A Possible Proposal

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"Pippa!" she heard Lin's voice chirp from the other room.

"Coming!" she called back, quickly scurrying into the living room where Lin sat on the couch, grinning.

"Hi," he smiled, patting on the couch next to him. She obeyed and turned to him, beaming. They'd been living together for about a year now, and were happier than ever. Oak had been released from jail, and Jazzy was locked up and hadn't been heard from in months. They were still performing in Hamilton every day, and enjoyed one another's company more than anything in the world.

"Hello," she whispered back, giving him a quick peck on the lips. "What's up?" she asked, still beaming.

"We have the night off tonight, right?" he asked her, grasping her fingers gently in his and looking down.

"Mhm," she nodded contently.

"What do you say to dinner out tonight? I know you've been stressed lately and I miss going out and spending time with you. I made a reservation at your favorite restaurant!" he smiled, looking into her eyes. He was right. Their schedules had both been packed over the last couple of weeks and they'd barely gotten a moment to breathe.

"Sure!" she said, blushing. "Thanks Lin. You're too sweet." He gave her a kiss on the cheek.


They sat for a moment gazing at one another in a comfortable silence.

"Also make sure to dress up- I have something really special I want to ask you." he smiled.

"Oh, ok!" she replied, wondering what it could be.

"Alright, be ready at eight?" he asked.

She nodded.

"Sounds amazing."

"Great, I'll see you then." he smiled. She managed a sad grin as he left the room. Sure she was excited, but she really had barely been able to see Lin lately, and she wished she could spend every second with him. She glanced down at her phone. It was seven- she had an hour to get ready. She headed to her room, opening her closet to find something to wear. What did he want to ask her?

"Ding!" suddenly she got a text. She peered down at her phone to see who it was from. Renee!

Renee: Hey Pips! Do you wanna come over for movie night with me and Oak?

Pippa: Aw, I can't sry :(

Renee: It's ok. Why not?

Pippa: Lin's taking me out to dinner.

Renee: Ooooh, where?

Pippa: You know that really good Italian place on fifth avenue?

Renee: Woah, that place is swanky. What's the occasion?

Pippa: Not sure. He said he wanted to ask me something special?

Renee: OMG PIP

Pippa: What?


Pippa: Uh I'm not following


Pippa: What? No...

Renee: Think about it. It's the only logical explanation.

Pippa: I mean... I guess you're right! But I don't wanna get my hopes up.


Pippa: lol. I'll give u an update later, k?

Renee: Alright. BYEE!

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