Surprise Shawty

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"Ahhh!" Pippa screamed as she opened the door.

"Surprise!" they yelled. Renee, Ariana, Carleigh, and Sasha popped out with balloons.

"What's all this for?" Pippa laughed, still getting over the jump scare.

"It's your bachelorette party, duh!" Renee squealed, grabbing her hand and pulling her into the room. She fumbled through a bag and pulled out a sash that said '100% that Bride'. 

Renee placed it over Pippa's head and onto her shoulder. "Tonight is all about you Pip. You deserve it."

Pippa was at a loss for words. Renee was the absolute sweetest. 

"Omigosh, thank you so much Nae!" she smiled.

"The least I can do as your maid of honor! Um, also, can we talk about how amazing you look?!" Renee gestured to Pippa's outfit. The girls all nodded in agreement, a blundering of "Yes, queen!"s and "As you should"s following soon after. "Sit down, we got you gifts." Renee ordered, patting one of the beds. Pippa sat down, and the girls all handed her presents.

"Aw, you shouldn't have," Pippa gushed.

"Stop being so humble and spoil yourself for a change." Renee teased.

"Open mine first," Ariana implored.

"Okay." Pippa began unwrapping a small box. She reached the middle and took off the top, pulling out a pair of earrings, they were bluish green, changing color with the glare of the light.

"Thanks Ari, these are so pretty!" Pippa thanked. 

Ariana beamed. "Of course!"

"Me next!" Sasha practically screeched. Pippa rummaged through the bag, not finding anything. She looked at Sasha, confused. 

"Look harder."

Pippa dug through the tissue paper until her fingers landed on a small piece of paper. She pulled it out.

"It's a spa reservation," Sasha explained. "Massage, facial, mani, and pedi. You like it?"

Pippa grinned. "Love it."

"Carleigh you go, I'm saving mine for the wedding day." Renee said.

Pippa picked up the remaining gift.

She unwrapped the paper to reveal a shot glass with the words, "Bride to be" encrypted on it.

"A shot glass?" Pippa laughed. "Thanks."

Pippa wasn't a huge drinker all the time, but occasionally, at least when all her friends were, she joined in.

"Carleigh," Renee nudged. "Break out the good stuff." 

Carleigh nodded and pulled out a bottle of vodka.

"Shots?" Sasha asked.

"Fuck yeah," Pippa grinned.




Meanwhile, Lin waited outside door 407. Nobody was answering. He didn't wanna intrude. What if he'd gotten the room number wrong? Suddenly the door whipped open. Anthony stood on the other side.

"What are you waiting for? Come on in dude!"

"Wha- what?" Lin replied, confused. 

"It's your bachelor party! Why you standing out there? Join the fun!" Anthony yanked Lin inside, revealing Daveed, Thayne, Oak, Leslie, Chris, and Sydney. Loud music was blaring from a speaker and there were alcohol bottles scattered all over the room. 

"Daveed's already drunk," Ant sighed. 

Daveed stumbled over to the two of them. 

"Hey! The king has arrived! Surprise, shawty!" he chuckled, before heading over to bother Chris. 

Lin burst out laughing.

"Thanks for doing this, man!" 

"What kind of best man would I be if I didn't throw you a bomb ass bachelor party?" he pointed out. Lin nodded in agreement. "Want a drink?"


Ant handed him a red cup.

"What's this?" Lin asked, taking a sip. He winced at how strong it was. "Shit."

"Whiskey, tequila, lime, and a little cough syrup for some extra kick." Ant grinned, taking a sip from his own cup. "Enjoy." 

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