A Toast To The Groom...

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It was weeks later. Daveed still hadn't turned up. Neither had Andrew. It was the morning before the day of the wedding, and Pippa was stressed. She was still between a couple dress options- ones that were a lot cheaper than the one at that store- and was making sure that all the decorations, the band, the venue, the food, and the cake were all in order. Plus, tonight was the rehearsal dinner.

"Lin?" she called into the other room.

"Hm?" he replied, walking out into the living room.

"Did you call the band to confirm? I don't have the phone number and I'm worrying that they're gonna cancel at the last minute. And what if-" she rambled.

"Shh," Lin stopped her. "Stop stressing, love. Everything's ready to go for tomorrow. And tonight. It's gonna be amazing, okay?"

She nodded. He brought her hand to her chin and kissed her gently. They deepened the kiss as he brought his hands to her hair. They finally released, in need of air.

"Can't wait to do that at the alter tomorrow," he grinned. "And to finally be your husband."

"I can't wait," she beamed.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, Renee dropped off a gift about an hour ago. It's on the coffee table." he informed her. She walked across the room and picked up the large box. What was it? It was obviously something special, since Renee wanted to wait until now rather than at the bachelorette party. There was a note as well.

Congrats Pip. Love you so much and I hope you love it. -R

"You gonna open it?" he laughed, as her fingers tinged with the ribbon. She pulled on it and pulled off the lid slowly, to reveal white fabric. Her eyes widened.

"She didn't..." Pippa gasped. "No."

Lin grinned as she pulled it out of the box.

"The dress?! But it was so expensive..." she trailed, still in shock. "How did she..."

"I may have chipped in a bit." Lin chimed.

She looked up from the dress to him.

"You didn't have to," she frowned, feeling guilty they'd spent so much money on something she'd wear once.

"I know. but I wanted to. This dress perfect and one of a kind, and so are you, and I couldn't let you walk down that aisle without it. You deserve it." he insisted.

"Wow I... I don't know what to say! I love you so much." she thanked, hugging him. "Thank you."

"Of course." he twinkled.

A few hours later, Pippa and Lin began to get ready for the rehearsal dinner. They'd gotten dressed up formally, Pippa in a gorgeous blue cocktail dress and lin in a dark suit, and had arrived at the venue, making sure everything was settled before the guests began to arrive.

"You excited?" Lin asked, approaching Pippa, who sat at a table, making sure the knives were lined up with the forks. She was a hostess and a perfectionist and didn't want anyone to be disappointed. Lin placed his hand over hers, signalling her to stop.

"Mhm," she smiled up at him. He grabbed her hand gently and pulled her up from her chair.

"If I hadn't mentioned it already," he grinned. "You look incredible."

He had mentioned it. Many, many times. But Pippa didn't mind of course. He was a sweetheart.

"Thanks." she blushed.

"How did someone so beautiful as you fall for a guy like me?" he chuckled, holding both of her hands in his.

"Oh, stop. Don't you mean the other way around? What did I do to deserve you?" she gushed, looking into his eyes. Their faces moved towards one another slowly, their lips about to collide when-

"Save it for tomorrow, lovebirds." they heard a voice say. They turned their heads to see Renee enter, looking stunning.

"Renee!" Pippa smiled, running up to hug her friend. "The dress I- I can't thank you enough. I can't believe you guys did that for me."

"Of course," Renee laughed. "I can't wait to see you wear it tomorrow. If my eyes aren't blurry from the tears, that is."

They all laughed.

"Am I the first one here?" Renee asked, peering around at the empty dining hall.

"Yup. You can help me straighten this silverware." Pippa stated.

"Pippa's stressed," Lin whispered loudly as if Pippa couldn't still hear him. "Even though I told her that nobody cares whether the silverware is lined up exactly perfect."

Just then they heard more people enter. They whipped their heads to the doorway. Pippa's parents and brother entered. Her face lit up excitedly as she ran across the room to embrace them.

"Pippa!" They smiled as they all wrapped in a big family hug. Pippa noticed a tear falling down her Mom's cheek.

"Mom," she laughed. "Don't tell me you're crying already."

Her mother sniffed. "I can't help it. But don't worry! I came prepared." She pulled a tissue out of her purse and dried her eyes.

"Hello Lin," her Dad said firmly, approaching her fiancé who stood nervously on the other side of the room. Lin had to admit, he was still extremely intimidated by him.

"Hi," Lin smiled, shaking his hand.

"Pippa, we got you something for tomorrow," her Mom said. Her brother Michael handed her a bag.

She peered inside and pulled out a gorgeous lace veil.

"It was mine when I married your Dad," she explained. "And before that, it was your Grandma's!"

Pippa's hand ran over the beautifully stiched fabric, admiring it's intricate detail.

"Wow..." she said in awe. "Thank you so much. It's stunning!" She hugged her parents again.

"It'll look beautiful on you." Her mom smiled.

Oak, Anthony, Chris, Leslie, and the rest of the cast arrived soon, and the rest of the guests shortly after. Lin's parents weren't going to be able to be there until tomorrow.

After everyone had gotten there, everyone was seating and eating. Their friends rolled their eyes as Pippa and Lin fed food to each other, giggling uncontrollably.

"They're too cute." Leslie whispered to Ant. "Literally. Too cute."

Suddenly, Renee clinked her glass and stood up on her chair. Everyone silenced and turned to look at her.

"A toast to my best friend," she started. "And my sister. I'm so incredibly proud of you Pippa."

Pippa started to tear up.

"It's so amazing to see two of the most important people in my life find that special of a connection with each other. I mean seriously. You two are soulmates."

Pippa and Lin looked at each other and smiled, blushing. Lin placed his hand over hers, kissing her cheek.

"I know you two will have an incredible life together.  To Phillipa and Lin!" she raised her glass. Everyone cheered and clinked their glasses.

"Cheers," Lin said to Pip as they clinked their glasses, taking sips of their champagne. Lin leaned in and kissed her, as he'd been doing a lot that day.

"I'm gonna run to the restroom real quick," she chirped, grabbing her purse, getting up from her chair and leaving the room.

As she walked down the hallway to the bathroom, her heels click-clacking against the stone floor, she heard her phone buzz. She stopped to pull it out of her purse. It was a message from an anonymous number. She almost dropped her phone right then and there, wanting to burst into tears. She couldn't believe her eyes.

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