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The next morning, Pippa awoke on Carleigh's couch. She took a deep breath as she sat up, rubbing her eyes open. It was her wedding day. Of course, she was still pissed at the man she was getting married to, but still. She'd been preparing for so long, and the time had finally come. It was eleven A.M and Carleigh was still asleep, but she wanted to get to the venue to start getting ready as soon as she could. She packed up her things and shot Carleigh a quick text to let her know she'd left. As she did, she looked through her other texts. She had a couple from Lin which she ignored, not wanting to read anything he had to say to her. And one from Anthony that had been sent late last night.

Ant: Hey Pip, I noticed you seemed really upset at the end of tonight. Is everything okay with you and Lin?

She contemplated telling him. What was the harm? He probably knew, anyways. 

Pippa: Weren't you with him that night? 

Ant: What do you mean?

Pippa: The night he cheated on me?

Ant: He did what?!

Oops. Maybe he didn't know after all.

Pippa: Yeah. At the bachelor party. At the club? I thought you were with him.

Ant: Oh, I must've been in the bathroom or something.

Pippa: oh

Ant: I'm sry Pip. So are you still getting married, or what?

Pippa: Yeah. We've been prepping for a long time and it'd be rude to cancel the whole thing the day of

Ant: Yeah, that makes sense. Well, I'll see you soon then!

Pippa: See u in a bit!

She placed her phone in her bag and headed out the door of Carleigh's apartment, smiling a bit. Ant was such a good friend.




Lin opened his eyes, turning to face an empty bed. He'd missed her last night. He liked to know she was safe there in his arms. But he had no idea what their future held after he'd fucked up. He'd cried himself to sleep last night, scared and alone. He'd texted her multiple times, but she hadn't read them or responded. It was useless. He'd have to wait until after the ceremony to tell her. But was it going to be too late? He didn't trust Anthony. Not one bit. Even if Pippa did. He was sure that something was going on. And that Anthony and Jazzy were responsible for their friends' disappearances. And that Ant had sent that photo of him at the club to Pippa through an anonymous number. There was no one else it could've been. And if he and Jazzy had done something to Andrew, Daveed, and Renee... was Pippa next? He tried to collect his breath as he sat up in bed. Right now he needed to focus on his wedding day. After he'd been married they could just sort this all out. Possibly consult the police. Because he had a bad feeling that if he didn't do something soon, things would be going downhill very quickly. He managed to get out of bed, brush his teeth, shower, and make some coffee. The wedding didn't start until 3:30, but he wanted to go early to make sure everything was in place.




Pippa took an uber to the venue since her car was at the apartment. The actual ceremony was outside in a spot surrounded by beautiful greenery and flowers, but there was the main building for the reception as well as suites for them to get ready in. Pippa was very punctual, so she arrived about an hour before Lin did. There was barely anyone there yet, however, the decorations and everything had already been set up. The caterers, band, and most of the guests wouldn't be arriving for a while. Jonathan Groff was officiating the wedding, so he'd be arriving with the rest of them as well. Renee was supposed to help Pippa get ready along with the rest of her bridesmaids, but they still hadn't heard back from her. Pippa had thought a lot about it that night. Whether it might be connected to Daveed's disappearance. Or Andrew's. But right now, she was too busy to think about all of that. With the situation with Lin and all the stuff to get ready, her mind was scrambled enough. She made her way inside the bridal sweet. Her dress and veil were hanging up and there was a large vanity. She wondered if she should wait for Renee. Perhaps she might turn up? She decided she would. At least for a little while. She had time.

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