A Chicago Love Story (Part 9)

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Mani was shaking me to wake up. I jumped and started rubbing my eyes. Me: "What?" Mani: "Girl wake up we home." I got up and grabbed my bags from the top compartment. I looked over and there was a man staring at me. I got a little scared and ran over to Mani and Momma. After we got off the plane, that same man was still around. He seen me and walked over to me and Mani when I was getting my bags. Man: "Hi. I seen you on the flight and you're beautiful. Can I get your number?" Me: "Sir I am underage and not interested." Man: "Age ain't nothing but a number sweetheart🥰." Me: "I also have a boyfriend. Please leave." I'm guessing Mani called Durk and Von to come pick us up because they were at the airport in a few minutes. Von: "Who is you?" Man: "Who are you?" Von: "Her boyfriend. Why you tryna get wit somebody that's underage? I'm letting you know right now you betta jus gon head bout yo day cus youn want none of this." Man: "Okay. Sorry to bother you ma'am." 

Daddy said he refused to ride with Von and Durk so him and Momma took a cab home. Me and Von sat in the back but he wasn't talking to me. I'm guessing he still had an attitude but I was glad he came and scared that man off. Mani: "Ian never been to Chicago. It seems nice thru here." Durk: "Laiya where do yall live?" I gave him the address and he dropped us off. Me, Mani and Durk was the only ones to get out the car. Durk: "Von come help them with they stuff yo." Me: "Nah it's good. Preciate it tho." I grabbed my key out my pocket and unlocked the door. Mani said bye to Durk and told him she'd see him later on. Von got out the car and got in the front. They pulled off and I really wanted to cry. I know I had an attitude with him but he was just being petty at this point. I texted him and said "Come over when Mani and Durk leave please. I wanna talk to you." He texted back "Ok." I got really happy but then I was thinking "what if he not gon come.."

Momma and Daddy got home about 30 minutes after we did but then they left to go somewhere that they weren't going to say. Momma: "Don't let nobody in and keep everything locked." Me: "Okay Momma. Can I go with Mani?" Momma: "Where Mani going? "Me: "Her and Durk going to a movie." Momma: "Okay here's some money for snacks and stuff." She handed me some money and then her and Daddy left. Mani came down and I gave her the money. Me: "Here. It's for you and Durk. Von gon be over later so please don't say nothing." Mani: "You know I'm not gon tell on you cuzzo." Durk came to get her about an hour later so I was alone by myself. There was a banging on the door downstairs so I went to see who it was. I looked thru the peep hole and it was Von. Me: "Hi baby." Von: "What did you wanna talk about?" Me: "What's wrong?" Von: "Ain't nothing wrong with me. You had an attitude at ya granny's so I figured I'd leave you alone for the day."  Me: "Okay but I tried apologizing and stuff and you still didn't say nothing." Von: "And? Did you just want me to come over to argue cus if so I'm not bout to do it." Me: "No Von. I really wanted to talk to you and spend time with you." Von came in and closed the door. Von: "Why you tryna spend time now?" Me: "Cus... you're my boyfriend and I wanna be around you." Von started laughing and licked his lips. It had been so long that I seen him do it. Me: "Von I'm serious. Please." He just kept laughing. Me: "Okay. I'm coo. Ig I'll see you whenever." 

Von smacked my booty and said "Come here lil mama." I turned around and stood a few feet away from him. Von: "I said come here." He got up and put his hands around my waist. Von: "It's okay shordy." He kissed me on my forehead. Me: "I really am sorry baby.. I just get in moods sometimes." Von: "You needa start letting me know dat so I know why you walking around being shitty." Me: "I know..." Von: "I still luv you doe." he gave me a kiss on my lips. Von: "Go upstairs real quick." Me: "Why?" Von: "You remember what I said earlier? Tuh yo ass thought I was playing." "Awwe sheit.. why why why.. I can be such a dumbass.. Momma ain't raise no bitch! " Me: "Von-" Von: "Go." I walked up the stairs and he was a little bit behind me. We walked in my room and he laid me back on the bed. He started kissing my neck and saying shit in my ear. He took his shirt off and started taking my jacket off. He knew that I only wore bras under my jackets. He started to kiss down my neck then gave me more hickeys on my chest. I eventually gave in and started to lick his neck and moan a lil in his ear. I knew he LOVED it when I did that.

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