A Chicago Love Story (Part 49)

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A few weeks had passed and me and Von still was avoiding each other. I was supposed to go see him today so that I could get Dayvon from him and that was it. I felt better about the situation and felt like I was ready to put all of it in the past but I didn't know how Von was feeling. I woke up at 11:30am to go get him and I put on some grey sweatpants and a hoodie. I put on some boots then I walked in Mani's room. Mani: "Hey bitch. Where you goin?" Me: "I need you to take me to get Dayvon." Mani: "Ight. How you been feeling?" She put a long sleeve shirt over her tank top and I said "I feel better. Ion know how Von doin tho so I'm just gon wait it out." Mani: "See, time is all y'all needed." Me: "We don't know bout him tho so I'm not gon get my hopes up. I'm just preparing myself for the worst." Mani: "Stop. Don't do dat" She put her shoes on and said "It's unhealthy." We walked downstairs and I seen Momma and Daddy in the kitchen talking. Daddy: "Hey babygirl." Me: "Hi." Mom: "How you feelin baby?" Me: "A lot better than I did a lil while ago." Mom: "Good. Where y'all goin?" Mani: "She gotta go pick up Dayvon." Mom: "Oh ight just take my car." She gave me a kiss on the cheek and handed Mani her keys. I opened the door and we walked out to the car. We got in and she drove me to the house. Mani: "You quiet." Me: "Hm?" Mani: "You quieter than usual today." Me: "Oh... I jus been thinking bout a lot of stuff. Imma be out inna minute." I got out and knocked on the door then Von opened the door. He was standing there wearing the same outfit I was and we stared at each other. Von: "Lemme go get his stuff." I stepped in and shut the door then I seen Dayvon sitting in the floor in his seat. Me: "Hi baby. I missed you" I gave him some kisses then Von came back downstairs with the diaper bag and said "All his stuff should be in there." Me: "Ight.. I preciate it." I picked the car seat up and Von said "Mani out there?" Me: "Yeah." Von: "Go put him inna car and come back. I needa talk to you." My stomach started flopping because I was starting to think the worst. Von: "It might take a minute too so just tell her to take Dayvon back to yo mama house. I'll bring you back too." Me: "Okay..." I walked back out and put Dayvon in the backseat then I said "He wants to talk so... just take him back." Mani: "You sure? Cus I can wait." Me: "Yeah. He said he gon bring me home so imma be back in a lil bit." Mani: "Tell me what happened when he brings you back." Me: "Okay." She rolled the window up then she pulled off. I walked back in the house and Von was sitting on the couch watching TV. Me: "So whatchu needa talk bout?" He cut the TV off then he said "Us." My stomach started feeling heavy and I just wanted to cry but I kept it all in the best way I could. I sat on the couch and said "Uh... that's a good idea." Von: "Look I'm sorry." I felt tears coming down my face and I tried not to look at him. Von: "Whatchu cryin for?" Me: "Nothing..." He wiped my face with his sleeve then he said "I just needa let you know a few things. I know it be lookin like ion care and shit but I'm tellin you rn I care bout everything you tell me. I'm sorry I was bein rude to you and shit ma. You know I love you doe.. You helped me thru a lot of shit and kept me outta trouble. You been on my mind a lot and I been feeling weird without you here wimme. I fuckin hate when yeen around." I put my head down and kept wiping my eyes then he said "Ion know how to express allat shit Lai. I was pissed off at myself for hurtin yo feelings da way I did. Imma start explainin shit to you better, emotions and allat shit. Imma need you to help me wit dat doe. Mani told me you good wit dat shit. Ion know how you feeling but I been wanting to let you know dat for a minute." I kept my face down then he said "You lookin cute today doe." I laughed and he said "What?" Me: "Nothing." Von: "You keep sayin nothin but I think it's sum. You good?" Me: "I am now." Von: "Good." Me: "You had me thinking you was tryna leave me." Von: "Hell naw. I told you bout allat." Me: "I know but I was just over thinkin it." We got quiet and I stared at the