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Nobody said anything. Lin was in shock, his hands shaking. What had he done? It was self-defense. Wasn't it?

Pippa just sat with her mouth hanging open.

Jazzy looked away from both of them, hiding her reaction. She didn't want them to see the tears flooding her eyes. She tried to keep them in, biting her tongue. She was supposed to be the one in power. Tears showed weakness. And she couldn't have that.

What the fuck had just happened.

"Lin!" Pippa whispered, eyeing Jazzy.

Lin finally came to his senses, realizing that Pippa was still just at the edge. He ran over quietly and frantically started to untie her, working at the tight knots with frustrated fingers until she was almost free from bondage.

 It was then that Jasmine turned around. They could now view her visibly upset face, tears running down her face, full of both vexation and devastation. They said nothing, unsure what she was planning to do next. She watched as Lin finally wriggled the last knot-free, and Pippa stood up from the chair. 

She wrapped her arms quickly around his neck, burying her face into his shoulder as she began to sob. He held her tighter than ever before, his hand running up and down her back as a tear streamed down his cheek. He never wanted to let her go again. He'd been so worried, so apprehensive. He couldn't imagine life without her. She was everything to him.

"I thought I was gonna lose you," he whispered, choking on tears. "I was so scared, I-"

"I love you." she whimpered softly, interrupting him. 

He broke away from the embrace, his arms still around her back, for he didn't want to lose the comforting feeling of their touch. He stared deeply into her watering eyes, as if finally finding something he'd been searching for forever.

"I love you more." he smiled softly. His hands slipped up to her face and he captured her lips in his, feeling more connected to her than he had in a while. And now knowing about her pregnancy... he felt he'd let her down. After all that had happened, this seemed like a new start. 

She deepened the kiss. It felt like she could finally breathe. She thought she was going to die. She thought it was all over. But somehow, when Lin arrived, she knew she was going to be okay. There was a flicker of hope that always travelled with him, telling her that everything would work out in the end. She loved him so much.

"Can you guys stop? Ew." Jazzy gawked. 

They released after another moment to glare at her. 

"Jas, give it up. We won. You can't do this anymore. It's over." Pippa snapped at her, her arm snaking around Lin's shoulder. He smiled and returned the favor.

"Oh, hon, it's far from over. You may have dealt with Anthony, but I will guarantee you that I will never let you two be together." she smirked, seeming unworried.

Lin raised an eyebrow. "What are you gonna do? Soon enough you'll be back in jail, and we can just forget this all happened. You may have tried, but you failed, okay?" 

Jazzy just cackled and pulled out her phone. She typed in a number and pressed ring, putting it on speaker so they could hear.

"911, what's your emergency?" the person on the other side of the line said.

Pippa looked at Lin, confused. Why was Jazzy, a wanted criminal, calling the police?

"I- I'm afraid there's been a murder." Jazzy said, her voice in a phony worried voice, throwing in a sniff for good measure. 

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