Meet Me Inside

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Pippa slowly opened her eyes, inhaling the fresh scent of the morning air. As she came to her senses, she noticed Lin's hands around her waist. He breathed softly, still fast asleep. She turned her head, careful not to wake him, and smiled. He looked so peaceful his chest rising and falling with each subtle inhale and exhale. His eyes fluttered open and lit up when he saw Pippa gazing at him.

"Mornin'," he grinned.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," she apologized.

"No worries, Love," he replied, running his hand up and down her arm. 

"Last night was..." she started, trying to find the words. 

"Incredible." he chuckled.

"Yeah," she gushed. They both turned bright red, recalling memories of the night before. 

He ran his hand running through her slightly disheveled hair. 

"How did you sleep?" he asked, pressing his nose to hers. 

"Amazing," she whispered, eyes twinkling. 

"Me too," he winked, making Pippa's heart flutter.

"Um, I'm gonna go shower," she told him. 

"Alright, see you in a bit Love," he chirped. She slid the covers off of her and stood up, forgetting that she wasn't wearing anything. She whipped her head around to see Lin grinning goofily. He snickered playfully and her cheeks flushed pink. Of course, she was fine with it- they were engaged of course, but she was always a little bit self-conscious. She left the room to shower before he could say anything. He smiled to himself. She was the cutest.

Lin heard his phone ring a few minutes later. Anthony's contact popped up, and he accepted it.

"Hey man, what are you doing tonight? After the show?" Ant asked. 

Lin thought for a moment.

"Nothing I can think of. Why?" 

"Renee and I have a surprise for you guys. I'll send you the address," he said quickly.

"Wait wha-" Lin started, confused.

"See you later! Oh, and dress up!" Ant bubbled, before hanging up. Lin was very confused. 

Just then, a wet-haired, towel-wrapped Pippa entered.

"What?" she pondered, seeing his confused expression. 

"Ant just called- he wants to meet us somewhere tonight after the show? He said he and Renee have a surprise. Oh, and to dress up." he explained.

"Huh," she contemplated. "Wonder what they're planning."

"Gotta say I'm a little bit scared. Ant and Nae are the two most chaotic people I know," he laughed. 

"Yeah, fingers crossed," Pippa replied, cracking a smile.

By the time they'd finished the show that night, Pippa and Lin were both buzzing with anticipation. 

They arrived at home to get ready, although they still had zero idea what they were getting ready for. 

Pippa had just finished getting ready and was unplugging her hair curler when Lin walked into the bathroom, slipping his hands around her waist and kissing her neck gently.

"Hey gorgeous," he murmured softly. 

"Hey handsome," she grinned through the mirror, then turning around to face him. 

"You look stunning," he complimented. She really did. She wore a black, mid thigh-length dress with small puffed sleeves. Her hair had been carefully and beautifully curled, flowing flawlessly over her shoulders. She wore the "P" necklace that Lin had given her, which she cherised, and small, heeled, black boots.

"Thanks Love," she beamed. "You look great too." Lin wore a button down shirt and  jacket, a snazzy watch hugging his wrist. 

"Alright, has Ant or Renee told you where we're going yet? I've been on the edge of my seat all day." Lin exclaimed.

"Nope not ye-" Just then, she got a text. "It's Renee... she wants us to come to a hotel?"

A puzzled look crossed over Lin's face. "A hotel? Why do I feel like we're being set up to get murdured or something," he chuckled. 

"Hopefully not." she laughed. Well we should probably get going, they said to be there in ten minutes." Pippa reminded.


They drove to the hotel and found a parking spot. There was no sign of Renee or Anthony out front. 

"Where are they?" Lin asked. 

"Not sure. Let's go inside." Pippa suggested. They got out of the car and went into the lobby. They glanced around, not spotting Ant or Nae.

"Ding!" Pippa's phone chimed.

Renee: Come to room 304. And tell Lin to go to room 407.

"Uh, Renee says you need to go to room 407." she told him.

"What? Why?" he forrowed his brow. 

"Well I don't know any more than you do," she reminded him. "Just go. I'll see you later. Text me." 

She gave him a quick kiss and they both headed in opposite directions to find their rooms.

After a few minutes, Pippa approached room 304. She held her fist to the door and knocked three times. There was no answer. Her hand latched onto the knob and she slowly opened it. Suddenly, her eyes widened and she let out a loud shriek.

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