A Chicago Love Story (Part 43)

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*4 months later*

It was finally December and our baby was supposed to be due on Dec. 8th. I was getting more and more nervous each day. The doctor told me that he could come early or later than that date. I rolled out of my bed and felt him kicking my stomach. Momma only let me stay at my house for a few days after the new bed came but when we started getting closer to December, she said she wanted me home. I went to the bathroom then I went downstairs. Momma: "Hey you wanna eat?" Me: "No. Imma prolly get sick if I eat." She started staring at my stomach then she said "I can't wait for him to come out." Me: "He needa hurry up cus he hurtin my back" Momma: "I hope he come before Christmas." Me: "He should." Von called me and said "Aye is it good if I come over?" Me: "Yeah." Von: "Ight bet, I love you." Me: "I love you too." I hung up and Mani came downstairs. She gave me a hug then said "Nique said he's otw up here." Me: "Lawd... Tell him the baby ain't due til the 8th." Mani: "He already knows but he said he wanted to be up here just in case it come early. Mama and nem gon be up here inna few weeks for Christmas too" Mom: "I gotta start decorating. Mani you finna help me since Lai gon be inna hospital." Me: "Imma go get ready. Von's comin over" I went upstairs and changed into a long sleeve shirt and some jeans and my boots. I put my jacket on and tried to zip it but it wouldn't go over my stomach. Me: "Man wtf." I brushed my hair out then I pulled it back and tied it up in a bun. I heard a knock on the door then Momma said "Laiya!" Me: "I'm comin." I walked downstairs and she said "Girl zip yo jacket up! It's cold." Me: "It won't zip." She sucked her teeth and said "Von come in. Ion wantchu gettin sick standin out there." He shut the door then Momma walked over to me and tried to zip my jacket up. Mom: "Come tf on." She kept trying then I said "See." Mom: "Imma make it stay." Me: "Imma be ight. Imma be inna car" Mom: "Okay... Be careful out there wit allat snow and ice." Me: "I will. Bye" I gave her a kiss on the cheek then we went out to the car. Von: "You feel ight?" Me: "Yeah." Von: "You hungry?" Me: "Nah." Von: "Imma go swing by Loc's crib den we can go back to my mama house." Me: "Okay." We was at Loc's house in about 20 minutes then we got out. DaeDae came running out the house and Doodie was chasing him. He slipped on a patch of ice and Von busted out laughing. Doodie: "Dats what yo ass get 😂" DaeDae: "Aw fuck... Shit. GODDAMN!" I started laughing then Loc came outside and said "He fell?" Me: "Yeah." Von walked over to DaeDae and kept laughing then he tripped him and Von fell too. Loc: "Dayumm 🤣" Von: "Fuck you nigga." DaeDae: "Yo ass shouldn't have been laughin." Von threw snow in his face then he got up and ran up on the porch. Doodie: "Damn you just left yo girl" Me: "DaeDae if you trip me imma beat yo ass" DaeDae: "I'm not." He got up and helped me walk up on the porch then Loc said "I gotta get some salt to throw onnat. Dat walkway dangerous" Von: "I busted my ass mane. Dat shit hurt" DaeDae: "Nigga I broke a booty cheek or sum... dis shit hurt" Doodie: "Get yo dumbass inna house." We all walked in and Loc said "Aye aye!! Take ya shoes off. Yall finna track in water." He pointed to a towel that was in the floor and we took out shoes off. I sat on the couch and took my jacket off then I leaned my head back. Von: "You good?" Me: "My back hurt" DaeDae: "Who you tellin? I busted my ass." Loc: "Dats yo fault dumbass 😂" Me: "What even happened? 😭" Doodie: "Man dis nigga gon take my hat off my head and smack tf out my shit." Loc: "SMACK CAM" DaeDae: "He got a mark on his shit too" Doodie took his hat off and turned around then I seen a red handprint on the back of his head. Von: "If you grew some hair dat shit wouldn't happen 🤣" Doodie: "I'm fine wit havin a skillet. Bitches luv dis bald head." Loc: "Nigga you get no bitches" Doodie: "Shut up. I ain't tryna be another dread swangin nigga like y'all 3 niggas." They all looked at each other and I started laughing. Loc: "Aye bitches love dreads" Me: "Not all of em." DaeDae: "You aint got no say in it cus you got pregnant by a nigga wit dreads." Von: "Facts." Loc: "Yeah shordy you can't speak onnat." Me: "Well damn... excuse tf outta me 😭" Von: "Yeah nigga shut up." I stared at him and he started laughing. Me: "See every day you get closer and closer to getting a lamp thrown upside yo head" Doodie: "Damn nigga a lamp?" Me: "Mhm." Von: "Do it den." Me: "Nigga do it look like I got a lamp?" Loc: "I'll give you one." Von: "Aye nigga chill." DaeDae: "She wouldn't throw a lamp at him." Me: "Oh you wanna bet? 😂" Von: "Nigga shut up. She fuckin crazy" Me: "No I'm not." Von: "Cap." I rolled my eyes and he put his hand on my stomach. Loc: "Aye when he posed to be due?" Me: "The 8th." Von: "He needa hurry tf up. You hear me lil boy?" Doodie: "Dis nigga stupid 🤣" The baby started moving then he started standing up. DaeDae: "Ew nigga why it look like that?" Me: "He's standing up. I think dis is his head." I lifted my shirt and rubbed the spot where he was at. He started moving again then he kicked me real hard. I started laughing and said "I hate when he do dat shit 😭" Doodie: "Do it hurt?" Loc: "Duh nigga. You dumb." DaeDae: "How?" Loc: "Both of yall niggas is dumb asf" Me: "You can still feel stuff in yo stomach." DaeDae: "Damn I ain't know dat." Loc: "Youn need no kids"

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