floor. I got up and said "Um... can you take me back?" Von: "Yeah I gotchu." He ran upstairs then he came back down a few minutes later putting stuff in his pockets. Von: "I see you tryna match me 🤣." I shook my head then we walked outside. I got in the car and he took me back to my parents house. We sat in the car in silence for a few minutes before I walked in. Von: "Just call me whenever you ready ight?" Me: "Okay..." We looked at each other then I gave him a quick kiss and got out the car. He rolled the window down and said "Aye." I turned around and he got out then he gave me a kiss and said "There you go ma." He gave me a hug then I heard Mani say "WHOO I SEE Y'ALL" I started laughing then Von put his hands on my waist. Von: "Imma let chu get inna house na." Me: "Okay.." He gave me another kiss then I walked in the house. Momma turned around and said "Who da hell was Imani yellin at?" Me: "Me and Von.." Daddy: "Oh you went to see him?" Me: "Yeah he brought me back." Mom: "So y'all good na?" Me: "Uh I guess so?" Daddy: "Dats good." Mani came downstairs with Dayvon on her hip then she said "Awww y'all was so cutee. Wit ya lil matchin fits." Me: "I ain't even know he was gon be wearing this.." Mani: "Instinct." She handed me the baby and said "At least he ain't gotta be bouncing around between houses no mo." Me: "Aye ion know if we gon good terms again.." Mani: "Girl please da way y'all was kissin? Y'all good." I started laughing then she said "So what y'all finna do?" Me: "Ion know... He told me to call him whenever I was ready but I'm nervous." Mani: "Aw." Me: "I got butterflies... I feel like we just met or sum." Mani started squealing then she said "Laiyaaaa. Aw. You need to go see him again." Me: "I want to..." Mom: "Then go. He told you to go when you was ready." Me: "I'm nervous and ion know why"  Daddy: "Well you figure out whenever you wanna call em." I took Dayvon upstairs with me and laid him on the bed. He was giggling whenever I did anything so I was just sitting there making him laugh. Me: "Whatchu so happy for tinka?" Mani came in and said "Call himmm." Me: "Not now. I wanna spend time wit my tinka butt first. I ain't seen him inna minute" Mani: "Fine. But you have to go then." Me: "Fine." She sat on the bed with me then she started playing with him too. After it started getting dark outside, Dayvon started getting cranky so I fed him and put him in his swing so he could go to sleep. I got up to take a shower then I knocked on the bathroom door. Mani: "Yes?" Me: "I'm tryna take a shower come out." She walked out and said "You betta hurry up. Me: "I will just come on." She walked out and I got in the shower.
I got out about an hour later then I went in my room. Dayvon was still layin in his swing asleep. I decided to just take him out and let him lay on the bed since I was gon be in the room with him. Q texted me like he did every day to check up on me. He told me he was genuinely concerned and didn't want me to hurt myself so he said he was gon text me every day until he felt like I was doing good. He ended up calling me and saying "You doin ight today?" Me: "Yeah.. I went to see him today" Q: "How'd it go?" Me: "We talked about it and he just told me to call him whenever." Q: "Did you?" Me: "No I been nervous... I might call him tomorrow" Q: "Ugh wack. I wanna know something todayyy." Me: "I want to see him now but I'm real nervous. Imma have to ask Mani to watch the baby... What if he's sleep?" Q: "Girl bye." Me: "I'm scared" Q: "Of what? That's basically yo husband bitch. Y'all know each other like da back of yo hand." Me: "I don't know Q... I feel like he's a lil school crush or sum" Q started laughing then he said "Aww. I ain't gon force you to go girl. Go on yo time." Me: "Imma prolly go tomorrow." Q: "You betta. Imma call you sometime tomorrow ight?" Me: "Okay byee." Q: "You bet not hurt yo self." Me: "I'm not 🤣" Q: "Good. Bye frennn." He hung up and I started laughing. I was getting a lil tired myself so I put Dayvon in his swing then I kissed his head. Me: "Look just like yo daddy. Don't matter whatchu doin." I pulled my blanket back then I got in the bed and went to sleep.

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