A Chicago Love Story (Part 7)

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I sat and cried for hours. I was so worried about him. I started getting a call from a number I didn't know in Chicago. I picked it up. Me: "Hello?" Ms. Yvette: "OH MY GOODNESS BABY THANK YOU! I was tryna call you and look for your number thru Von's phone but I couldn't find it so I asked him what it was." Me: "He's okay????" Ms. Yvette: "Yes baby. Thank the lord. Somebody came by and tried shooting our house up and Von and his cousins was out on the porch and Von got hit in the arm." Me: "Omg... Is he gonna be alright?" Ms. Yvette: "They said he did lose a lot of blood from the bullet but they're just gonna try and give him stitches and make sure that he doesn't use the arm too much until it heals." I started crying because I was so relieved. Ms. Yvette: "Babygirl I want you to save this number. Imma keep you updated on Von. Right now all they saying is he's a little unresponsive because he went into shock and collapsed. He only responded when I said something about you." Me: "Can I.. can I talk to him please?" Ms. Yvette: "Of course sweetie!"

I heard all types of beeping from the hospital machines and doctor chatter. Me: "Von?" I heard him trying to say something. Me: "Von baby it's gonna be okay just rest. I'm okay. Don't stress worrying about me. I hope you gon be okay." Von: "Lai..." I heard his Momma start happy crying Ms. Yvette: "Laiya baby keep talking to him." Me: "Von you gotta fight. I know you lost a lot of blood but you're strong baby. You need to keep fighting. I love you. Please don't give up." Ms. Yvette: "Baby we gotta go. The doctors say they're gonna try and get him to respond a little bit more and then they're gonna let him rest." Me: "Okay Ms. Yvette. Thank you so much for calling me." I hung up and ran over to Momma and Daddy. Daddy: "So? What's going on?" Me: "He was shot in the arm and lost a lot of blood. He collapsed from shock so he's unresponsive. They're gon run some tests and then give him stitches." Gramma: "Oh baby that is just terrible." Me: "He responded whenever my name was brought up..." Mani: "Awee that's so sweet. He's probably thinking about you then."

I stayed up for the whole night waiting on a call back about Von. I couldn't sleep. I felt so bad that I wasn't there with him. I got a call around 6am from Von's mom. Ms. Yvette: "Good morning baby did you sleep well?" Me: "No ma'am I couldn't go to sleep. I was too worried. How's Von?" Ms. Yvette said "Well... Von how you doing?" Von: "I'm alright. Momma who is that?" I couldn't believe it!! Ms. Yvette: "Ask." She handed him the phone and he said "Hello?" Me: "Omg! Von.. I was so worried about you." Von: "Lai?? How'd you find out?" Me: "It was on the news and Myra showed me then I got a call from your mom and I started panicking and worrying." Von laughed and said "It's gon be okay. I'm fine. They gave me the stitches last night. They gon try putting a cast on it to help it heal quick." I started crying again because I was so happy. Von: "Baby stop crying over me. Did you get any sleep?" Me: "No.. I couldn't. I was too worried." Von: "Go get some sleep. imma call you later I promise." Me: "okay bye.."

Auntie Shirley came in and said "Girl what are you doing up this early? Why are you crying baby what happened?" Me: "I'm sorry Auntie. I haven't been to sleep and these are happy tears. Von's okay! He's responding now. I just got off the phone with him." Auntie: "Oh that's wonderful baby!! You need some rest honey." Me: "I know.. Him and his momma told me the same thing. I'm just so excited now." Auntie: "Well baby I can't force you to go to sleep. You gon be tired tonight tho!!" I stayed up for the next few hours waiting on Mani to get up. She got up around 9am. She seen me and frowned. Mani: "Hey girl..." Me: "What's wrong?" Mani: "I feel so bad." Me: "Why?" Mani: "Cus you really care about Von and he's in the hospital now and you ain't there with him." Me: "Mani I got a call a few hours ago, he's fine. He can talk and everything again." Mani: "Really? That's so good Lai Lai!!" Me: "I know. I wish I could see him." Mani: "Me too. I wanna meet this lil boy." I laughed and we went downstairs for breakfast.

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