Sick of It

432 19 17

"From the top!" Tommy said from behind the table in the rehearsal studio, pausing to take a large glug of his coffee. They were running Satisfied, the hardest number in the show, for about an hour before they needed to do a show. Pippa let out a sigh. She wasn't really feeling great. Maybe it was the disappointment from earlier that day, or maybe the coffee, but something was making her feel nauseous.

"Pip, you okay?" a voice asked gently, startling her a bit and breaking her train of thought. She whipped her head around to see Renee. She realized everyone else was already in position. 

"Yeah, sorry." Her face reddened as she took her spot next to Lin. 

"You sure you're good?" he whispered, placing his hand on her waist as the music started.

"Mhm. Just a bit queasy." she assured him.

"Ok. Let me know if you need anything." he replied, and she nodded as they marked their blocking around the stage. She shut her eyes tightly, trying to ignore the horrid feeling and focus on the song. She got through most of it, but when it was time for her to sing, she froze.

"Pippa?" Renee asked. The music slowed then stopped. Before she could think twice, Pippa sprinted to the trash can in the corner of the room and leaned over. The rest of the cast looked away with disgust as she let out her lunch. Lin ran over to her quickly and pulled her hair out of her face and behind her neck, his hand stroking up and down her back. When she finished, she looked up at him. Her face was red and streaked with tears- a mixture of pain and humiliation. 

"Let's get you cleaned up." he told her softly, taking his thumb to her cheek and wiping away a tear. She nodded, looking down.

"We need you for the next number, Lin- could someone else help Pippa?" Tommy asked. Renee raised her hand and walked over.

"I'd be glad to." she said.

"Thanks." Tommy replied. "Alright, let's try Story of Tonight Reprise everyone! Places, please!"

Renee hurried over to Pippa and placed her arm around her shoulder, walking her out of the room before she could further embarrass herself. Pippa sniffed as they headed to the restroom.

"Shh, it's okay Pip. Are you feeling any better after that?" Renee asked her, opening the bathroom door.

"A little." Pippa whispered. But a second later she felt the feeling return. She darted into a bathroom stall and kneeled over the toilet for a second round. Renee followed quickly, holding up her hair. A minute or so later, Pippa waited for a moment to make sure she was really done this time, before starting to get up. Renee quickly pulled out about twenty paper towels from the dispenser and handed them to her. "Thanks Nae." she sniffed, wiping her face. 

"Did you eat something weird?" Renee asked. Pippa shook her head, frowning.

"Not that I can think of. I don't know what it is." she sighed, heading to the sink to splash some cold water on her face. Renee's eyes suddenly widened.

"What?" Pippa asked, puzzled.

"Do you think you're..." Renee gasped. Pippa didn't get it. She raised an eyebrow.

"I'm... what?" she urged impatiently. 

"Pregnant?!" Renee screeched loudly. 

Pippa's mouth hung open. She hadn't thought about that. She had just gotten engaged a week ago. She couldn't be pregnant. She didn't believe it!

"What? N- no! I couldn't be. I could..." she paused, thinking about the last time she... y'know what. It did add up. But she wasn't ready. She couldn't be.

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