A Chicago Love Story (Part 34)

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I woke up the next day at 9:30am to get ready for work. I put on a pair of leggings and my air forces then I put my zip up jacket on. I brushed my hair and put it in a bun then I picked up my phone and house key. I didn't wanna wake Von up so I just sent him a text and let him know I left. I kissed his cheek as gentle as I could without waking him up then I walked downstairs. Momma seen me and said "Where you goin all dressed?" Me: "I gotta go to work." Mom: "Why ain't you tell me girl? You need me to take you?" Me: "Yeah. Von still sleep and ion wanna wake him up." Mom: "Ight hollon lemme get my stuff. What time you gotta be there?" Me: "10." She looked at her watch and said "You still got 30 minutes." She walked upstairs and I seen Daddy come out his den. Daddy: "Where you goin?" Me: "Work." Daddy: "What time you get off?" Me: "Imma have to ask but I think around 5pm" Daddy: "Von takin you?" Me: "No Momma is." She came back downstairs and said "Okay let's go." She kissed him on the cheek and we walked out. I got in the passenger seat and Momma said "You want something to eat before I take you there?" Me: "I ain't got time." She took me to the mall then handed me $20 when I got out. Me: "What's dis for?" Mom: "Buy you sum to eat in there." Me: "I'm good Momma." She rolled up the window when I tried to hand her the money back so I just put it in my jacket pocket and walked in. I walked into my job and seen Q standing in front of another cashier. I walked in the back and knocked on Teresa's door. Teresa: "Come in." I walked in and she said "Oh hey!" Me: "Hi.. Where do I put my stuff at?" Teresa: "We got a locker for you, hollon lemme get a key." She looked in her desk then handed me a key and said "Just get Q or somebody to show you where it's at." Me: "Okay." I turned to walk out and she said "Oh Laiya?" Me: "Yes." Teresa: "Who was that on the phone yesterday?" She started laughing and I said "That was my boyfriend... He's real nice once you get to meet him he just acts real goofy 😂" Teresa: "Yeah I'm not gon hold it against either one of y'all." I walked out and Q said "LAIYYAAA." I started laughing and he said "Hey girlll!" Me: "Hey. Teresa said I needed to come to you about a locker or sum." Q: "Oh ight come on." He led me to a room in the back with a few lockers, 2 vending machines, and a table. Q: "Don't mind this ole sorry ass break room. Hand me da key please." I gave him the key and he opened one of the lockers and said "Okay whatever stuff you got, you put in here. Dats stuff like yo phone, a big jacket and allat. Whatchu got on should be fine." Me: "Okay hollon.. I gotta text somebody." I sent Von a text that said "I know you still sleep but I'm not gon be able to text you back until around 2pm. They makin me keep my phone up. I luv you doe ❤️" I put my phone in the locker then I shut it and we walked back out. I seen Ka'Myra standing behind a register and I said "Myraaa!" She turned around and ran up to me. She threw her arms around me and said "Omggg when did you start working here?" Me: "Today 😭" Q: "Y'all know each other?" Me: "Yeah we was in school together." Myra: "What Von been up to?" Me: "Same ole shit." Myra: "I ain't seent his lil ugly self inna minute 🤣" Q: "Ight ight. I gotta train dis gurl. Y'all can have ya lil reunion later." He walked me to the 3rd register and showed me how it works. He walked me in another back room with a bunch of shelves and said "Okay this is the last thing I gotta show you. So all the clothes and shoes is back here. If somebody likes a shoe you come back here, look at the size chart then give em whatever size. Ion know if Teresa gotchu puttin up clothes but yea. Most of the sizes are on the rack but if somebody come to you asking for a bigger size just come get me. You got allat?" Me: "Yeah." Q: "Ight. Now we can go meet everybody! You know Myra but ion think you met Lena." Me: "Nah not yet." He walked me to the front of the store and I seen a girl with a small afro and hoops standing in front of a clothes rack. Q: "Hey bitch." Lena looked up and said "Oh hey." Q: "Dis da newest co-worker Laiyaa." Me: "Hi." Lena: "Hiii I think I seen you the other day but I didn't say anything to you." Me: "Oh it's all good 😭" Q: "Do you know if Kim and Maurice comin today?" Lena: "Maurice should be coming. Ion know bout Kim." Q: "What time Maurice gon be here?" Lena: "Bout 20 minutes." Q: "Bett. Oh btw, Maurice is da bestiee. You gon like him a lot." Teresa came out her office and said "Ight y'all gon have to get ready. The mall starts gettin real busy at around 11am." I went back to the register I was assigned to and waited til more people started coming in.

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