Unfortunate News

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"Shit." Pippa sighed, getting up out of bed as she twisted her disheveled hair into a messy bun. "He didn't even give me a chance to explain. We didn't even- I didn't... he-" she sputtered.

"I know, I know." Anthony interrupted, trying to call the storm as her expression filled with worry. "He just... he'll come around. You should uh, you should probably leave."

She nodded, face reddening. "Probably." She compiled her things into her bag and swung it over her shoulder, then slipped on her coat and shoes. "Thanks again. I need to go figure this whole thing out." Pippa walked towards the door, then stopped in her tracks.

"What?" Ant asked, confused.

"Shoot, I scheduled an ultrasound for later today. I was gonna tell Lin earlier today and then have him come with me and-" she rambled, head pounding.

"Shh. It'll be fine." Ant assured her.

"I guess I'll just go alone." she sighed, heading towards the door again.

"No!" Ant protested, a bit too loudly. "Uh, you can't go alone. To your first ultrasound? That's really important. I'll come with you! As a friend for uh, moral support."

"Really? You'd do that? You've already done enough for me in the last day-"

"Of course, it's not a problem." he insisted.

Pippa hesitated for a moment.

"That's sweet Ant. But if Lin found out he'd think something of it, and it would just cause more chaos. I'm sorry." she frowned.

"Don't apologize. It's fine. But I'm here whenever you need, okay?" He placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked down awkwardly and he quickly pulled it away.

She nodded.

"Good luck." he told her.

"Thanks." she smiled lightly as she opened the door and left.

"Lin?" Pippa called through the apartment as she pulled her key out of the door. "Are you here?"

No reply. She noticed a slip of paper on the counter and moved closer to read it.

Needed to get some air. Can we have dinner tonight to talk? Call me.

She let out an exasperated sigh. She pulled out her phone and dialed his number. It rang for a long moment. Pippa was about to hang up when she heard a small voice on the other end.

"Hey." Lin grunted.

"Hi, um, I saw your note. How's eight?" she asked delicately.

"Great. I'll text you the address." he responded.

"Sounds good. I'll see you-"


Lin hung up before she could see any more. She frowned. Hopefully tonight they could resolve everything. Clear the air.

For now, Pippa had to get to her ultrasound.

"Phillipa?" A woman in a doctor's coat called, poking her head into the waiting room. Pippa stood up and the doctor smiled, gesturing her towards a door. "Right this way. Do you have anyone here with you today?"

Pippa shook her head, looking down. The doctor's face fell.

"Oh, I'm sorry sweetie." They reached the door and the woman escorted her inside. "Come on in." She handed her a disposable hospital gown. "Go ahead and put this on. I'll be back in a few." The woman left, closing the door.

When Pippa was dressed, she returned. Pippa lied down on the examination table and the doctor began to apply the gel to her stomach. A few minutes later, the doctor's face fell as she peered at the monitor. 

"What?" Pippa asked, a knot forming in her stomach. "Is the baby ok? Is it twins?"

The lady didn't respond. She gulped, and Pippa's heart began to race.

"Hello? Is the baby alright?" she almost yelled, trying to stay calm.

The lady took a deep breath. "Ma'am, I'm... I'm so sorry." 

Pippa's heart stopped and her face fell cold and pale. "W- what? Why..." she stammered.

"I'm afraid you've had a miscarriage. I'm sorry for your loss." she whispered.

Pippa didn't know how to reply. She could hardly move she was in so much shock. She shut her eyes to keep the tears from pouring out. Part of her felt she should be relieved this whole ordeal was over, but she had really been getting really excited about this child, this new life, when suddenly it was just snatched away.

The doctor placed a hand on Pippa's shoulder. "Miss? Are you alright?"

Pippa opened her eyes and inhaled, trying to collect the cluttered thoughts that occupied her brain. She nodded.

"I'm sure you would've been an incredible mother."

Pippa knew this was meant to make her feel better, but in reality, it did anything but. It just wasn't meant to be.

"C-can I leave now?" Pippa breathed quietly, her words jumbled and shaky.

"Yes, yes of course." The lady assured her. She got redressed and left the office, still not having completely processed the information she'd been given. She headed back to her car when she heard her phone buzz. Lin was facetiming her. She tried to look as if she hadn't just been given the most devastating news of her whole life, and after pausing for a moment, answered. 

"Hey." She sniffed. 

"Hi. So, the restaurants closed, so I figured we just order pizza and talk at home?" he asked, obviously not noticing her state.

"Yeah. Sounds good. I'll be there in a few minutes." she murmured.

"Mk. Bye." he said coldly, hanging up. 

She turned on her car engine and began to drive. Her eyes were welling up with tears, feeling as if they could burst at any second, but she held it in and kept her eyes on the road. When she finally arrived, she opened the door to see Lin sitting on the couch. He turned his face to look at her, his expression numb and dull. 

"Alright, go ahead. Explain."

hey guys I forgot ab this story ima try and post some more in the next few days lol- ppl were mad at me for writing lippa so I stopped even tho I don't ship them irl but I don't rly give a shit they don't have to read my stories and they're mainly like murder stories so its fine lmao

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