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Lin awoke the next morning, groggily rubbing his eyes open and letting out a yawn. He flipped over to Pippa's side of the bed, but it was just as empty and cold as it had been the night before. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up wearily, sliding into his slippers and robe to keep him warm from the cold morning air that filled their apartment. He peeked into the bathroom, but it was empty. He walked out to the living room and glanced around.

 Pippa was sitting on the couch, wide awake, contemplating everything. When he saw her, his eyes widened.

"There you are! Pip, did you sleep last night?" he asked, concerned. She turned her head to look at Lin. She had bags under her eyes and looked weak and lifeless. She paused then shook her head. "You should nap for a couple hours- we don't have a show until tonight."

"Can't- I'm going over to Renee's in an hour or so." she remembered, letting out a yawn.

"I take it you're feeling better?"

"Yeah. I feel great. Much better." she lied. She'd been in an out of the bathroom all night. And she felt like complete shit.

"I'm so glad." Lin smiled, walking over to the couch and sitting down on the cushion beside her. "I was really concerned. It broke my heart seeing you like that."

"Thanks for dealing with me last night. I was being such a burden." she sighed. 

He frowned and slipped his hand into hers. Her hand felt limp and her fingers were cold.

"Pip... you're never a burden. You're my fiancé! I'm always here for you." he assured her. The word "fiancé" still felt so weird to say. Weird in a good way.

"Are you sure? We're getting married." she reminded him.

"Yes I know. And?" 

"You probably don't want to have to deal with this mess everyday." she murmured, not looking directly at him.

"Mess?" he exaggerated. "What mess?"

"Me." she whispered, so softly you could hear a pin drop.

"Pip, what's gotten into you? You know how incredible you are." Lin tucked a strand of Pippa's loose hair behind her ear and gently turned her face towards his.

She shrugged sadly.

"Well I don't see a mess. I see a kind, strong, smart, beautiful woman who I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with." he said matter factly.  

"Thanks, love." she smiled softly, looking up at him with twinkling eyes.

"Just the truth." he beamed. "I'm so lucky to have you."

He leaned in and gave her a gentle kiss on the lips. She felt herself relax a bit as his touch. Maybe everything would be okay after all.

"I forgot to tell you," Lin remembered, releasing. "I called a wedding planner yesterday to help because of how stressed we are. He's stopping by later this afternoon before we go to the theater to talk about some stuff with us. Does that sound fine?" he asked.

"Sure." she agreed. She needed to take care of some stuff first, but it hopefully wouldn't take too long.

"Great." he smiled.

"Well, I should get ready." she said.

"I'll make some coffee. You want any?" Lin asked.

"Can I get another kiss first?" she asked smugly. She giggled as he leaned towards her again, bringing his hands to her waist and capturing her lips in hers. Her hands rested gently on his chest as they kissed. The feeling of kissing him always brought Pippa a feeling of serenity, even when so much was going on around her. A few minutes later they decided to get ready for the day.

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