A Chicago Love Story (Part 26)

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I woke up the next morning at 12pm and a headache. I got up and went to the bathroom then walked downstairs. Daddy came down and said "I didn't get to talk to you last night." Me: "Daddy I'm not in the mood to argue bout my behavior." Daddy: "First of all it's not an argument, issa discussion. If I wanna talk to you that's what imma do cus you're my child. Go sit on the couch." I sighed then went and plopped on the couch. He sat in the chair across from me and said "So you already know what imma say." Me: "Mhm." Daddy: "I just wanna know why you been acting this way lately." Me: "Idk what yall mean by my behavior changing and stuff. Nobody else sees it but you and Momma." Daddy: "We think it's the people you've been hanging around." Me: "I've been in the house for 2 months straight and the only people I've been around is the ppl in this house and Von so if you think it's him jus say that cus it's really no point in sugar coating it." Daddy: "Lai look... he's a real nice boy but he lives a lifestyle that ain't safe or good for anybody, not even him." Me: "And what lifestyle would that be?" Daddy: "You know." Me: "I do not." Daddy: "The drugs, the robbin, shootings, playin round wit guns and all them gang related tattoos." Me: "Okay imma jus say sum really quick. He don't do or sell drugs, he only smokes weed and if that's such a problem you need to be talking to your nephew cus he smokes it every damn day, he don't rob nobody, them shootings can be literally anybody in Chicago, a gun is a daily necessity in this typa city but his doesn't get used, and them tattoos you just gon have to get over. They're gon be there for a long time." Daddy: "I just don't understand how you go from somebody like Nazir to Von." Me: "Nazir is a bum. I'm not wit Von cus of him bein a street dude. I love him for him, ion care bout nun of dat stuff he on. I'm gon try and better him as much as I can." Daddy: "Nazir wasn't on allat hood nigga shit tho baby." Me: "Cus he's a pussy! He cheated on me with one of my "friends" and you'd rather me be with him?? Nazir don't do nun but bring me pain and anger. I hate that lil boy with everything in me Daddy. He's not the person I wanna be wit ever again. I love you and Momma but y'alls mindsets are just something I can't stand." Daddy: "We're just trying to do what's best for you and help you out along the way Lai." Me: "Really? Cus it seems more like y'all don't want me with Von cus of the stuff you think he be involved in. If y'all really wanted what's best for me, you'd let me and him be." Daddy: "Laiya I don't want you getting hurt out there wit some stuff he's doing." Me: "He don't be doin nothin! He's over here 99% of the time and when he ain't he's either at his house asleep or at his friends house. He has parents just like I do. I'm so confused on why you think he out doin allis stuff, like where are you gathering the information? And since y'all so worried about what goes on out in the streets, I should prolly let you know how that typa shit works." Daddy: "Laiya." Me: "Once you're in there, you ain't gettin out. You either born into it or you jumped into it. In Von's case, he was born into dat shit, so if was to just try and drop allat shit and leave, his family and friends would look at him differently. The love for him would still be there but the trust wouldn't. He's been used to that typa stuff all his life Daddy. He's trying to get less involved but he can't stop completely, especially not for 2 adults who don't like him." Daddy: "Okay think about this tho. What if something were to happen to him again huh? What would you do?" Me: "Whatever happened last time he didn't have nothing to do with. And depending on the situation I don't know what I'd do. But like I just said 2 minutes ago, he's getting less involved. So if he ain't as involved, nothing will happen." Daddy: "But Laiya if-" Me: "Nope. Nothing you say is gon make me change my mind at all. I know what goes down, he knows what he's doin so we good. I'm not worried about that street shit tho, I got love for him." Daddy: "Ever since that pregnancy scare I've been worried bout you baby girl..." Me: "Momma was just sayin that last night. What's your excuse?" Daddy: "He don't got no job, y'all too young, you ain't done with school, this house don't need no babies." Me: "Hm so the same excuses Momma used. This must be a topic that's talked about A LOT between the two of you. If I was pregnant, both of us would get a job, his mom would watch the baby, Imma finish school whether I'm pregnant or not, and if youn want no babies in this house, I'll leave. Simple. Abortion is most definitely out of the question." Daddy: "We just worry for you Lai." Me: "Can we stop talking about this now? It's just dumb atp." Daddy: "You can't keep walkin away every time you don't like what we say to you." Me: "Well I don't wanna argue so... That's what imma do to avoid something gettin started. I'm jus gon be upstairs" Daddy: "Fine."

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