Dinner 4 2

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Lin and Pippa sat in the car driving back to their apartment. It'd begun to rain, the pitter-patter sound of the droplets on the windshield blending with light melody of the jazz station Lin had turned on. They sat still in the city traffic, hearing angry honks as angry New Yorkers scurried across the street with their umbrellas. 

"I still can't believe she expected us to just casually buy that dress." Lin chuckled.

"I can't believe you were gonna buy it!" Pippa exclaimed. Lin laughed as the rain started to pour down harder. "Especially for a dress I'd wear once."

"Well you have to admit- you did look insanely gorgeous in that dress." he bubbled.

Pippa beamed.

The light turned green and suddenly, the old man behind Lin began to honk at him.

"I'm gonna be late! Hurry the fuck up!" the man screeched. Lin rolled down the window and stuck out his middle finger as he stepped on the gas. Pippa giggled.

"Hey, what do you say we make dinner tonight? We haven't done that in forever." Lin suggested.

"Ooh, what did you have in mind?" Pippa questioned.

"I don't know, maybe a little Italian dinner for two?" he smiled, turning and giving her a wink. 

"Sounds romantic," she smiled. Lin was right- the last few weeks they'd only really been getting takeout. This would be fun.

"Hey Lin..." Pippa smirked.

"What?" he replied, a bit scared.

"Can we listen to show tunes?" she pleaded.

"Depends what show."

"Alright... Into the Woods." she offered. Lin knew she had the whole thing memorized.

"Fine," he gave in. This was going to be a long car ride.




After about an hour of Pippa reciting every word of the first half of into the woods, they finally arrived at their apartment. 

"Thank god that's over," Lin chuckled as they climbed out of the car. Lin opened his umbrella. Pippa ran over and huddled beside him, sheltering from the rain as he locked the car. Lin laughed and pulled her close. 

"Hey, admit you enjoy my singing." she teased.

"Of course." he laughed. "I'm surprised you didn't run out of energy giving different voices to all the characters."

"Shut up!" she giggled, elbowing him. They headed inside their building. Lin closed the umbrella and shut the door to keep the cold breeze out of their heated apartment. 

"All right, let's get cooking!" Lin said, clapping his hands excitedly and opening the fridge. He pulled out all the ingredients and placed them on the counter.

"You sure you know what you're doing?" Pippa questioned, leaning against the countertop. "Last time we cooked, the steak was rubbery and burnt and we threw up after."

"That was... a minor oven malfunction. It's okay, I've got it this time. It's gonna be delicious!" he declared, doing a  "chef's kiss" motion with his hand. 

"Let's see, first we need... tomatoes." He gestured to the pile of tomatoes on the counter. 

Pippa picked one up and tossed it. "Think fast!" she yelled.

She missed, and it hit the floor, juice leaking out.

"Nice catch." she grinned. 

"Nice throw," he taunted, sliding over to her and grabbing another tomato off the counter and beginning to slice it. Pippa grabbed another and a knife and started to slice as well. Lin peered over at her.

"No, no! You're cutting it too big. It needs to be thinner. Here," he laughed, standing behind her and placing his hands over hers, guiding them as they sliced. "There you go." he whispered, leaning around and kissing her cheek.

They continued to make the pasta sauce, and Pippa began making a salad. 

"Here, come taste this." Lin said, beckoning her to come over. He lifted the spoon and she took a sip.

"Not bad, Chef Miranda!" she said, swallowing. "I'm very proud."

"Thank you, thank you." Lin took a bow. 

"I gotta admit, I'm impressed with your skills." 

"Really?" he grinned, bringing his hands to her waist and pulling her close to him.

"Mhm." she whispered, looking into his eyes. Soon, as if a force were pulling them together, their lips touched. His hands moved through her hair and hers to his chest, and they deepened the kiss. His tongue began teasing her lips, before finally making it's way inside. Suddenly, they heard the beep of a timer. They broke apart and Lin sighed sadly. 

"Don't worry." Pippa smirked. "We'll have time for all that later." 

Lin lit up like a kid in a candy store as she turned around to drain the pasta. 

Soon enough, the food was ready. They served the pasta and salad onto plates and lit a few candles, taking their seats at the table. 

"Ready?" Pippa asked. They both took a bite at the same time.

"Wow, we should open a restaurant!" Lin exclaimed, and they both burst out laughing.

"We really should." Pippa agreed. "But y'know, we wouldn't want all those professional chefs to feel threatened by our skills."

"Oh, of course." Lin chuckled. He looked across the table and smiled at his fiance. She looked so beautiful. She always did. But right now especially, with her hair framing her face and her big eyes looking into his. He took her hand, weaving his fingers through hers. 

"You are so gorgeous." he said aloud. She blushed and looked down. 

"I love you so much."  she gushed.

"Love you more." he smiled.




When they'd finished eating, they cleaned up and wiped up the tomato mess on the floor. Pippa finished loading the last dish into the dishwasher and walked up behind Lin who sat on the couch. She slid her arms over his shoulders to his chest.

"Hey." she whispered, kissing his neck.

"Hi pretty." he smiled. He patted the couch next to him and she scurried next to him. He turned to face her, looking deeply into her lust-filled eyes. He tucked the hair in front of her face behind her ear and lifted her chin with his thumb. Their lips made contact and they quickly resumed what they'd began earlier. Tongues and hands starting to roam and things were getting heated. 

"Wanna take this to the other room?" Lin offered between urgent kisses. Pippa nodded, still not releasing. He picked her up bridal style and ran over to the bedroom as she giggled. He dropped her on the bed and climbed on. Their hands began exploring each other's bodies. "You're so beautiful." Lin sighed between kisses. He trailed kisses down Pippa's neck. He slowly unclasped her bra and she unbuttoned her shirt and soon all their clothes were on the floor. And the rest was history ;)

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