Truth or Dare

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"Shot! Shot! Shot!" Sasha giggled.

"Another one?" Pippa laughed. This would be her fifth. Her head was pounding and her cheeks were flushed red. Renee who had was on her third was dancing to Beyonce, and Carleigh, on her second, was hyping her up.

"Do it Pip!" Ariana yelled from her position on the floor as she lay on her back staring at the ceiling. She'd already taken six shots in the span of an hour, and the rest of the girls had forbidden her from having any more for the time being.

"Fine," Pippa gave in. Sasha poured it to the very brim and handed it to her. She glugged it down, burning her throat with the bitter taste. The girls cheered loudly when she'd swallowed.

"Yes Pip! That's my best friend!" Renee screamed at the top of her lungs.

Suddenly, Sasha had an idea. "You guys," she exclaimed. "Let's play truth or dare."

Sasha snorted. "We're not ten. That game is stupid."

"Truth or dare Carls?" Sasha asked.

Carleigh groaned. "Uhh, dare."

"I dare you to..." she thought for a moment. "Cut your hair."

"No!" Carleigh protested.

"Why? You won't do it? I thought it was just a 'stupid game,'" Sasha smirked.

Carleigh pouted. "But I love my hair..."

"Come on," Renee begged. "DO IT!" They all begun cheering again.

"Ugh, fine, fine." she agreed. "But not too much."

"Yayyy!" Sasha squealed.

"Who's gonna do it?" Pippa asked.

"Let's see," Sasha thought. "Who's the drunkest..." She glanced around the room until her eyes landed on Ariana, still lying on the floor.

"No. No way." Carleigh snapped when she saw what Sasha had in mind.

"Don't worry," Ariana said, sitting up and holding her head when she became dizzy. "I'll do a good job. I used to cut my dolls' hair when I was little."

"Did you do it well?" Carleigh asked, very skeptical.

"Welll... to put it bluntly... no. But it's the thought that counts, right?" She found a pair of scissors and began to approach Carleigh.

"Nope. No way. Someone else do it, please." Carleigh insisted.

Sasha sighed.

"Fineeeee. Pip, you wanna do it?"

All eyes fell onto Pippa and she raised her eyebrows. "Me?"

They all nodded.

"I guess I can give it a shot."

"Yas!" Renee whooped.

"Fine, fine." Carleigh gave in. "But if you screw this up, you'll be lucky if you live 'till your wedding day." she threatened.

"Stop, you're only stressing me out more." Pippa giggled, taking the scissors from Ariana. "Turn around," she instructed Carleigh. She picked up a very small piece of hair. She brought her scissors close and hesitated for a moment.

"Do itttt!" Renee screeched. She cut, and the teeniest piece of hair fell.

"That's all?" Sasha frowned.

Carleigh turned and glared at Sasha.

"What, you want me to be bald or something?" she grunted. "It's my turn. Pip."


"Truth or dare?"

"Truth," she stated confidently. She always resorted to the safer option.

"Boringgg," Carleigh droned. "Truth is for losers."

"Uh, the game is called truth or dare? C'mon, just gimme a question." Pippa frowned.

"Fine. Hm..." She thought for a minute, everyone waiting nervously until finally, she smirked. "I know. How many times have you and Lin fucked? And how was it?"

"Wow, way to be direct," Ariana chuckled.

"Well, Pip?" Carleigh waited.

"C'mon, Carleigh. Don't do that to our innocent Pips." Renee whispered loudly.

"You guys really think I'm that much of a baby where I can't answer a question like that? I don't think I'm quite as 'innocent' as you guys think I am." Pippa defended herself.

"Oh really?" Carleigh raised an eyebrow. "So you'll do a 'not so innocent' dare?"

The truth was, Pippa knew she was pretty innocent. But she hated being perceived that way.

"Sure, why not?" she agreed.

"Alright." Carleigh smiled evilly. "I dare you to send a naughty pic to Lin. Right now."

"Wh- what?" Pippa hesitated. She'd never really done that before. Especially without context.

"Carleigh..." Sasha started. "Don't make her-"

"I'll do it." Pippa nodded. They all looked over in surprise.

"All right," Carleigh said. "Go Pip!"

Pippa went into the bathroom, removed her dress, and took a photo. When she'd redressed she loaded the photo, hesitating to press send.

"Did you do it yet?" she heard Ariana call from the other room. She shut her eyes and pressed send, instantly regretting it.

She opened the bathroom door and nodded.


"Wow Pip, I can't believe you actually did that- I wasn't really serious about it but okay, I see you." Carleigh laughed.

Pippa rolled her eyes. "Okay yeah, yeah. Enough of that. My turn."




"Lin, I bet you can't chug this beer." Daveed grinned. Lin laughed. He was completely wasted. But to be fair, Lin was far from sober.

"Dude, I've already had two."

"Ugh, fine. Be boring I guess." Daveed humphed. Anthony walked over to the two of them.

"Daveed, dude, stop harassing Lin." he teased.

 Suddenly Lin heard his phone ding. It was a text from Pippa. An image. He opened it and his eyes widened.

"Shiiit," he trailed. Daveed ran behind him and looked over his shoulder. Lin shut his phone off quickly.

"Yo, stop it." he frowned.

"Damn she is fineee." Daveed smiled to himself. "I'd hit that."

"Hey, watch it, man," Lin lectured angrily. "That's my fiancé."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Daveed muttered. He walked over to one of the beds and lied down.

"Damn." Ant whispered. "Someone had too much whiskey."

"You've got that right," Lin replied.

"Why'd Pip send you that?" he asked.

"I don't know, but I'm not complaining," Lin smirked.

"Hey people!" A very drunk Thayne announced, standing on the bed. "It's getting stuffy in here! There's a bar down the block! Who's in?" 

The guys all cheered. Well, except for Daveed that is, who laid peacefully sleeping on the hotel bed as they all left.

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