A Chicago Love Story (Part 45)

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I woke up the next day and it was quiet. Von was on his back with his head facing the window. I got up and went into Dayvon's room and he was sleeping the same way. I took a picture of both of them and sent it to Mani. It was pretty early so I wasn't expecting a text back for about an hour. I went downstairs and made myself something to eat then I sat on the counter and ate. A few minutes later I went back upstairs to check on Dayvon and he was looking around the room with an angry look on his face. Me: "Damn what happened fat man.. you just got a mean lookin face. You always look mad" I picked him up and said "Oh we needa change dat.. you a lil stinky" I changed his diaper then I took him downstairs and sat him in his car seat so I could fix his bottle. Me: "I needa get you a lil seat for the house." He started fussing a lil bit so I gave him his pacifier until I was finished. I picked him up and fed him then I went upstairs and sat on the edge of the bed with him. He only drank half the bottle then I sat him on my shoulder and patted his back. A few minutes later, I laid him on my chest and got on my phone. He was staring at my necklace and I started laughing. Von: "Whatchu laughin at? Bet not be another nigga." Me: "It's yo son." He turned around and said "Ayee lil folks nem" He took him off my chest and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Von: "How long y'all been up?" Me: "Not long" He sat up and held Dayvon above his head then I said "He just ate so don't-" He spit up a little bit down Von's neck and shirt then Von looked at me and kept blinking. Von: "Here." He handed him back and I started laughing. Von: "Shut up. Dat shit ain't funny" Me: "It is cus I told yo ass." He got up and took his shirt off then he said "Not soon enough. Imma go take a shower." Me: "Towels is inna laundry room. I gotta bring em upstairs" He walked out and shut the door. I put Dayvon back on my chest and said "Daddy don't eva listen to nobody and get mad when stuff go wrong. You bet not be as hard headed as him cus I can't deal wit 2 of ya" I started rubbing his head and back then my phone rang. I gave him 3 kisses on his head then I picked it up and said "Hello?" Mani: "Heyyy guess who's here?" Me: "Gramma?" Mani: "Yeah." Me: "I'm waiting on Von to get out the shower then we gon be over there." Mani: "Okay. Where's the baby?" Me: "He's here wit me." Mani: "Aww cut the camera on pleaseeee" I clicked the facetime button and she cut her camera on then said "Aww look at him. Hiii" I seen Gramma in the back coming closer then Mani turned around and said "Uhnt uhn. You gotta wait til you can see em in person" Gramma: "What? I wanna see him now." Me: "Why she gotta wait? 😭" Mani: "Cus issa surprise" Gramma snatched the phone and said "Laiya hurry up and get here." I pointed the camera at the ceiling and said "I'm waiting on Von 🤣" Gramma: "Tell him to hurry" Me: "He inna shower" Gramma: "Go inna bathroom and tell him. You've seen all his business before." Mani took her phone back and said "Ight Gramma dats enough..." Von walked in with his towel around his waist so I turned the camera around and said "Ouu look at dat." He turned his head and said "Quit recording me." Mani: "She onna phone luv." Von: "Man get da camera off me. I'll whoop yo ass. Yeen pregnant no mo 😂" Me: "I still got yo son on my chest." Von: "Ight. Imma catch you when he ain't there. Cut da camera off mane I gotta get dressed." I turned the camera back around and sat my phone on the bed. I covered Dayvon's eyes and Mani said "Von my gramma said you needa hurry tf up cus she wanna see the baby." Von: "Well yo gramma gon have to wait 🤣" Me: "Tell her he's worth da wait 😭" Von turned around and said "I needa find my jacket." Me: "I'll look for it. Take him cus I gotta get dressed." I handed him the baby and he sat on the bed with him. Mani: "Imma let y'all go but y'all needa hurry tf up." Me: "We will. Bye." Mani: "Bye. And byeeee fat man" She hung up and Von said "Yo gramma excited asf" Me: "She been excited ever since she found out I was pregnant." Von: "Shidd me too." I got up and got dressed then I put my shoes on and Von said "You know where my jacket at?" Me: "Look downstairs onna back of the chair or in the laundry room. I might've washed it." He went downstairs with the baby then I zipped my jacket up and followed behind him. He put Dayvon in his seat and I buckled him up. Von put his jacket on and said "Ight I'm ready." Me: "Wait. I gotta get his stuff." I ran upstairs and grabbed his lil jacket, 2 blankets, and his diaper bag. I stuffed wipes and diapers in the bag then I went back downstairs and made another bottle for whenever Dayvon got hungry again. Von: "Nigga you rushin for nothing 😂" Me: "I'm not rushing." Von: "You moving hella quick like you inna hurry" I rolled my eyes and stuffed the container of formula in the bag. Me: "Do he got his pacifier?" Von: "Yeah." Me: "Okay hollon." I took the baby out his seat and put his jacket on him then I put him back and put the blanket on him. Von: "Damn let em breathe 🤣" Me: "Shut up it's cold out there and ion want him getting sick 😭" We locked the house up then we got in the car. Von put the baby in the backseat then he said "Ight we gotchu all set up twin"

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