A Chicago Love Story (Part 28)

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I woke up to Momma yelling. I sat up and rubbed my eyes then got up and sat at the top of the steps. Mani came out her room too and stood behind me. I heard Daddy say something after but he was in the basement so I couldn't hear him. Momma: "You know what? Don't even worry bout it." She came around the corner and seen us at the top of the steps then she said "Good. I was boutta come get y'all. When did y'all get home?" Me: "11pm." Momma was staring at me for a few seconds and said "Laiya." Me: "Hm?" Momma: "Where was you at yesterday?" Me: "Von's house." Mani: "I was there too." Momma: "What did you do over there Lai?" Me: "They had a cookout. Why?" Momma: "I know you ain't just ask me why." Me: "Is it cut of this?" I pointed at my neck and she nodded. Me: "Momma I think you know what happened." Momma: "Why you go innem folks house and do dat nasty shit?" Me: "Who said this happened at his house?" Momma sighed and put her hand over her face. Mani: "Laiya stop 🤣." Me: "What? I'm just saying." Momma: "I'm not doin this. Bad enough I gotta deal with yo daddy acting like a lil kid, ion need you doin it too." Me: "When we get back to Atlanta, you need to go to a salon and relax Momma cus allat stress is not good fa you." Mani: "Right. My momma can go witchu too." Momma: "We goin to da club 😂" Me: "Daddy can stay at Gramma's house." Mani: "What time is it?" Momma: "11am. We leavin at 2pm." There was a knock on the door and Momma said "Who da fuck knocking on my damn door?" She turned around and unlocked the door and I seen Von. I ran downstairs and gave him a hug and kiss. Von: "What happened?" Me: "I'm gon miss you so much." I pulled him inside and gave him another kiss. Daddy came up the basement steps and said "Stop wit dat shit." Momma: "Hush yo mouth and worry bout you." Daddy: "I am worried about me. You needa mind yo business." I grabbed Von's arm and pulled him upstairs. I shut my door and he said "Fuck goin on wit dem?" Me: "Ion know I just woke up and they was arguing." He sat back on my bed and I got on his chest. Von: "You bein hella clingy today 🤣." Me: "Cus I'm not gon see you for a few weeks." Von: "Yo ass betta call me as soon as you get down there." Me: "You kno I will." Von: "And if you don't, imma come down there and shoot sum shit up." Me: "At least you'd be down there with mee." I kissed his forehead and he said "You weird." Me: "All for you." Mani walked in and said "Why ain't you bring Durk witchu?" Von: "I ain't know I was supposed to..." Mani: "It woulda been nice if you did." Von: "Nobody told me to bring em 😂." Mani: "Imma call em." Von: "Whatchu wanna see em for?" Mani: "To spend time wit em before I leave?? That's my best friend." Von: "Man yall ain't foolin no damn body 🤣." Mani: "Whatchu talkin bout..." Von: "Y'all always wanna be around each other, always flirtin and shit. You still got that shirt from last night on too." Mani: "Cus I was too tired to change... I'm bout to take a shower." Von: "Why was you tired? And how dat shirt get ripped inna back like dat?" Me: "Nigga stay out they business 😭" Von: "Nah I'm jus sayin ma. They not foolin nobody." Mani: "Ion know whatchu talking bout. My shirt got ripped cus we was fighting." Von: "That's what yall callin backshots na?" I busted out laughing and Mani rolled her eyes then walked out. Me: "Momma seen my neck." Von: "Good 🤣." Me: "Uhnt uhn she finna be talking bout it forever." Von: "You ain't tell me to stop or nun." I stared at him then gave him a kiss. He put his hands on my waist and said "Whatchu tryna do today?" Me: "Ion know." Von: "I'm not tryna be inna house all day wit sticky ass lip gloss all over my face and shit." Me: "It ain't even that much lip gloss 😂" Von: "Ion care dat shit sticky." Me: "I guess we can go somewhere wit Durk and Mani." Von: "Ight bet." He pulled out his phone and called Durk. I heard Durk say "Yeoo." Von: "Aye boy wya?" Durk: "I was otw to Lai nems house. Mani asked me to come by." Von: "Ight we finna go somewhere." Durk: "Who?" Von: "All of us nigga." Durk: "They can't be out long." Von: "Nigga I know dis." Durk: "Aye facetime me right quick." Von: "Fa what?" Durk: "Imma show you sum." He cut the camera on and both of them started laughing. Me: "I wanna see." Durk: "Why you layin down like dat?" Von: "I'm in Laiya's room." Me: "Durk I wanna see." Von handed me the phone and Durk put a small bag in the camera. It looked like weed but it had a lil bit of orange and purple strands in it. Me: "Da fuck?" They started laughing again and Von said "You got dat shit from Loc?" Durk: "Yeahh 🤣." Von: "Aye how far is you?" Durk: "Mane I ain't even got inna car yet. I been waiting on Doodie dumbass to come out." Me: "Mani in the shower, it'll be ight." Durk yelled "Ayo!" then I heard somebody in the background yell something back. Doodie popped up inna background then Von said "Doodie Lo!! 