A Chicago Love Story (Part 33)

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I heard my phone ringing the next morning and I didn't realize what it was right away so I jumped up then answered it. Me: "Um... Hello?" Teresa: "Is this Laiya?" Me: "Yes ma'am." Teresa: "Well I was starting to think you weren't going to pick up." Me: "Oh no I was just sleeping, I'm sorry." Teresa: "It's all good! Anyways, I called to tell you that you got the job!" Me: Wow.. really?" Teresa: "Mhm. I think you start tomorrow or the day after, I'll check again then send you a text." Me: "What time do I come in?" Teresa: "I'll text you about that too." Me: "Okay thank you so much." Teresa: "No problem. We look forward to you working here. Have a nice day!" I hung up and screamed into my pillow. I felt Von's hand around my stomach and he said "Whatchu all happy for?" I turned around and got on his chest and he said "You just gon ignore me?" Me: "I got the job." Von: "Oh fr?" He started smiling and then he gave me a kiss. Von: "When you start?" Me: "Tomorrow or the day after, she gotta lemme know." Von: "Damn.. My mama gon make me go in there and ask if somebody hiring." Me: "Aww he finna get himself a lil job 😂" Von: "Man I was getting money before" Me: "How?" Von: "Don't worry bout it." He smacked my ass and said "Get up. I gotta go to the bathroom." I got off of him and he got up and walked out. I went downstairs and seen Momma in the kitchen eating a granola bar and I put my arm on her shoulder. Mom: "Gurl whatchu bout to ask me for?" Me: "I got sum good news Mommy." I started smiling and she said "Laiya... You bet not be pregn-" Me: "Dang y'all always think I'm pregnant 😭" Mom: "What is it then?" Me: "I got the job Momma." She started squealing then she pulled me in a hug and squeezed the life outta me. Daddy came out the basement and said "Why da hell you makin allat noise Ro?" Mom: "She got it Dennis!!" Daddy: "Got what? The job?" I nodded my head and he said "Oh congratulations baby girl. I'm proud of you." Mani came downstairs hunched over and holding her back. Mom: "What's wrong witchu?" Mani: "Nun I just hurt my back a lil." I started laughing and she said "Lai I'm not doing this witchu again." Daddy: "What happened?" Mani: "I was running down some steps and uh... I slipped.." Von sat at the bottom of the steps and said "Yeah she slipped 🤣" Daddy: "Oh okay." He went back down in the basement and I said "She slipped onnat DICK" Mani: "Lai." Me and Von started laughing again and Momma said "Oh so Mani been "active" huh?" Mani: "What? No Auntie. You know I be focused on bigger things like money 🙄. I'm not like Lai." I stopped laughing and stared at her. Me: "Whatchu mean?" Mani: "Ion be out here fuckin." Mom: "Aye." Mani: "Ion be out here having sex.." Me: "Stop da fuckin cap 🤣" Mom: "Laiya." Me: "My bad Momma but it needed to be said." Mom: "Neither one of y'all need to be doin it. Ya too young." Mani: "Didn't you have Laiya when you was 19 tho?" Mom: "Exactly. I wasn't ready for a kid at the time. If y'all was to have a kid I know y'all wouldn't be ready at all." Me: "We could get ready." Mani: "Uh who is we?" Me: "Imani and Laiya." Mom: "Youn need to get ready cus you bet not be having no babies." She looked at Von and he said "What I gotta do wit dis?" Mom: "You da supplier." Mani busted out laughing and Von said "Supplier?" Mom: "Da baby supplier. It takes 2." Me: "2 nuts?" Mani: "2 people dummy 😭. You can't make a baby by yo self" Von: "Oh. Ion be supplying nut tho." Mom: "Lawd I'm done wit yall. Dats why youn need no babies right now." She pointed at us and said "Mhm. Mhm." I started laughing and she went back upstairs. Mani: "Y'all dumb asf." Me: "Nah you dumb asf wit dat lame ass lie 😂" Mani: "It wasn't a lie it was the truth." Me: "What steps you fall down?" Mani: "Da ones at Von and nems house." Von: "You had socks on?" Mani: "Yeah." Von: "Yeah you can't run down them steps in socks, you gon bust yo ass." Mani: "Nobody told me dat." Me: "Where was yo shoes at Mani 😏" She stared at me and said "In my hands Lai. I was rushing to get downstairs cus I realized what time it was." I kept laughing at her and she said "Ion even know why you laughing cus it's gon happen to you." Me: "I know how to walk down some stairs." Mani: "Dat ain't what I'm talking bout." She looked at Von with a side eye then looked back at me. Me: "Ohhhh. Oh well." Von: "What?" Me: "Nothing 🤣" Von: "Nah I wanna know." Me: "No." He got up and got in my face. Me: "Boy you ain't scarin nobody move." Von: "Tell me." Mani: "You wouldn't get it 😭" Von: "I betchu I would." Me: "You childish asf." His phone started ringing and he said "Aw shit... answer dis." Me: "Why?" Von: "Cus it's my mama and she pissed off." Me: "Wha-" Von: "Jus answer it." Me: "Fine... Hello?" Yvette: "Oh hey Lai. Is Von witchu?" Me: "Uh yeah he's still sleeping tho..." Yvette: "Wake his ass up and put him on the phone for me please." I muted us and said "She told me to put you on the phone." Von: "Damn.." He took the phone and unmuted it then he said "Yeah?" He went in the living room and sat on the couch and argued with his mom. I sat next to Mani and she said "What she mad for?" Me: "Ion know." Mani: "Did them people ever call you?" Me: "Yeah I gotta go in tomorrow or the next day." Mani: "Aww you got it?" Me: "Mhm. I like the dude Q up there, he real nice." Mani: "Oop... Side nigga?" Me: "No 😭. Ion like him like that." Mani: "Mhm. That's gon be yo side nigga." Me: "No it's not." Mani: "Yes it issss. Dats how it start off, he real nice and flirty, den boom. Side nigga." Von came back over and said "Who's side nigga?" Mani: "Uh.." Me: "She tryna say I got a side nigga." Von: "Hell naw." Me: "Exactly." Mani: "Aye dats her co-worker." Me: "I don't even know him like that 🤣" Mani: "Y'all can get to know each other 😏" I shook my head and she said "Sike you know I'm jus fuckin witchu Lai. And Von, don't take me serious." She got down and held her back all the way upstairs. Von: "If you get a side nigga I'm fuckin both of y'all up." Me: "Shut up 😂" Von: "I gotta go back home tho, you wanna come?" Me: "Yeah." I went upstairs to get dressed then I came back and he said "You got everything?" Me: "Mhm." I texted Momma and let her know I was leaving then I got in Von's car.

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