfriend and that is what this night is for.

Grabbing my diamond studded silver sparkle stilettos out off my closet, matching the sequins on the bust line of my dress, I walked over to my bed, sitting down and began to put them on.

This night is going to suck horrible, I don't want to say goodbye therefore I am not in a chipper mood, like everyone wants me to be. I just don't want to go out and celebrate being spilt up from my boyfriend.

Okay, maybe I'm acting like a spoiled brat but I don't really give a fuck.

I'm not happy about.

As I slipped my toes under the single strap then fastened the three around my ankles, there was another knock at my door. "Lahni Baby, its me, open the door. Don't worry Dominic is not around, I sent him downstairs."

With only one heel on, I unhappily hobbled to the door to let Ronnie in.

"Baby doll, you look beautiful." She cried, as I opened the door.

"Thanks, I don't feel beautiful." I pouted, hobbling back over to the bed.

Ronnie closed the door, locking it and walking over to me, crouching down in front of me to put on my other shoe.

"Babe, come on. Stop moping. Don't you think Dom and I are sad about leaving you, too?" She questioned. "But pouting and shit isn't going to change things and its not going to make anything better." She said as she finished fastening my last strap. "So, get off your ass and get downstairs." She said a little angrier this time, getting up and walking out of my room, slamming the door.

Yup, she's mad at me now, but she's right I am being a little moping bitch. I'm being completely selfish, I haven't even consider what Ronnie or Dom might be going through because of my move. It's not just me being torn apart from them, but its also them being torn apart from me. I have some serious apologizing to do when I get downstairs.

Flattening down my stray aways, I grabbed my clutch and headed for the stairs, eager to get this night over with.

As I walked in to the den I saw Dom sitting on the couch with Nico watching him play Wii with Ronnie, while Nolan was stretched across his lap, sleeping.

Hearing my heels click clacking on the hardwood, they all looked up at me entering the room, Nico smiled, Ronnie rolled her eyes while Dominic stood up from the couch, grabbed his leather jacket, and walked up to me.

He looks pretty good, if I might add, in his untucked white button down shirt, pairing it with all black fitted skinny jeans and his black low top chucks.

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