A Chicago Love Story (Part 36)

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A few weeks passed and me and Von got settled into our new job. I worked earlier in the day and he came in during the middle of my shift. I was downstairs getting ready for work then Mani came down and said "Where's the dog?" Me: "He should be up in my room." Mom: "If youn give dat damn dog a name. You done had em for 2 weeks and still ain't named him." Mani: "I call him Joe." Mom: "Dassa ugly name." Mani: "Well he an ugly dog" Me: "Leave my baby alone." Mani: "Yo baby?" Me: "Mhm dats my baby." She rolled her eyes and went in my room. Mom: "Whatchu gon name it?" Me: "Prolly Bug." Mom: "Why? 🤣" Me: "Cus he got cute lil bug eyes." Mom: "I'm done wit you Lai." Mani brought Bug back downstairs and he was on his leash. Mani: "He ain't been out today?" Me: "Ion think so." Daddy came out the basement and said "He went out at 6:00 dis morning." Me: "Who let him out?" Daddy: "Me. Dat mf was whining." Mani: "Well imma be takin him out since Lai gotta go." Me: "Bout time you stopped being scared of him." Mani: "He ain't dat mean no mo." Daddy: "Cus you be feeding him under the table." Mani: "Shh." Me: "I gotta go. I'll see y'all inna lil bit." I gave Daddy a kiss on the cheek then I picked Bug up and kissed the top of his head. I put him down and walked out. Momma drove me to the mall then I gave her a kiss on the cheek then I walked inside. When I got in the store, there was already a line in front of one register. Myra was the only one that was out and I said "Where's everybody at?" Myra: "Ion know but I need help." Me: "I gotchu... I can get some people on 3." People started walking to the other register and I checked them out. Q and Maurice walked in 30 minutes later and I said "Where was y'all at?" Maurice: "Girl there was a shooting a few blocks away and the police got da street blocked all da way down." Me: "Damn fr?" Q: "Mhm. Kim and Lena most likely gon be late." Myra: "Teresa ain't here yet either." Maurice: "Ouu fr? Girl leme do whatever da fuck I want to before she get here." Me: "Boy bye 😭" Q: "When Von gettin here?" Me: "He posed to be here in about an hour.. hopefully allat shit cleared up by the time he come." Maurice: "I like him. He a mean ole mf but he funny." Me: "He ain't mean 🤣" Myra: "To you." Me: "He is mean to me sometimes... He's real nice like 90% of the time tho." Q: "Girl we betta get to work before Teresa big ass come in here complaining." I started laughing and checked out some more people that came in. An hour later, my stomach started hurting real bad so I ran into the bathroom and stayed in a stall throwing up for about 15 minutes. Kim came in and said "Laiya? You good in here baby girl?" Me: "Uh... yeah.. I should be-" I felt more coming up and I bent down and spit in the toilet. Kim opened the stall door and said "You should go home... you obviously sick." Me: "Nah... I'm good." Kim: "Are you sure?" Me: "Yeah..." Kim: "Well Teresa ain't coming today so imma run out and getchu some stomach pills or sum ight?" Me: "Okay.. thank you" I wiped my mouth then flushed the toilet. I got some water out the water fountain then went back to the register. Von walked in and waved at me and I said "Hey." Von: "You good?" Me: "Yeah.." Q: "Girl was that you innat bathroom makin allat noise?" Me: "I'm good now." Von: "You sure?" Me: "Yes..." He kissed my cheek then walked in the back to put his stuff up. There was an old lady that walked in and she came up to me and said "I'm looking for a gift." Me: "Um... okay. A gift for who?" Lady: "My granddaughter." Me: "Do you want to get her jewelry, clothes, shoes?" Lady: "Probably some jewelry. Like a necklace." Me: "Okay. You see the man over there with the short hair and diamond earrings?" I pointed at Maurice and she nodded then I said "He can help you pick all that out then you can come back here and I'll get you checked out." Lady: "Thank you doll" I smiled and she walked over to him. I felt like I was going to throw up again so I ran in the bathroom and went back in the stall. I heard Von knocking on the door and saying "Laiya?" Myra came in and said "It's just her in here, you can come in." He came in and I had my head down over the toilet. Von: "You need to go home." Me: "Imma be good... Kim coming with some medicine in a minute." Myra: "Imma go see if she back." She walked out and Von said "Did you eat sum bad?" Me: "Ion know... I was fine til I got here." He held my hair and rubbed my back while I was throwing up, then Kim walked in and said "Here mama. Take dis." She handed me some Pepto Bismol and made me drink a capful. Me: "Dat shit is nasty." Kim: "Oh well it'll help you. Boy why you in here dis the girl's bathroom." Von: "Cus I heard her throwin up." Kim: "I'm just fuckin witchu 😂" She handed me a pack of gum and said "Take dis too. Throw up breath is the worst." Me: "Thank you." Everybody walked out and went back to work. Q came behind me and said "When you on break?" Me: "In like 5 minutes." Q: "Ight bet imma wait on you." I handed a man his bags and a receipt then I cut the register light off. I seen Von talking to a man about a pair of shoes in the corner of the store and I walked over and said "Sorry... Imma be goin on break ight?" Von nodded then kept talking to the man. I walked out with Q and he took me to the pizza place a few stores down. Q: "Why won't you just go home if you sick?" Me: "Cus I'm gon be ight." Q: "Tuh couldn't be me. I woulda been took my ass home." Me: "Mhm well I'm tryna get paid boo 🤣" We sat down and started eating and I said "Ion even eat pizza like dat but bitch I'm hungry asf. I ain't eat nun before I got to work." Q: "You dumb asf 😂" I started laughing and he said "Can I tell you sum?" Me: "Fasho, wassup?" Q: "Okay so basically... I think I'm feelin Maurice.." Me: "Awww." Q: "Don't say nun." Me: "I'm not, I promise." Q: "Ion know how to tell him.. Ion know if I should frfr." Me: "Do you think he like you back?" Q: "Ion know... We best friends and ion wanna fuck up our friendship." Me: "You just need to talk to him about it. Tell him that it's just something you gotta get off yo chest even if he don't like you back." Q: "But what if he don't wanna be friends no mo cus it's awkward?" Me: "Boy bye, y'all too close for allat 🤣" Q: "Ion know if I can do it Lai.." Me: "If you don't, dat shit gon bother you forever." Q: "Fine... Imma try after work today.. I'm off tomorrow so I won't have to look at him." Me: "Bye 😭" We finished our breaks then went back to the store. It was semi empty in there and Kim was checking out the last person. Kim: "HEYYY!" Me: "Hey 😂" Kim: "You feel any better?" Me: "Yeah just a lil bit.." Kim: "Lemme know if you need some more." Me: "Ight." Kim: "What time you get off?" Me: "In like 2 hours." Q: "Girl you spent half yo shift inna bathroom throwing up." Me: "I know 😭" Myra came over to us and said "I'm on break." Kim: "Okay." Maurice walked up to me and put his arm on my shoulder then he said "Dis damn store only busy when Teresa here." Kim: "She be summoning all the white people." Q: "Y'all stupid asf 🤣" Maurice: "Lai yo lil face is so pale. You need to go home." Me: "Imma be ight bruh." Kim put her hand on my forehead and said "You a lil hot... you might have a fever." Q: "Uhnt uhn stay tf away from me." Me: "Fuck you 😂"

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