🤣" Doodie snatched da phone and said "Aye who dat is? Dats dat nigga Grandson dawg 😂." Von: "Man yk what da fuck goin on." Doodie: "Fasho lil folks. Whatchu on doe mane?" Von: "Imma be wit Lai until they leave." Doodie: "What time they leave?" Me: "2pm." Doodie: "Oh shit I ain't know she was there, hey girl." Me: "Hey 🤣." Durk: "Man come on you wasting time nigga." Doodie: "He tryna go see his lil boo." Durk: "Chill it ain't even like dat. Y'all kno she my best friend." Von: "Nigga dats cap." Doodie: "Dis nigga lying 😂." Durk: "Why y'all think I'm lying?" Doodie: "Bruh da sexual tension between the 2 of y'all is wayyy past "best friends." Friends don't even be havin that typa tension." Von: "Dis nigga tryna sound all smart nd shit 🤣." Durk: "Facts." Doodie: "Uhnt uhn don't try and change da subject nigga. You and Mani ain't friends." Von: "Dey beneficial friends 😂" Durk: "Man nah." Mani walked in my room with her hair in a towel and said "Durk told me we goin somewhere.." Von: "Yo man otp" Mani: "Huh?" Durk: "Man chill." Mani: "You play too much... I told you we was just friends." Durk: "Ong." Doodie: "What I wanna kno is, why tf yall gettin so defensive bout it if yall just friends 🤣" Mani: "Cus everybody keep sayin it." Von: "Cus y'all flirt too much." Mani: "When you and Lai was friends, y'all always flirted so..." Me: "Mani that's a bad example to use😭" Mani: "How?" Me: "Cus look at us now." Von: "Exactly. Stupid 😂." She rolled her eyes and said "Where we even goin?" Von: "Ion know. Imma let Durk pick dat." Durk: "Aye man I gotta go, my phone boutta die." Von: "Ight bruh." He hung up and sat up some. Mani: "Damn Lai let him breathe 🤣." Me: "I'm not getting off until it's time to go." Von: "We bout to leave in a few minutes." Me: "No I'm talkin bout time for ME to go back to Atlanta." Von: "Hell naw yeen finna be on me like this all damn day." Me: "Ight bet." I wrapped my legs around his waist then put my arms around his neck. Mani: "Lawd Von, I'm so sorry 😂" Von: "She done already got lip gloss on my face. This shit ain't comin off." Me: "Dat shit permanent boo." I kissed his cheek and he said "Chill yo shit mad sticky." Mani: "You sure it's lip gloss? 🤣" I busted out laughing and Von said "Don't do dat. Dats nasty asf." Mani: "I mean it would be yo nut so... well hopefully it would be 😭" Me: "Don't even play wimme." Von: "Bro get up." Me: "No." There was a knock on the door and Mani said "That's prolly Durk." Momma: "Durk waiting on y'all!" Von: "See. Now ya ass gotta get up." Me: "Mm... no." I got up and got on his back. Me: "You can carry me downstairs." Mani: "You need to get dressed 😂." Me: "Oh yeah... well you go stand down there wit Durk and we gon be out inna minute." Von: "Uhnt uhn I'm leaving too." I got down and shut the door after Mani left. I grabbed his face and gave him a kiss. Von wiped his mouth and said "Take dat shit off bruh." Me: "I'm jus tryna make sure yo lips poppin bae 🤣" I took my shirt off and looked in my drawer for a tank top. Von came behind me and grabbed my waist and acted like he was hittin it. I smacked his leg and said "Move." Von: "Hurry up, I'm tryna go." I put my shirt on then I held his arm and we walked downstairs. Me: "You should gimme a piggy back ride." Von: "Hell naw." Me: "Whyy." Von: "Cus I'm not finna be carrying yo ass around all day 😂" Me: "Just for a few minutes?" Von: "No." Me: "I hate you." Von: "Mhm I betcho ass do." Mani came around the corner and said "Ight mane I'm ready." We opened the door and everybody got in Von's car. Momma yelled out the door "Y'all betta have ya asses back before 2pm!" I stuck my hand out the window and waved at her. Durk and Mani sat inna backseat talking then Von said "Aye nigga where we goin?" Durk: "Shidd nigga ion kno. Jus pick somewhere." Von: "Nigga I told you to pick." Durk: "Well ion know bruh." Von parked the car and turned around in his seat and stared at Durk. Mani: "Y'all niggas really boutta argue..." Durk: "Hell naw. He being petty 🤣." Von: "Nah cus you acting hella stupid." Me: "Ight chill cus it ain't that deep 😂." Von: "Well da fuck we finna do fa da next 2 hours?" Mani: "Hour and a half. Auntie always gotta leave early asf." Von: "See dis nigga playin wit mf time nd shit." Durk: "Ion give a damn shut up." Me: "I'm tryna go back home." Mani: "I'm not." Me: "Well take Momma's car and go out somewhere." Von turned the car back around and drove back up the street and when we pulled up he said "I should make yo ass gimme gas money." We got out the car and I walked in the house and got Momma's keys to give Mani. Daddy: "Whatchu doin?" Me: "Mani nd Durk leaving." Daddy: "And where da hell you goin?" Me: "Where ever Von take me Daddy. Imma be back before it's time to go to the airport so don't worry. Bye." I walked out before he said something else cus I knew he was just gonna argue wit me. He was acting like a lil kid today and ion know why. Mani was sitting on the porch with Durk and I tossed her the keys. Me: "Be back before 2, I'm not tryna get yelled at cus you not on time." Mani: "I will. Damn." I walked off the porch and got in Von's car. Me: "Where we goin?" Von: "Back to my crib. Everybody gone." Me: "Ight."

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