Chapter 9

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I was now laying on the chair in the booth waiting for the guy to start my tattoo.

To say I was scared was an understatement, I was beyond it.

Dom was lying right next to me on his stomach waiting to get his on his left shoulder blade while I am getting mine on my left side of my lower abdomen.

We were laying there facing each other, holding hands.

Dom wasn't scared of course, he already has a tattoo on his chest, but me on the other hand was shaking like a jack hammer.

Cupcake, my tattoo artist was getting the stuff ready to started my tattoo.

"Sweetheart, in order for me to actually do your tattoo, you're gonna have to stop shaking." He chuckled at me.

I had to force myself to stop. "Babe, it will be fine, trust me." Dom comforted me.

Cupcake asked me where I wanted to put it, but in order to get it where I wanted I had to pull my shirt up and unbutton my jeans. I pulled them, along with my panties down a little, but not to far where you'd see my lady part.

Suddenly, I heard the buzzing from the tattoo gun then the needle touched my skin making me screech out. The needle, that is now branding me for life, it was kinda hard for me to wrap my mind around that fact.

After a while I finally got use to the feeling of the needle piercing my skin. Dominic was lying next me getting his done, the way he was relaxed made it seem like he was just laying in his bed waiting for sleep to over come him.

But then again he has done this before.

By the time he was done with mine, the other dude, Kit, was almost done with Dominic's. He said I could now get up and look in the mirror to see the finishing product.

My legs sort of wobbling as I walked to the mirror, holding up my shirt on the way. I was overwhelmed by how elegant and beautiful if was.

I absolutely love it.

It is a tattoo of Dominic's full name, Dominic Juan Martinez, written in cursive, next to a little red heart. Juan was written under Dominic starting at the O and Martinez was written under Juan starting at the U. So, it kinda made upside down stairs starting with the first letters of each name.

Tears formed in my eyes at this point, I couldn't believe I just got a tattoo of my boyfriend's name on me, it's going to be on me for the rest of my life.

My mom is going to freak out on me, nope, no way am I telling my mom about this, she'll kill me.

I love Dom with all my heart, I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him and have our ten babies.

I don't want to die yet so I'm definitely keeping it to myself.

I laughed to myself.

"What's so funny?" A shirtless Dom said walking up behind me, looking down at me tattoo through the mirror. "Damn babe, its looks sexy." He smirked, kissing the side of my neck. "Ronnie better find her another room to sleep in tonight."

I rolled my eyes.

"I was just thinking about our ten babies." I giggled.

"So, you're saying we can have our ten?" He chuckled, his eyebrows raised in hopefulnes.

I beamed. "Maybe." I told as he beamed down at me.

"What changed your mind?" He asked me in a serious tone.

"This tattoo." i stated, matter of factly. "To me it shows that I am willing to do anything for you. Dominic, I got your fucking name tattoo on my skin forever, to some people that makes me crazy but I am crazy, crazy for you." I smiled, a few tears spilling over.

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