Chapter 13

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The next few days passed by almost in a blur. I was extremely happy that my brother was here and my mom finally made it down the day after Nico showed up, we were a family again.

I still haven't told him about our road trip, but that still didn't stop him from asking about it. He wanted to kill Dominic when he found out that we had sex, how was I going to tell him that I got attacked, my belly button pierced, and a tattoo of my boyfriend's name.

He is going fucking freak out on me.

My imagination was finally giving me a break, I haven't been hearing any voices or seeing blonde girls so maybe it was just lack of sleep. Me, need sling to bounce back from the road trip down here.

In just a couple more days Dom and Ronnie will be back in Miami.

I really didn't want them to leave. If I could tie them up and lock them in the basement, keep them hostage forever, I would. They are like family to me and I don't want to be away from them either but it's something that is beyond my power.

Ronnie has her family to go back to and Dom, well, he'll be going back to an empty mansion and that just breaks my heart. I'm glad he agreed to come down every other weekend.

Thank god for flyer miles otherwise that would be expensive.

"What are you thinking about?" Dom asked me, as we were driving down the street.

He was taking me somewhere, but he wouldn't tell me because he said it was a surprise. Ronnie is in the back seat, she's even in on the secret too.

That I couldn't believe, usually she's on my side.

"Just how glad I am to have my mom and brother down here, but sad to see you and Ronnie go soon." I confessed, pouting. Like I been doing these passed few days. I know it has to come to an end, all parties do.

"You'll see us soon we'll be back for Labor Day weekend." He lightened. "That's only a little over a week away. Now, please, I don't want you upset, babe. I want you to make the best of all this, okay?" Dom snuck a glance at me before looking back at the road. "I don't want a sulking Kalahni, I want a happy one because when your happy, I'm happy." He smiled. "Right, Ronnie?"

"Yup, and if I find out you've been sulking I'm going to send the tickle monst-" Ronnie teased.

"Okay, fine." As I said those words Dom pulled into a parking lot and parked in front of a pet store. "What are we doing here?" I asked, confused as I looked up at Louis' Pets.

"I'm buying you a puppy, of course." He smirked, turning off my car and unbuckling his seat belt.

"Hablas en serio?!" I screamed, but then thought about it. "Wait, I didn't ask my mom about this." I freaked out.

Knowing damn well she would definitely freak out if I brought a new puppy home and didn't ask her first.

"I already cleared it with her, she said it was fine." He beamed down at me, I couldn't help but smile back. "Now come on."

I cheered for joy as he got out of the car, following right behind him, jumping up and down.

"Damn, Lahni Baby, are you panties in a twisted or something?" Ronnie asked, clamping her lips together, trying not to laugh at her bad joke.

"No." I said, still jumping up and down, smiling. "I'm not wearing any." I simply answered.

They stood there staring at me in shock for minute while I just pushed passed them into the store. I was on a mission to find the best puppy ever.

The bell on the door dinged as I opened it and practically ran in.

Gosh, I feel like a little kid in a candy store looking around for the best and sweetest to buy.

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