Cake Crisis

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It was a week later. Pippa sat at the kitchen countertop on her laptop, in full wedding planning mode, picking out which chairs they should choose for the ceremony. She took a swig of her coffee, stressing out. Who knew weddings were so complicated? It was coming up and she still had so much she needed to do.

Suddenly the front door opened.

"Honey, I'm home!" Lin called jokingly. She looked up to see him holding a large stack of boxes, rushing over to help him as he struggled through the door. 

"What's all this?" she laughed, helping him place them down on the counter. She opened a box and saw a ton of different cake slices. He opened the other two.

"I figured it's time we pick a cake flavor." he explained.

"So you bought the whole store?" she giggled.

"Hey, what's the harm?"

"How much did all this cost?" she continued.

"A lot less than that wedding dress. Now grab some forks." he instructed. 

She opened a drawer and pulled out two forks, handing one to him. 

"What's first?" she asked, surveying all the options.

"How about that one?" he asked, pointing to one in the corner of the box. They both picked up a bite and swallowed.

"Meh," they said at the same time and cracked up. 

"Next," Pippa said, pointing to a different one. They tasted it. It was chocolatey, and was that... strawberry? "Not bad!"she smiled.

"Nasty." Lin grumbled.

"What?!" She exclaimed loudly. "How?"

"I hate strawberries."

"Ugh, fine. You pick one." she sighed.

He pointed to one that looked like it might be...lemon? She took a bite. It was definitely not lemon.

"Ew, is that banana?" she cringed. She liked them by themselves, but banana flavored cake? No way. "Disgusting."

"What? How?!" he said in a nasal voice, mocking her. 

"That's not what I sound like!" she laughed, play hitting him. 

"That's not what I should like!" he imitated again. 

"Shut up." she pouted, pretending to be sad. 

"You're adorable," he smirked, swiping a little frosting on her nose with her finger.

"Hey!" she laughed, pretending to be annoyed. She took a big fingerful of frosting and wiped it on his nose. "Take that."

Lin dug his hand into a piece of cake and threw it at her. It hit her forehead. She gasped as he chuckled.

"Oh you wanna play that way?" she giggled. "Fine." She picked up two different pieces of cake in her hands and chucked them at him. He tried to dodge them but couldn't in time, and was soon covered with frosting. 

Soon they were full-on throwing cake at each other, and it was all over the kitchen floor. They were covered in frosting. 

"This is gonna be hell to clean up," Pippa giggled. 

"Oh well." he laughed. He kissed her cheek. "Yum," he smiled. "What flavor's that?"

"On my cheek?" she laughed. "How the fuck would we figure that out?"

"I have a list of the flavors."

"Well, what does it taste like?" she asked.

"Caramel," he stated. 

She looked at the list. 

"There's five different caramel cakes." she laughed.

"Oh well, it's hopeless." he chuckled.  "But it was worth it."

"To throw a cake in my face?" she scoffed.

"Yup." he smirked.

"I hate you." she rolled her eyes.

He tucked her cake-covered hair behind her ear. "You love me."

"I love you."

"I love you too." he grinned.

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