On The Edge

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Pippa's eyes slowly opened. She couldn't see anything. A cool breeze hit her face, sending her hair wild. Then she began to notice the pain in her head, making her wince. Where was she? What had happened? She tried to move her arms, but she found them stuck at her sides. Then it all came back to her. Anthony. The gun. She quickly began to panic. Her arms trying to move as she screamed.

"Help!" she cried. "Where am I?" 

No reply. 

"Lin!" She screamed, beginning to sob. "Help, someone! Please..."

Suddenly, she could see. A blindfold was removed from her eyes and instead shoved in her mouth to keep her from yelling. She tried, but her cries were muffled and weak. 

"Give it up," a voice said. Anthony appeared in front of her. "Lin isn't coming to get you. He doesn't care. He's probably already engaged to someone else, cuz he doesn't give a single shit."

"That's not true..." she denied- but thought for a moment that he may be right. Lin was probably doing just fine. She didn't even know what time it was. But the sun had almost set, so she assumed the wedding had just been canceled. She felt horrible. She was going to hear Lin out and give him a second chance. Because her mom was right. He was the best guy she'd ever known. And she loved him too much to just let go.

"Of course it is. He cheated on you. He doesn't really love you. He never had." Ant grinned. 

She shook her head vigorously.

"N-no. You're wrong..." she quivered. She looked down to notice that she was no longer wearing her dress, and instead was wearing some jeans that were too big for her and a large T-shirt. "Where'd my dress go?" she asked anxiously. That was the least of her worries right now, considering she was tied to a chair, but it did cost five thousand dollars.

"That piece of junk? I threw it out. A shame, really. It made you look not as hideous as you usually do."

She glared at him.

"What do you even want?" she exclaimed. 

"Revenge," he whispered.

She looked around, trying to find out where she was. She turned her head and gasped. She was on top of a building. She could see all of New York City around her, and she was close to the edge.

"Wondering why you're here?" he asked, smirking evilly. She nodded. He pointed down at the city streets below them. "You," he pointed to her. "Are soon going to be down there." he pointed down again. Her eyes widened. "That's right. It's a pretty low survival rate. Maybe about one percent. If you don't hit your head. But don't worry. I'll make sure to push you head first."

Pippa managed to spit the cloth out of her mouth, gasping for air.

"Why are you doing this?" she yelled as the wind whipped her face. "What did I do to you?!"

"You mean, what did you do to us?" 

Pippa looked confused. He saw a figure emerge behind Ant, and her heart stopped.

"Jazzy?!" she exclaimed. 

Jasmine let out a chuckle.

"Good to see you again Pip," she laughed again. "Just kidding it's not. I hate you. But don't worry- soon you'll be the least of my problems. Because you'll be dead. You tried to stop me before with your annoying little 'love always wins' charade, but not this time."

"H-how did you escape prison?" Pippa asked, flabbergasted. 

"That's none of your worries." Jazzy snapped. 

"Why are you doing this?" Pippa sniffed, beginning to cry again.

"Why do you think you, fucking idiot?" Jasmine rolled her eyes. "You guys got me arrested. So we needed to get back at you."

"B-by killing me?" she said, eyes widening.

"Wow, you actually figured something out for once." Jazzy laughed. "Without the help of your unfaithful fiancé. Crazy."

"Why just me? Can't I at least say bye to Li-"

"Oh don't worry." Ant smiled. "He's gonna get a front-row seat."

"I hate Lin, but he's too hot to kill," Jazzy explained. "And so we figured we'd take what's most important to him out of his life forever."

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! And what do you mean, 'front row seat'?" Pippa yelled.

"I'll shoot him a quick text to meet us here. He probably knows you're with me." Ant sighed.

"What?" Pippa was confused. "How would he know?"

"He heard me on the phone that last night. I saw him. He didn't tell you? He knew. He just didn't care enough to stop it from happening." Ant cackled.

No. This couldn't be true. He knew?

"I... I don't believe you." she scoffed, looking down.

"Well, you can ask him yourself. He knows everything. About the notes. And Renee and Daveed and Andre-" Ant began.

"Wait... what?!" Pippa's mouth fell open. "That was you? And you... you..." then she realized. "Anthony. What did you do with Renee, Daveed and Andrew?"

Ant made the lip zipper sign with his hand.

"Tell me!" she screamed.

He held up the blindfold. "Don't make me shove this down your throat again."

Pippa gulped, tears still flowing down her face.

"When people find out what you did..." Pippa whispered coldly. "You're gonna be a dead man."

"Your kidding, right? Pippa, nobody cares about you. Your ugly, you have no talent, your personality is shitty, and your own fiancé doesn't love you. Who would care about this? Nobody. Absolutely nobody." Ant chuckled until he stopped. "Stop fucking crying!" 

He handed Jazzy her phone and called Lin. It rang for a moment before he picked up.

"Hello? Ant? What the fuck do you want."

Pippa started to cry harder at the sound of Lin's voice. She missed him. She needed him.

"Lin..." she smiled.

"Shut up hoe!" Jas snapped at her.

"Wha- Jazzy?! I saw your news article last night. How- why did..." suddenly Lin stopped. "You- you know where Pippa is, don't you. I heard Anthony on the phone. Bring her back here now. I'm gonna call the police and I'm gonna-"

"Come and get her," Jazzy smirked. "Wouldn't want to miss saying goodbye."

And with that, she hung up the phone, tucking it in her pocket.

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