A Sleepless Night

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That night, they both laid in bed, contemplating what they'd seen that morning. Pippa's head were cluttered with disturbing thoughts about what might possibly occur next. First Andrew had gone missing and now Daveed. And the worst part about it was that they didn't have any idea of what this person wanted from them. They wished they knew what they could do to make it all go away. Lin was more worried for his fiancé. After what had happened a year ago, he couldn't take any chances. She'd almost been killed. He felt a pit in his stomach as he lied awake, staring at the ceiling. The muffled sounds of the city were always a racket, but tonight they were a good distraction. Pippa tossed and turned, trying to get comfortable, but no matter how she slept she knew her mind would still be abuzz with these horrible thoughts. It didn't help that the apartment was freezing, cool gusts of air causing her to shiver. She turned to her left side, and the blanket made a muffled sound, causing Lin to look over.

"You up too?" he whispered, turning his body towards hers. 

She nodded. "I can't sleep. I just can't stop thinking about... y'know."

"Yeah." he agreed. "Me neither."

He watched as Pippa shivered.

"You cold?" he asked.


He wrapped his arms around her and brought her close, pulling the comforter further over them.

"Better?" he breathed. 

"Yeah, thanks," she smiled, resting her head on his chest. He stroked her hair gently. "I don't really think I'm gonna sleep tonight."

"Don't worry, we can be awake together." he assured her, kissing her forehead. She took a deep breath. She always felt comfort with Lin being there. Even in the worst of situations. Just when she felt she was calm her mind drifted again. Who's blood was that? Were Andrew and Daveed dead? Would she be next? Or even worse, Lin?

Lin felt her heartbeat pick up pace as she started worrying.

"Shhh. I've got you love." he whispered. "You're safe with me."

They laid there awake in silence for a couple hours. Eventually, Pippa heard Lin's breaths become even and calm, signifying that he'd finally fallen asleep. She, too, was about to drift off finally when she heard her phone ringing from her bedside table. She quickly slipped out of Lin's arms to answer it before it woke Lin up. It said "call from a blocked number." She raised an eyebrow skeptically. 

She went into the bathroom to answer it, holding it up to her ear and turning the volume down.

"Hello?" she whispered. "It's three in the morning, who is this?"

"Hi Pippa." a dark, gravelly voice replied. She knew that voice.

"S-Steve? What are- why are you..." she stammered.

"I have something I need to tell you. It's important." he lectured. This was the last thing she needed right now.

"Steve, I don't wanna talk to you." she snapped under her breath, trying her best to stay quiet.

"Pippa, you really need to know this. For your own safety,"

"What are you gonna tell me we should get back together?" She raised her voice a bit. "Because I'm happily engaged and I'm tired of you always getting involved, Steven."

"No, it's not like that, but you have to understand I-"

"BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP." She hung up the phone. Why was Steve always in her business? It was so frustrating sometimes.

"Pip?" she heard a voice say. Shit. She'd woken Lin up, just when he'd finally gotten to sleep. She opened the door to see Lin groggily standing on the other side.

"I'm so sorry love, I didn't mean to wake you up." she sighed, feeling overwhelmed.

"It's alright. Who was that on the phone?" he asked.

"Oh, uh, Steven." she grunted, cringing at even his name. 

"What'd he want?"

"I don't even know. I'm so done with him. Can't he just let us be happy?" she scoffed,getting frustrated. "Just when I'm finally in a good place, everything just gets messed up and never goes as planned and I-"

Lin wrapped her in an embrace before she could continue.

"It's okay." he said softly. "I'm proud of you. Things aren't always gonna go as planned, but you're the strongest woman I know, Pip. You can achieve anything you put your mind to, and I'm here for you."

A small smile crossed her face. She was so lucky to have Lin in her life.

"I love you so much," she murmured.

"I love you more." he smiled.

"Sorry again. You can go back to sleep now." Pippa apologized.

"I don't really think that's gonna happen. Wanna watch a movie instead?" he offered. 

She cracked a grin. "What movie?"

"Your pick." he told her.

She thought for a moment and then laughed evilly.

"How about a Disney movie?" she asked at the same exact time he said, "Please not a Disney movie."

"Fine." he gave in. "But a good one."

"How about... The Little Mermaid?" she offered.

"Alright, I'm in." he agreed. "You still cold?" he asked.

She nodded. He grabbed and tossed her one of his sweatshirts. She smiled as she threw it on over her tanktop. It was very oversized, but Lin thought she looked adorable.

They headed to the living room and Lin sat down and switched on the TV. He opened his arm for her to crawl into, and she nestled up close to him as he pressed play. 

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