A Chicago Love Story (Part 17)

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I woke up the next morning and ran upstairs to the toilet. I shut the door and tried throwing up as quiet as I could. Von was right about me being sick but I thought I would be fine. I was in there throwing up for an hour. It was only 5am so I didn't expect anybody to be up. Gramma knocked on the door and then came in. Gramma: "Laiya? Oh baby... Are you pregnant again?" Me: "What? No Gramma. I was never pregnant. I'm just sick from last night..." She held my hair back and said "Mhm.. Well, that's a lesson learned Pookie." Me: "I'd do it again if I could." Gramma: "If you do, don't be around ppl you don't know that well.. I can't control you but just be safe Lai Lai." I was in the bathroom throwing up for 45 minutes. When I was finally finished, I brushed my teeth and got in the shower. It was around 6:30am when I got out so everyone was still sleeping. I texted Momma and told her to text me when she wakes up so I can go get her. I had nothing else to do. I laid back down next to Von and scrolled thru IG. I checked Daijahs story and I seen a picture of me. She said "I'm late but happy birthday to my frenn😌." I was confused asff. "How tf she get that pic of me and who da fuck told her we was cool?" I slid up and said "Um.. ??? How you get that picture of me?" She was starting to irk tf outta me again so I just ignored it and kept scrolling. I posted some pics and videos of Von and said "My heart🥺." I ended up texting Niyah and getting to know her. I didn't expect her to be up this early but at least I had somebody to talk to. She gave me Dayna's number while we was talking. Niyah was really into Nique. I was kinda scared for her cus Nique is a dog sometimes and I didn't want her getting her feelings hurt. I told her that he was going to be heading back to Atlanta after Christmas but she said she'd spend as much time as she could with him. I didn't even know how Nique felt about her... Ion know if he was saying allat because he was drunk or not.

At around 7:30am, Daijah texted back. She said "Oh I got it off your highlights. Is that okay?" Me: "Nah not really. I'm not that coo witchu and I most definitely ain't comfortable witchu screenshottin pics of me. Fan activity boo 🤡. Tighten up." I hated this hoe with a passion. She really had me fucked up. I was starting to get a headache so I went to the bathroom and got some Advil. Everything from the waist down was sore. I was limpin and hoppin to get everywhere. I made an ice pack to put on my head then plopped down next to Von. He started stretching and said "What's wrong?" Me: "Nothing baby. Just go to sleep." Von: "I been awake since you was throwing up. I told yo ass you was gon be sick😂." Me: "Shut up." Von: "I seen yo ass limpin up nd down them steps too." Me: "Okay damn." Von: "You da one who wanted 2 rounds while I was drinking and gettin high so.." Me: "Von. I get it. I was doing the same thing." Von: "Yeaa but you get nasty when you drunk😏 Drunk minds talk sober thoughts shordy. Lemme find out." Me: "Be quiet 🤣. Look at dis bs." I showed him Daijahs story. Von: "Okay?? What's the problem?" Me: "How tf she get that picture, why do she got it, and since when did she gaf bout me or my bday?" Von: "Whoop her ass again🤷🏾‍♂️" Me: "Tuh. She getting on my nerves." He put his arm around me and said "Don't let her kno dat boo. She know what she doin and she gon keep on once she sees that you mad." I looked over at him and gave him a kiss. We was getting real touchy then Nazir got up. Nazir: "Well... good morning. I see yall having fun." Me: "Good morning.." He walked upstairs and Von gave me another kiss. Von: "Shordy smell good. Lookin and smellin like a snack😏." Me: "Boy move🤣." I got up and he smacked my ass. Von: "Where you goin?" Me: "I'm boutta go get everybody some breakfast so Gramma ain't gotta be standing up there cookin." Von: "Ight. Lemme get ready." I watched him while he was putting his hoodie and shoes on. He was so fine, I couldn't take it all in. Von: "Ayo you good? 🤣 You stay lookin at me weird." Me: "Come here." I grabbed his arm nd pulled him near me. I looked up at him and he already knew what to do. He put his hand around my throat and started kissing me. My legs started getting weak. Daddy came downstairs and started clapping his hands. Daddy: "AYE UHNT UHN WHAT DA HELL YALL DOIN." I turned around and said "Daddy I'm goin to get everybody something to eat." Daddy: "It don't look like it... Hurry up." Von grabbed his keys and we left. We went to McDonald's and got everybody some bacon egg, and cheese biscuits. I walked in the house to set the food out and Daddy said "Oh I see yall ain't take 2 hours this time." Me: "Please don't start today." My phone started ringing and Von picked it up. Von: "Hello? Yeah, ight we gon be down there soon. Fasho. You welcome bye." Me: "Who was that?" Von: "Yo momma. She wants you to come get her." Me: "Ok. Imma have to take the bus so I can drive her car back." Von: "Imma jus drop you off." Daddy: "For what? She should be okay." Me: "It's fine.. You can do that if you want.." Von grabbed his keys and we got in his car. I texted Momma so she could send me to the location. When we pulled up I gave Von a kiss and handed him the money Dayna gave me last night. Von: "What's this for?" Me: "Dayna gave it to me last night for gas. I was driving yo car so take it." Von: "Ion want it." Me: "Too bad." I gave him one more kiss and got out the car. He got out with me and I turned around. Me: "Whatchu doin?" Von: "I'm finna make sure you get in there safe." Me: "You sound like my daddy🙄." Von: "Jus go."

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