A Chicago Love Story (Part 8)

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*Hiii before I right this chapter I wanted to say that I apologize for a few of the spelling mistakes in the first few chapters🤣 I usually type these out on a computer so sometimes I might be typing too fast and then misspell something. Anyways here's part 8!!*

When I woke up I smelled red beans and rice. Today is Thanksgiving so I figured everybody would have a job in the kitchen cooking something. Since Von and them was here we'd probably have to make extra. Gramma makes sure everybody goes home with extra food too so I already knew there was most likely gon be a lot of food on the tables. I rolled over and the bed was empty. I got up confused but then I heard the shower running so I figured it was Von in there. A few minutes later Mani came out. Me: "Mani?? Where's Von?" Mani was rubbing her temples and she was limping a lil bit. I busted out laughing because I had a feeling a knew what happened. Mani: "Lai quit. I think I got a hangover. Ion know where Von at." Me: "What happened last night?🤣🤣" Mani: "Girl we got drunk and some shit happened. Imma have to tell you later on." I left the room so she could get dressed and so that I could look for Von.

Momma and Auntie seen me come down the steps and Momma frowned. Momma: "Girl go get in the shower and get ready." Me: "Huh? For what?" Auntie: "Girl you know every Thanksgiving we gotta take pictures! Go freshen up baby." Me: "I will in a minute. Have yall seen Von?" Momma: "No baby. Have you tried calling him?" Me: "No.. I will after I get out the shower." I went upstairs and got in the shower and thought about Von "Where tf could he be at? He ain't never been to Atlanta. He could be out with Nique or Uncle Lenny.." I stayed in the shower for about 45 minutes worrying. *BANG BANG* Mani: "Girl hurry up! Other folks gotta use dis bathroom too!" I jumped out and put my robe on. Me: "I'm coming damn!" I opened the door and Mani was staring at me. Mani: "Yo ass been in here forever. Taking too damn long." I rolled my eyes and went into the room and locked the door. I put on a grey braided sweater some jeans and my Uggs. I unlocked the door after I got done putting clothes on and started to do my hair.

I heard a soft knock and said "Come in!" I watched Durk come in through the mirror. Me: "Heyy! Happy Thanksgiving." Durk: "Happy Thanksgiving.. Have you seen Mani?" I smirked and turned around. Me: "Last I seen her she was limpin around in the bathroom." Durk smiled at me and said "Aye, anything coulda happened to her." Me: "Mhm boy you gave her sum dick yall ain slick." Durk: "Man nah. thanks tho. Imma go look for her." Me: "Wait, have you seen Von?" Durk: "Yea he left wit my auntie a few hours ago to go pick sum stuff up." Me: "Okay thank you." He closed my door and walked off. Momma came in my room a lil later and said "Girl if you don't hurry up with your hair! Just brush it back and tie it up." Me: "Momma, art takes time. I'll be done in about 10 minutes." I got done with my hair and walked downstairs. Me: "Where's Daddy?" Mom: "He left with Nique, Yvette and Von." Me: "That's weird... I wouldn't think he'd wanna be around Von." Gramma looked up and said "Oh no baby, I made ya daddy go. He needs to stop being so rude to that lil boy."

I walked over and gave Gramma a kiss on her cheek and told her Happy Thanksgiving. About 30 minutes later Daddy came back with a few grocery bags. I seen Von walk in with Nique and they was laughing. I stared at him because I loved seeing him smile. He seen me and his eyes got big. He walked over and gave me a hug. Von: "Aye ma. I see you staring at me like you was bout a month ago." Me: "Boy hush." Gramma: "Von baby do you got some clothes? Go wash up for me." Von: "Yes ma'am. I'll be back in a lil bit ma." He kissed me on my cheek and went upstairs. Daddy: "Lawd." Me: "What?" Daddy: "As usual, yo momma was correct." Momma: "About?" Daddy: "Them making each other happy and allat." Momma: "Mhm see. Now you gotta be respectful to him. When he comes back downstairs, I want you to apologize to him for all that bad stuff you said." Daddy: "What? Uhnt uhn. Nope" Gramma came around and stared at Daddy and said "Dennis! Apologize to that lil boy!" Daddy sighed and said "Okay Mama." 

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